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So if Steve can sell out 10k in the Lakefront, NO and go over to a city in Mississippi and sell-out another arena, you do know that's 20k ppl that have seen you right? (Black ppl at that)

So how is it that nobody is checking for these ppl and the numbers don't add up Lol.

Steve for a night like that would get about 15k-30k for a show like that.

Do that times 40 nights (I'm doing a low number 15k x 40 shows) and that's 600k, but yet he or Mo should take a deal for 500k and not do nothing for 2 years Lol

Man this is a numbers game.

Lady got played with that slave ass deal.

No one is disputing that the deal is shit. We all know that. No one in their right mind would accept that deal. What everyone is saying is that she's delusional for thinking she deserves as much as Dave and Chris.

She deserves more than Amy's unfunny, Cabbage Patch, joke stealin' ass, but Amy shouldn't have got what she got in the first place. I understand why she got it though, from a business standpoint.
Lol you tripping bout keri hilson now. And dc young fly isn't he just an ig comedian he does standup?

lol I'm not saying they're bigger actors, even though Keri has plat hits, but i'm saying they also have draws.

And most people 24 and under are more familiar with dc young fly than monique, hence him having 6 mill followers and monique having 200k.
Gabrielle Union alone has a bigger draw than monique has ever had in her big ass life.

So has Danny Glover, Omar Epps, DC Young Fly is a bigger comedian than Monique right now.

Not to mention Keri hilson, Romny Malco, etc.


If you watched that movie, Mo had better scenes than all those ppl you named.

You not looking at it from head on, when ppl left that movie, nobody was talking about a DC Fly scene or an Omar Epps scene or hell even a Gabby scene. What made the movie move was Mo's character and her comedy.

The draw came from those names you listed, including her, but Mo's character had more impact in the movie than those names. She was the comedy relief person. The best one.
practically EVERYBODY in the original monique thread was saying this except Knock Twice and Hellczar

both of them was like "why should she have to do that"

Nigga shut up. I dont think she shouldve had to audition or accept chump change never said she cant do her own thing.
so you saying two arenas at 10k (20k) total, and he still can fill the superdome at almost 77k?

he would have to do almost 8 arenas just to equal/surpass the capacity at the superdome


OH,...do you have a netflix sub or do you use the firestick?


You don't get it breh. I can't explain it any better than what I've stated about the number game in business.

If you watched that movie, Mo had better scenes than all those ppl you named.

You not looking at it from head on, when ppl left that movie, nobody was talking about a DC Fly scene or an Omar Epps scene or hell even a Gabby scene. What made the movie move was Mo's character and her comedy.

The draw came from those names you listed, including her, but Mo's character had more impact in the movie than those names. She was the comedy relief person. The best one.

Bruh, you're debating with feelings and opinions, in debates , especially when we're talking business, it's about facts and numbers. Ur talkin about how people feel inside lol

The fact remains, she wasn't the biggest draw in that movie, she wasn't even top 3. Like i stated earlier, she has 200k followers, dc young fly alone has 6m. This is not 1998.

And the fact she's using women's equality and racism to support her bullshit stance makes this shit even more disgusting. SHe's going to hell for this shit lol
What you mean?

Again, I'll ask you the same question, could Mo draw a crowd of 8k-10k to an arena?

Yeah. So? Those aren't big numbers to someone who can sell out MSG. You're not understanding the big picture, bruh. She may have gotten an ovation from some little poetry venue, where there were still tickets available at the door when you arrive, but that's not equivalent to MSG show being sold out on Live Nation. You tryna compare a Cavs crowd to a Cleveland State one.
lol I'm not saying they're bigger actors, even though Keri has plat hits, but i'm saying they also have draws.

And most people 24 and under are more familiar with dc young fly than monique, hence him having 6 mill followers and monique having 200k.

No one is disputing that the deal is shit. We all know that. No one in their right mind would accept that deal. What everyone is saying is that she's delusional for thinking she deserves as much as Dave and Chris.

She deserves more than Amy's unfunny, Cabbage Patch, joke stealin' ass, but Amy shouldn't have got what she got in the first place. I understand why she got it though, from a business standpoint.

There were some disputing

Some were saying she should have taken the 500k in the other thread, and why is she asking for more money, when she hasn't done nothing.

There was a narrative in the other thread going on like that, and I stated in that thread, that was a shitty deal, and asked about that the fine print, what that was looking like, how it was probably fuck'd up and that the deal may have had some other shit attached to it, as we know now, such as, she can't make any other specials, use the jokes, NF would take 85% of her earnings or some shit. This the stuff I stated that the deal may have had in it.

Niggas were on some, man she aint done nothing this year and she should take the deal and this and that, now that it has come out, it's a shitty deal, cool, we all agree.

