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That doesn’t mean that because they didn’t experience it it doesn’t happen. I know MANY women that have experienced negative side effects from birth control (me included) so to say it is a superstitition is crazy to say the least. A doctor will tell you those side effects are VERY real and any woman that did not experience them should consider themselves lucky. I know many women who took a year and some took years to get pregnant after using birth control. Again, I’m just saying... your wife or whomever else not experiencing those things doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. These same side effects (weight gain included) are on the inserts, the very thing on medications people hardly ever read.
I wonder if birth control affects white and black women differently. Maybe they made the pill that stymie pregnancy rates.
On my way to this course to get my gun license finally. Luckily not hungover.

When I first heard about someone getting killed by a self-driving Uber I thought all my skepticism about it had been confirmed.

Now, after watching a segment that Bloomberg technology did.......it's not as horrible as they're making it out to be.

Basically, they're saying that a pedestrian suddenly stepped directly in front of the car........and that the car should've been able to detect it.

I hate defending this shit because having self-driving cars still seems like a bad idea, but most human drivers probably wouldn't have been able to prevent an accident if someone just suddenly decided to step in front of our car.

However, in the long run......besides the person being killed..........it's a good thing that Uber decided to cancel that program because a lot of people would've been out of work if it took off the way they wanted it to.

This is the shit that I hate about Capitalism. So Uber comes along and is successful. The people at the top get rich and they provide a means for making money that a lot of people depend on. It's all good. That's where Capitalism works. The problem is it breeds greed. The people at the top are never satisfied. They always want more. How do they get more in this case? They find a way to cut out the expense. Self-driving cars come along and they jump on it because of course when they no longer have to pay drivers, that means a lot more money for them to pocket. They don't give a shit about the people who have come to depend on Uber to make a living. That's how Capitalism is. It breeds the minds that that the focus should always be making more and more money no matter how rich you are, and fuck whoever else loses out in your pursuit of riches.
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