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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I could respect the position more if they actually tried to participate in the primaries to get the candidate that they support to be the nominee.

If they don't even participate in that... meh. I don't see how you can complain about nothing changing when you aren't even participating AT ALL in the political process
I think most complaining do participate. The issue largely is the final choice of Biden, and his whole fucked up history the past 40 years.

People ask about policy, because while many of us will still hold our nose and vote Biden....young and swing voters need actual policy to motivate them to the ballot box. I've brought this up about 5 times today, but it keeps getting overlooked. Without these voters, Trump wins, period. Simply talking down anyone who points out Biden's lack of policy points, or the fact he hasn't made any promise in repsond to the huge support from our community, is a path to nowhere.

Why even have primaries if it's not about our views, but simply our vote?
So we still have reparations on our agenda? Y’all still want your 40 acres and a mule? If not that, then what does reparations look like? Ideologues are so unrealistic. Grand ideas with no plan to make them happen.

Who do you think will most likely support any part of a black agenda? Biden or Trump? Vote for that person cause nobody is going to support the entire black agenda. And like it or not, there is no 3rd option. Even if there were, if they lose, then you get nothing out of it.

So vote to get something, or don’t vote to get nothing.
You're so conditioned

Nah, the smart thing is to participate in the process AND demand more. Not voting is not demanding anything. It’s giving up and accepting whatever fate every other voter decides for you.
We voted in historic numbers and got Biden the nod, the whole point is we're not demanding anything right now. You can't seperate the primary vote from the one in November. If I give a contractor a $1,000 advance on work, and 2 weeks later he's still not done a thing....do I give him another payment of $1,000 and hope he finishes the work?
We voted in historic numbers and got Biden the nod, the whole point is we're not demanding anything right now. You cna't seperate the primary vote from the one in November. If I give a contractor a $1,000 advance on work, and 2 weeks later he's still not done a thing....do I give him another payment of $1,000 and hope he finishes the work?
Then demand something.....
Id respect that more than not voting. I wish we had more than 2 viable parties though, the real issue is only having 2 choices which isnt very democratic

and so how do we go about bringing that into fruition? because “vote blue, no matter who” is getting us where exactly?
Jews maybe have both parties.

LGBT and Latinos... Republicans aint fuckin wit them like that lol
With the latinos they do because there are millions upon millions of white latinos, just look at Ted Cruz Marco Rubio Christina Aguilera there are numerous people that look like them that vote Red
voters be politically asleep for 4 yrs and only awake when its time to vote for the next president so im not even paying much attention to everyone shouting in this thread about voting.

im more concerned with what yall plan to do locally. will u be joining any organizations? will u be planing to support and monetize activist in ur hood?

waiting for the president to bring change is counterproductive.

remember the whole point for social change is for you to push & organize for the things that the status quo says are unrealistic.

nothing changes IF nothing changes.
and so how do we go about bringing that into fruition? because “vote blue, no matter who” is getting us where exactly?

I cant speak on other ppl but vote blue no matter who only applies to trump for me. If there was a 3rd party candidate who had a reasonable chance at winning (Bernie cuz he aint really a Democrat) then i would say vote for that person

But right now Trump has to go at all costs...if you believe biden is the same as trump then thats your opinion but in my opinion Trump has to go at all cost

In 2024 as long as its not a retard running like trump i wont be saying blue no matter who
I cant speak on other ppl but vote blue no matter who only applies to trump for me. If there was a 3rd party candidate who had a reasonable chance at winning (Bernie cuz he aint really a Democrat) then i would say vote for that person

But right now Trump has to go at all costs...if you believe biden is the same as trump then thats your opinion but in my opinion Trump has to go at all cost

In 2024 as long as its not a retard running like trump i wont be saying blue no matter who
Exactly! If a good Republican candidate ran against Hillary back in 2016 I probably would have voted for them in that cycle.
voters be politically asleep for 4 yrs and only awake when its time to vote for the next president so im not even paying much attention to everyone shouting in this thread about voting.

im more concerned with what yall plan to do locally. will u be joining any organizations? will u be planing to support and monetize activist in ur hood?

waiting for the president to bring change is counterproductive.

remember the whole point for social change is for you to push & organize for the things that the status quo says are unrealistic.

nothing changes IF nothing changes.

I agree it shouldn't just be about the presidency. Folks need to vote whenever there are local elections as well.. IN CONJUNCTION with supporting local organizations and activist groups
voters be politically asleep for 4 yrs and only awake when its time to vote for the next president so im not even paying much attention to everyone shouting in this thread about voting.

im more concerned with what yall plan to do locally. will u be joining any organizations? will u be planing to support and monetize activist in ur hood?

waiting for the president to bring change is counterproductive.

remember the whole point for social change is for you to push & organize for the things that the status quo says are unrealistic.

nothing changes IF nothing changes.
I vote in every election I can and volunteer a bit here and there.

What happens though when the funding for these programs that are helping the hood dry up because the President cuts off funding? What happens when the President appoints an idiot to HUD so affordable housing for us goes away and gentrification runs rampant? What happens when the President appoints an idiot as Secretary of Education and they cut funding to public schools where most of us go and funnel funds to private, white schools?

So everything you purport to love and support IS impacted by the person in the White House. And you not voting makes you culpable when that person starts doing these things.

When that kid, who’s only hope for a good future has to change to an underperforming school with no funding because of a Trump policy, looks at you wondering why they couldn’t stay in that charter school that focused on STEM, will you have the heart to tell them their future is fucked because your ideals wouldn’t let you check a box on a screen? You think that kid will care whether you think Biden is the same as Trump? Think they will care when you quote WEB Dubois to them?

There are real life implications at play here and people would rather sit on their high horse.
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quick question to the no vote crew.... do yall at least participate in primaries or caucuses?

I'll Bite. Voted in Primary and general. Voted for Crooked Hillary ass too and still amounted to nothing. As long as we have the Electoral college, my state is going to vote against me. its shit like this thats shaking my belief in the system. Trump lost the popular vote and if memory serve correctly Bush lost the popular vote at least once. So what is the point unless you stay in a swing state, it feels like your vote don't even matter.
I vote in every election I can and volunteer a bit here and there.

What happens though when the funding for these programs that are helping the hood dry up because the President cuts off funding? What happens when the President appoints an idiot to HUD so affordable housing for us goes away and gentrification runs rampant? What happens when the President appoints an idiot as Secretary of Education and they cut funding to public schools where most of us go and funnel funds to private, white schools?

So everything you purport to love and support IS impacted by the person in the White House. And you not voting makes you culpable when that person starts doing these things.

When that kid, who’s only hope for a good future has to change to an underperforming school with no funding because of a Trump policy, looks at you wondering why they couldn’t stay in that charter school that focused on STEM, will you have the heart to tell them their future is fucked because your ideals wouldn’t let you check a box on a screen? You think that kid will care whether you think Biden is the same as Trump? Think they will care when you quote WEB Dubois to them?

There are real life implications at play here and people would rather sit on their high horse.

so you dont plan to join any organizations

thank u
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