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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Yo get on code we ain't doing this shit again. U a IC refugee?! Then u know how boss was waving that both sides are the same flag. And that shit was proven dead ass wrong.

Get on code, trump is the goddamn devil and ain't no fence riding this time. And to those who dont pay attention to anything but come drop their 2 cents in at election time with half baked conspiracy theories, dont.

Yall want dems to have a black agenda, show up to the polls en masse and be the reason trump gets thrown on his ear, flex our collective strength then in a united voice tell them to deliver on their side. I mean we in the midst of a global pandemic RIGHT NOW and dont have the testing kits needed because trump slashed funding by 80% for such services and yet yall cant see why he is a significantly bigger threat?
Nah. You got it all ass backwards. I'm not gonna vote in hopes of receiving a black agenda. They're going to have to present an agenda to me to EARN my vote

The more yall hype the trump boogey man narrative the more you solidify my position
You said a lot of words, but didn't address my points. So let me repeat....when previous votes didn't lead to progress, why would many voters now think one for Joe Biden of all people, would??? Keep in mind, I'm speaking about the people who need to turnout in November, not myself. Young voters have been lagging during these primaries,and it could get worse with Bernie gone. Swing voters are needed in purple states, but you gotta give them something to vote FOR. Which again, is why policy matters.

The fact so many Biden backers get upset when people ask what he's about, isn't a great selling point. Like we don't deserve a reason(s) and should just go along with things.

How have previous votes not led to progress? I'm not gone keep listening to people talk like black people have made zero progress in this country. What fucking progress are you niggas longing for that you're not seeing and is that progress even attainable through 4 years of one Presidency?

Our government right now is as black as it's ever been. America right now is as black as it's ever been. Black people are in positions of power right now more than ever. So since we don't have total domination that means we ain't do shit? FOH.

Show me how we haven't made any progress.
According to every report imaginable Trump would rather face Biden than Bernie....and thinks Biden would be easier to defeat than Bernie and what do we do?

You actually have this backwards my brotha. Trump does not want to face Biden. Trump literally got impeached fro trying to get Biden up outta here. He wants no parts of Joe. Trump would wash Bernie.
The conditioning is real.

This obligation these niggas have to avert disaster is ridiculous... As if it wasn't equally disastrous for US under the democratic leadership

All the black folks getting their heads blown off by cops - on camera - started under Obama, that's pretty disastrous...

A lot of these same vote for anybody just to get trump out office black people also believe that most white people are the devil and/ or evil. They are known to lie, steal, cheat, etc. Also know that white people in general ain't going to give black people a got damn thing that is really going to lift our people out of our plight.

With that said white people gave us our right to vote. We've been voting for before 1965 and the voting rights act was passed in 1965. So lets just go with 1965. So for 55 years black people have been voting and we're still in last place in this country. At what point do we realize voting ain't the thing that is going to change our plight in this country and if it really was we should know by now that white people wouldn't have given it to us if it was.
You actually have this backwards my brotha. Trump does not want to face Biden. Trump literally got impeached fro trying to get Biden up outta here. He wants no parts of Joe. Trump would wash Bernie.
Going by what I read fam....Biden was Trump s opponent of choice ....the investigation into Hunter is the coup de grace
You actually have this backwards my brotha. Trump does not want to face Biden. Trump literally got impeached fro trying to get Biden up outta here. He wants no parts of Joe. Trump would wash Bernie.
^^^ Trump is going to have much harder time against Biden in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio,Virginia and possibly North Carolina. This is not going to be Bernie who Trump can call a Socialist all day long until his face turns red to his supporters.
Jews, LGBT, Latinos have both parties speaking on their agendas. We have neither party speaking on ours. There is no "more"of our agenda, when none of it is being adressed.

I think the diference is you beleive in political parties, I don't. It's Republican vs Republican based on the polices of Biden vs Trump to me

What are our agendas?
Black people really trying to rationalize voting for the lesser oppressive person out 2 people and 2 oppressive political parties and really act like they're making a sound and smart decision.

The oppression olympics is alive and well

This is such a lazy take
This country ain't going in the wrong direction. It's going in the direction it always has been. Black people just bought into the idea that this place ain't fucked up and is supposed to not be acting and doing the shit its doing. Yet the fact remains that what this country is doing is what its always been doing.

Once you realize that and truly believe it you'll understand and won't even ask the type of questions you asking me.

I'm not here trying to convince anybody of anything I'm stating what I believe in. You do what you feel is right for you and yours.

So you're just complaining to complain then?
This is such a lazy take

I'm done here
Black people really trying to rationalize voting for the lesser oppressive person out 2 people and 2 oppressive political parties and really act like they're making a sound and smart decision.

The oppression olympics is alive and well

and then try to shame u or make u feel bad for not joining in the reindeer games
Im just saying my question has yet to be answered. If you believe voting does not make a difference then what do you propose would make a difference. Im talking about specifics, not some general bullshit about how black people need their votes to be earned...how do you make that happen? Im not even saying that its a bad idea im asking about what are your solutions not just your complaints
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