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I threw out my "I spent all night in the ER and if you care about me and my health then you'll bring me a pecan waffle" fishing line via text to like 5 hopefuls early this A.M.

No one responded....

I had to go get my own damn waffle.

Fuck all these niggas. I hope all their hairlines recede and all their condoms break.
Part of Omarosa's book leaked. In the excerpt, she said Trump went on a tirade about the half Filipino husband of Kelly Anne Conway. He called dude a disloyal "Goo-goo." lol WTF? I've never even heard of that shit. White people got racist names for days man. It's like they just sat around at a chalk board coming up with random shit to call people of other races and ethnicities.
Part of Omarosa's book leaked. In the excerpt, she said Trump went on a tirade about the half Filipino husband of Kelly Anne Conway. He called dude a disloyal "Goo-goo." lol WTF? I've never even heard of that shit. White people got racist names for days man. It's like they just sat around at a chalk board coming up with random shit to call people of other races and ethnicities.

Part of Omarosa's book leaked. In the excerpt, she said Trump went on a tirade about the half Filipino husband of Kelly Anne Conway. He called dude a disloyal "Goo-goo." lol WTF? I've never even heard of that shit. White people got racist names for days man. It's like they just sat around at a chalk board coming up with random shit to call people of other races and ethnicities.

All the talent we lack in creating musical styles or dances we make up regarding racist name calling
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yeah mane....italians w/ that "mooley" shit is funny im sorry

not in the sense of somebody black actually being called that

but when I hear it I just chuckle.....fuck did ya'll come up with that?
It means egg plant. They calling us purple black

But it is funny

In Russian the same word/idea is Baklajan

So if you're ever standing near a Russian dude and hear that, just snuff them.

Sure, they might be talking about what they had for dinner, but why take the chance?
lmaooo....thats funny as hell

we've come up w/ some good shit tho

from pink toes/pink butts to "guala guala's" we got some funny descriptive words for people

"sand niggas" is forever dope
You ever seen yourself on camera doing some shit. And on camera it looks boring, but you remember that moment. And you were not bored at all, that all based on your preception of what you were doing.

So yo, if your never bored when your doing shit, and other people are always bored and have to be doing shit to be entertained.

Maybe they have boring minds and you don't. Or maybe you care about your own thoughts more than they do.
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