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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I mean......is Biden the best one to put out there as averting disaster? You really gonna sell young and swing voters on just this?

These argument need to get better by November if we're gonna get turnout to the level it needs to be.
Imagine teaching your children and the future voters to avert disaster instead of voting for their interests..
I mean......is Biden the best one to put out there as averting disaster? You really gonna sell young and swing voters on just this?

These argument need to get better by November if we're gonna get turnout to the level it needs to be.
Never said he was the best. I voted for Bernie in the primary and he lost. I would have voted for Warren but it was clear she wasn’t getting the nom so I pushed for the one who might have a better chance against Biden.

Bernie was my progress candidate and he lost, so now I’m rolling with Biden to avert disaster.
So at the end of the day who do you hold responsible?
I blame us, because while every other dann group out there demands these candiates put forward actual polcies that makes voting for them worth it. We don't. We go on faith and get screwed over every time. Both in naitonal elections and local ones.

So here we go again with this bullshit. "Vote Biden, don't worry about policies, or his fucked up past...just vote!". We can't even get promises despite the massive support he just got throughout the South.
Never said he was the best. I voted for Bernie in the primary and he lost. I would have voted for Warren but it was clear she wasn’t getting the nom so I pushed for the one who might have a better chance against Biden.

Bernie was my progress candidate and he lost, so now I’m rolling with Biden to avert disaster.
Yeh, I'm voting Biden too, but his campaign is looking really weak right now. He's being carried by surrogates, has no message, and too many are ignoring these red flags.
Averting disaster is NOT enough incentive for black people. Sorry

There it is. At this point, agree to disagree.

I mean wasn’t it last week Trump was saying the Corona virus was a hoax.

Another thing, if our vote doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things, why do we keep hearing about voter suppression in our community in mainly red states?

Maybe I’m wrong but I haven’t heard any suppression cases in blue states.
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I blame us, because while every other dann group out there demands these candiates put forward actual polcies that make svoting for them worth it. We don't. We go on faith and get screwed over every time. Both in naitonal elections and local ones.

So here we go again with this bullshit. "Vote Biden, don't worry about policies, or his fucked up past...just vote!". We can't even get promises despite the massive support he just got throughout the South.
And now you’re getting to the crux of the issue. It’s our fault why there’s not a black agenda put in front of a candidate to force promises.

On the same note though, do you see Jews, LGBTQ’s, Latinos, etc. pushing a specific agenda and voting for another party just because that agenda isn’t being met? Or worse yet just not voting at all?

Nah, they vote for who meets more of their agenda, not all of their agenda. Or at least who will do the least harm to their agenda.
Yeh, I'm voting Biden too, but his campaign is looking really weak right now. He's being carried by surrogates, has no message, and too many are ignoring these red flags.
I agree with you on that. He definitely needs an injection of enthusiasm. I’m really hoping he picks Warren to be his VP.
And now you’re getting to the crux of the issue. It’s our fault why there’s not a black agenda put in front of a candidate to force promises.

On the same note though, do you see Jews, LGBTQ’s, Latinos, etc. pushing a specific agenda and voting for another party just because that agenda isn’t being met? Or worse yet just not voting at all?

Nah, they vote for who meets more of their agenda, not all of their agenda. Or at least who will do the least harm to their agenda.
Jews, LGBT, Latinos have both parties speaking on their agendas. We have neither party speaking on ours. There is no "more"of our agenda, when none of it is being adressed.

I think the diference is you beleive in political parties, I don't. It's Republican vs Republican based on the polices of Biden vs Trump to me
Jews, LGBT, Latinos have both parties speaking on their agendas. We have neither party speaking on ours. There is no "more"of our agenda, when none of it is being adressed.

I think the diference is you beleive in political parties, I don't. It's Republican vs Republican based on the polices of Biden vs Trump to me

Jews maybe have both parties.

LGBT and Latinos... