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The 2nd Impeachment of Donald J Trump: ACQUITTED

boy bye. trump aint going to jail and this is a waste of time.
Even if he was found guilty he wouldn't see jail time lol

Putting a 75yo in jail does what exactly? Besides make him a martyr?

Making him an example is the better plan
Americas system when broken down is so funny.

Think bout the impeachment shit. A mfer does something wrong like trying to bribe Ukraine for personal gain, and elected officials vote on if he did anything wrong or not.

Not lawyers, judges, and juries, but congresspeople and senators.

Shit stupid as fuck

Doesn't believe Senate will convict but thinks it's the right thing to do and it needs to be done quickly to get it out the way
Don't they only need a majority vote to convict in the senate? The number of repubs dont matter cuz they dont have control anymore
Trying to find the article I read where allegedly Trump has told them that if they convict him he gonna start the Maga party and if they don't, he won't

Nigga really knows how to extort doesn't he
Who's the mod for this section?

How does this thread get stickied, but the request for the HBCU thread go ignored?

What's really the priorities here?
boy bye. trump aint going to jail and this is a waste of time. his ass will be revered in a few years the same as bush
This was never about sending Donnie Dickhead to jail. He can't go to jail off this trial. That's up to the SDNY's office. This is about getting his post-POTUS benefits (Secret Service protection, access to info, ability to run for office again) removed/revoked.

And Donnie Dumbass will NEVER be "revered." Easily Top 2 worst POTUS in the history of the US. Only POTUS even in his realm of shittiness is Andrew Jackson.

Doesn't believe Senate will convict but thinks it's the right thing to do and it needs to be done quickly to get it out the way
Thank you.

Not even giving him a trial gives him a pass on this whole thing, which sets a horrible precedent. If a POTUS can incite a near mutiny and a coup with damn near full impunity, this lets the next wannabe dictator masquerading as POTUS they can get away with damn near anything.

The Refucklicans may very well be spineless enough to let him off the hook (and that's depending on what Mitch McTurkeyNeck does), but Don GOTTA go on trial for this shit.
Who's the mod for this section?

How does this thread get stickied, but the request for the HBCU thread go ignored?

What's really the priorities here?
I'll check the temp of the HBCU thread and we'll go from there