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The Angel Reese Thread

Trillfate….sounds like you wrote the book on hating yourself. So much so, you masqueraded on the webs as like, 10 people. And got lambasted for it like the empty, soulless, gutless, BIGOT you are.

And you ARE a bigot, by every definition of the word. Here, let me give you the very definition, and we’ll see how well you’ve fit it so far:

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You’re a raging, fake-Pro black pro-gullible HYPOCRITE. And a coward. Your lies and deflection have no effect here. Your very concern on my sex life is borderline stalker-Ish….and pause-worthy to the highest degree.

AND YOU STILL ARE PUSSY. LIve with it. Angel Resse ain’t gonna scissor with you, no matter how much you hang off her tits. Cut this cowardice bullshit out, and actually DO SOMETHING to benefit the black community instead of this doofy shit.

Martin, Malcolm, Medgar, and countless other didn’t die for mammals like you to take their names in vain with the lecherous activities you’ve been exposed on here for.

You can keep this topic. Until I see proof you’ve done ANYTHING substantial to benefit black people other than trying to enact a fake-ass air of misplaced superiority, take your Tariq Nasheed-boot lickin ass the fuck on….or come to Brooklyn, and knuckle the fuck up, pussy.

Your choice. This is over now. Try to find peace and go in it.
Coon babble. Didn't read

You read my post and weeped tho...........

Every word of the hook

in before niggas start drafting up the think pieces

Nobody was opposed to her going to the white house like that. It was mentioned in passing like yea she shouldn't go, but that was it

You're confusing and conflating the cowardly fake narrative mister b deflected to as the issue.

The issue was jill bidens anti black/pro white racism, not Angel's next move
Ya’ll need to quit acting like it didn’t make good business sense

17 pages of grown ass men, living vicariously through little girl.

And y’all don’t call yourselves allies
I feel sorry for your tortured negro soul that you don't have the natural pride that myself and the brother @Maywood feel for Angel Reese. It sucks you're not allowed to root for her 🫤
I feel sorry you actually give THIS much of a fuck about it. Dude, she ain't giving you a cent of that deal, so you sound more like a groupie than a fan. I got better things in this world to worry about then whether someone wants to cozy up to the Bidens.
Ya’ll need to quit acting like it didn’t make good business sense

17 pages of grown ass men, living vicariously through little girl.

And y’all don’t call yourselves allies
Ever been to the porn section, niggas live thru while other niggas🤣😂🤣😂