I can agree she shouldn't get that number Dave and Chris got and she should have gotten more than Amy, but again in that same thread, niggas was saying Amy sold out arenas and has 100 million followers on IG and twitter compared to Mo 68k followers, all kinds of stuff Lol, Amy got a movie out all kinds of shit, which is cool, no harm, I was just trying to state that you can't always go by that, you have to know your worth and value
Bruh, you're debating with feelings and opinions, in debates , especially when we're talking business, it's about facts and numbers. Ur talkin about how people feel inside lol

The fact remains, she wasn't the biggest draw in that movie, she wasn't even top 3. Like i stated earlier, she has 200k followers, dc young fly alone has 6m. This is not 1998.

And the fact she's using women's equality and racism to support her bullshit stance makes this shit even more disgusting. SHe's going to hell for this shit lol

Debating with feelings? what does that mean? Lol

I don't know how ppl feel inside Lol. Where did you get that notion that I know how ppl feel inside.

So DC Fly, Omar Epps, Keri Hilson and Gabby, were the ones that made that movie do it's thing Lol. Ok.

DC fly is a better comedian than Monique Lol.

Breh come on now.

Has DC Fly sold out an arena of more than 15k? By himself,

I'll wait.

Has DC Fly with his 6 million followers gone on tour and was the head-liner and sold out 20k arenas? Lol

If so, post the cities and dates. Remember he has 6 million followers
Let's keep it real Monique a bitch.

I don't trust her husband either. I'm of the belief that your spouse should not be your manager.

Monique the type when you get home from work on a hard day and you just wanna chill and drink a beer she gonna nag you to death
Yeah. So? Those aren't big numbers to someone who can sell out MSG. You're not understanding the big picture, bruh. She may have gotten an ovation from some little poetry venue, where there were still tickets available at the door when you arrive, but that's not equivalent to MSG show being sold out on Live Nation. You tryna compare a Cavs crowd to a Cleveland State one.

I understand clear,

If I got a comedian that's doing 8k-10k a show, and she's doing a 40 city - 60 city tour and the numbers are had, I'm tapping into that market.

Plain and simple
500 k and no touring for 2 years seems like a trash deal i mean lets be serious

It is a trash deal, but nobody disputes that. No one on the Breakfast Club ever said that it was a deal she should have taken. Their stance was always that it seemed to be a business thing and not a race/gender thing.

She kept talking down to CtG, but she could never dispute his points. She kept on asking him what black woman has gotten the multi-million dollar deal. They gave her names for black women that have gotten the multi-million dollar deal. So then she specifies stand-up and then makes it seem like CtG was dodging the question just to hate on her. CtG flipped it and gave the pattern for what the comedians that did get the million dollar deals have done to get it and asked which black woman has done that. She basically just ignored that questions and went off on some other rant.

The most annoying thing though is her stance seems to be that she's a black woman making a claim and any black person that doesn't agree with her claim is either ignorant or out to get her. That's bullshit. CtG explained very well his stance. Even her husband said he had a good point. Yet, MoNique was still acting like they couldn't disagree on something without CtG being some villain out to tear black women down.

I understand clear,

If I got a comedian that's doing 8k-10k a show, and she's doing a 40 city - 60 city tour and the numbers are had, I'm tapping into that market.

Plain and simple

lol NetFlix tried to tap into that market, why do you think they were at the table to begin with. The two parties just couldn't come to an agreement about the money. That's a business thing not a race/gender thing.
knock, i've asked you twice, and you've ducked my question both times

a third time will give me the answer i need

Debating with feelings? what does that mean? Lol

I don't know how ppl feel inside Lol. Where did you get that notion that I know how ppl feel inside.

So DC Fly, Omar Epps, Keri Hilson and Gabby, were the ones that made that movie do it's thing Lol. Ok.

DC fly is a better comedian than Monique Lol.

Breh come on now.

Has DC Fly sold out an arena of more than 15k? By himself,

I'll wait.

Has DC Fly with his 6 million followers gone on tour and was the head-liner and sold out 20k arenas? Lol

If so, post the cities and dates. Remember he has 6 million followers

You were talkin about how people felt that monique had the best scenes, nigga that's an opinion lol That means nothing in a debate, especially about business.

That's like chris rock after doing boomerang and saying "yo everybody felt my 30 sec part in the movie was the funniest so i deserve more money than eddie" lmaoooo it's just idiotic.

DC Young Fly was in a movie, not a stand up. His draw (numbers) which are tangible is 6m followers, monique is at 200k. That's a fact. Nothin to do with feelings inside and opinions, but a definitive fact.

He is a bigger draw than monique and he aint even the biggest draw in the movie lol

Monique should've took the 500k and stfu and she needs to stop using real issues like women's equality and racism to support her bullshit. Cuz this aitn that.