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There were some disputing

Some were saying she should have taken the 500k in the other thread, and why is she asking for more money, when she hasn't done nothing.

There was a narrative in the other thread going on like that, and I stated in that thread, that was a shitty deal, and asked about that the fine print, what that was looking like, how it was probably fuck'd up and that the deal may have had some other shit attached to it, as we know now, such as, she can't make any other specials, use the jokes, NF would take 85% of her earnings or some shit. This the stuff I stated that the deal may have had in it.

Niggas were on some, man she aint done nothing this year and she should take the deal and this and that, now that it has come out, it's a shitty deal, cool, we all agree.

I can agree she shouldn't get that number Dave and Chris got and she should have gotten more than Amy, but again in that same thread, niggas was saying Amy sold out arenas and has 100 million followers on IG and twitter compared to Mo 68k followers, all kinds of stuff Lol, Amy got a movie out all kinds of shit, which is cool, no harm, I was just trying to state that you can't always go by that, you have to know your worth and value

Personally, I feel like she's only worth 500k in the realm of comedy, but I don't like her self-righteous, delusional ass. Amy is worth less than that, but there are more white people in this country, and they have far more control over the entertainment industry.

Monique hasn't done anything of real relevance in the comedy world for a long time. I didn't see Almost Christmas, but based on the cast, very few people would have seen that movie solely because of Monique. Her being the best aspect of it is irrelevant. She's not gonna be the draw over Gabby, who has Being Mary Jane, right now. She's not.

All those awards come from Precious. Precious is not a stand up comedy. It's not even comedy. She's a decorated actress that came up in comedy, not a decorated comedian. Those things are mutually exclusive.
I understand clear,

If I got a comedian that's doing 8k-10k a show, and she's doing a 40 city - 60 city tour and the numbers are had, I'm tapping into that market.

Plain and simple

Not if you have someone else that's doing the same amount of shows at a venue that seats 20k you're not.
practically EVERYBODY in the original monique thread was saying this except Knock Twice and Hellczar

both of them was like "why should she have to do that"

She has to do something to maintain relevancy b/c whoever offers her a significant payday will be expecting her to pull her weight or they will get fired. If I was in charge, I am not giving her that bag because I don't think I would see a return on my investment
Personally, I feel like she's only worth 500k in the realm of comedy, but I don't like her self-righteous, delusional ass. Amy is worth less than that, but there are more white people in this country, and they have far more control over the entertainment industry.

Monique hasn't done anything of real relevance in the comedy world for a long time. I didn't see Almost Christmas, but based on the cast, very few people would have seen that movie solely because of Monique. Her being the best aspect of it is irrelevant. She's not gonna be the draw over Gabby, who has Being Mary Jane, right now. She's not.

All those awards come from Precious. Precious is not a stand up comedy. It's not even comedy. She's a decorated actress that came up in comedy, not a decorated comedian. Those things are mutually exclusive.

The bold is something I feel like black people stumble on all the time. A lot of us seem to think that whoever we support strongly should be universally held in the same regard. Shit doesn't work like that. We only make up 13% of this country, so why do we always think that our favorites should be treated as everybody's favorites? Most black people probably think Amy Schumer is corny, but white people make up 65% of this country. If even a third of them would rather see Amy over MoNique, then Amy is getting more money. That's assuming that every single black person in this country would pay money to see MoNique, and that in itself isn't even true. Sometimes minorities are victims because of things the majority actually does to hurt them. And sometimes minorities just lose out as a consequence of being a minority. The latter is just how it is, it's not due to any malfeasance on the part of anyone.
Who was the main draw in the movie breh?

Who was the comedy relief in that movie if it wasn't her?

Let's dissect that movie?

There wasn’t a main draw. The draw was the ensemble cast.

The previews always highlighted everyone in the movie. I didn’t even know she was in the movie until like a week before it released.
Yea, that harvey point has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which is her asking for money she will not be able to make back.
You were talkin about how people felt that monique had the best scenes, nigga that's an opinion lol That means nothing in a debate, especially about business.

That's like chris rock after doing boomerang and saying "yo everybody felt my 30 sec part in the movie was the funniest so i deserve more money than eddie" lmaoooo it's just idiotic.

DC Young Fly was in a movie, not a stand up. His draw (numbers) which are tangible is 6m followers, monique is at 200k. That's a fact. Nothin to do with feelings inside and opinions, but a definitive fact.

He is a bigger draw than monique and he aint even the biggest draw in the movie lol

Monique should've took the 500k and stfu and she needs to stop using real issues like women's equality and racism to support her bullshit. Cuz this aitn that.

How does that not mean anything in business when one is the best in the movie? So let me ask you this, who had the best scenes in that movie?

Chris Rock wasn't on game when he did Boomerang, I think that's a bad example. If Chris Rock does a 30 sec bit in a movie (today) or 5 to 6 scenes, and that 30 sec bit or scenes from that movie is the best part of that movie that your black core audience supported. Chris hasn't done anything in 2-3 years, Chris Rock can't use that in negotiations in a deal?

You're arguing about the 6m vs 200k, I agree.

I asked you could DC Fly a comedian just like Mo sell-out a 10k-20k arena on a 40-60 city tour?

He has a bigger draw because he has more followers?

So Lil Rell has less than 200k followers, who is the biggest draw? Him or DC? and who can fill up an arena, Lil Rell or DC?

Corey Holcomb has less than 100k followers, who is the biggest draw? Corey or DC and who can fill up an arena? Cory or DC

I can go on with comedians with less followers than DC, and they would fill up an arena faster than DC. As I stated those 6 million followers means nothing,

Them numbers don't mean anything, followers doesn't equate to anything, Who is at these shows, what your ticket box numbers looking like is what matters.
well when she says they offered 500K to sit down for 2 yrs

Nigga that's with any comedian lol that's not exclusive to her. U think any record label will let u make an album and then put out the same album with a different label? OFc they dont want her out here doing specials with the same jokes....duh lol

Idk why people are making it seem like it's an unfair thing. But what she did was use terms to make it seem like some slavery shit and niggas fell for it smh