Welcome To aBlackWeb

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Never! it was supposed to be a group of mature adults from the IC who didn't want to have to worry about being censored or holding back thoughts, exposed or gossiped about. You know, all that young minded immature ish.

It was cool... while it lasted. lol
We got that right here! You shoulda recruited instead of joined
Looking good ABW...

The following opinions are only my own and do not reflect the personal opinions of ABW and staff.

Perhaps, I am celebrating a bit too early.

With the possible mass IC exodus looming over here, it appears that I don't have to comeback and put my foot in Jay's (IC Administrator) ass for permabanning me based off a bullshit reason. For now, he lost.

That is great because I have more important things to take care of...

I was going to make that boy sweat like the first time he detoxed from his crack addiction.

Even though this online shit, that khaki-colored crackhead rascal was going to learn a lesson about disrespecting someone above his station.

With or without the exodus, this community looks active. Congrats.

This nigga been gone for months and comes right back shootin lol
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