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Larry Nassar Victims To Receive $500 Million In Michigan State Settlement
In the event of future lawsuits, $75 million will be set aside.
Don't get me wrong, think this dude for alot of reasons is full of it


He spoke facts,..as far as marriage goes. As far as fuckin..


The inside of mostly every pussy is pink..so
you be mad late
I'm kinda proud of that.

I was watching the playoffs last night and they musta shown that Deadpool trailer 20 times..I'm sick of the movie and it's not even out yet. So I'm happy when I oblivious to some of this shit. Shows me I'm not 'that' plugged into the Matrix
I'm kinda proud of that.

I was watching the playoffs last night and they musta shown that Deadpool trailer 20 times..I'm sick of the movie and it's not even out yet. So I'm happy when I oblivious to some of this shit. Shows me I'm not 'that' plugged into the Matrix

if thats how you wanna look at it

@Fox Mulder


Don't make me ask twice for my money
When niggas reach 30-35 and ain’t been married yet, do y’all be feeling sad? Only those who wanna be settled down.


Men don't generally get the kind of pressure to get married like women do. So there's no real urgency to do it. Get the "When are you gettin married" comments here & there. But sad...naw. Never that.
Shannon Sharpe is a real one on political issues but he can be delusional sometimes on the Lebron argument. He said "Jordan never had the offensive load like Lebron. Lebron lead his team in points, assist & rebounds". Jordan is a two, nonetheless MJ was a good rebounder & underrated playmaker but it isn't his focal point to out rebound his Power Forwards & get more assist than his point forward. That's Rodman/Grant (rebound) & Pippen (playmaker) job. Everybody had a role & commit to that role. What would be the point of having Rodman/Grant & Pippen, if MJ decided dominate the ball & triple double every night
Fam I was tryna explain this to niggaz when we had that convo about DNA to your kids

Experiment shows some memories are encoded in molecules that form part of an organism’s genetic machinery, researchers say.

Science may never know what wistful memories play on the mind of the California sea hare, a foot-long hermaphrodite marine snail, as it munches on algae in the shallow tide pools of the Pacific coast.

But in a new study, researchers claim to have made headway in understanding the simplest kind of memory a mollusc might form, and, with a swift injection, managed to transfer
such a memory from one sea snail to another.

Life does what man has yet to understand how to do.
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