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The 2nd Impeachment of Donald J Trump: ACQUITTED

Even though it seems like a fool's errand to ask him to testify, they know how he operates. As soon as it was over he'd claim they didn't give him a chance to come defend himself and his supporters would eat that up.

These are all just pre-emptive moves on their part.

Nothing really matters cuz the Senate wont convict.

But for the record, them dems have to make their argument and lay out the facts. This has to be recorded for histories sake.

Plus you cant gin up a angry mob to storm the capital and NOTHING happens to you. There has to be some sorta consequence for that. Even if jus for historical purposes

4 hour constitutional hearing followed by a vote. Up to 16 hours of presentation from both sides. They'll have to vote to bring in any witness.

And i read they reluctant to implicate other repubs at this time
Republicans going against Trump will impact them negatively at the polls. They’ll remain loyal to keep the stupid voting for them. Trump is NOT getting impeached and he WILL be back in 2024. This is all chess.
I'm very interested in hearing the rebuttal to House Managers presentation

Shit seems like a slap in the face to anyone of average intelligence