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I swear these cable companies piss me off badly...

I'm supposed to be cutting the cord tomorrow and now all of sudden these folks is throwing all these offers in my face to keep cable service w/them. But they weren't interested in helping me when I was paying damn near $150 every month.

Some of that stuff they offering sounds too good to be true.
I swear these cable companies piss me off badly...

I'm supposed to be cutting the cord tomorrow and now all of sudden these folks is throwing all these offers in my face to keep cable service w/them. But they weren't interested in helping me when I was paying damn near $150 every month.

Some of that stuff they offering sounds too good to be true.
Just say no and keep it moving

It only last 6 months anyway
I gotta take a long ass trip in a couple days and my hemorrhoids actin up

I gotta take a long ass trip in a couple days and my hemorrhoids actin up


Trolling or not this brings me to this...

Sometimes it don’t pay to be tha “boss”...7am this morning I got a 6’3” 300+ nigga explaining to me that he gotta “go to tha doctors at 11 cuz his hemorrhoids done swolled up and hangin’out...”

NIGGA STOP RIGHT THERE!! GTFO my face and go stand yo ass up at yo station until you go to tha doctors...FOH
My son 12...if a grown ass male teacher tells my son he’s stupid and aggressively tells him to shut up...I’m taking that as a sign you got beef wit my son and since it’s my blessing to protect my seed at all costs...you now have beef wit’ me...point blank
Shannon Sharpe is a real one on political issues but he can be delusional sometimes on the Lebron argument. He said "Jordan never had the offensive load like Lebron. Lebron lead his team in points, assist & rebounds". Jordan is a two, nonetheless MJ was a good rebounder & underrated playmaker but it isn't his focal point to out rebound his Power Forwards & get more assist than his point forward. That's Rodman/Grant (rebound) & Pippen (playmaker) job. Everybody had a role & commit to that role. What would be the point of having Rodman/Grant & Pippen, if MJ decided dominate the ball & triple double every night
Thats the point mj didnt need to bc everyone was doing their jobs

Cuz when bron was on miami with more offensive options ppl complained he deferred too much then when hes triple doubling cuz his squad plays like ass hes 'stat padding'
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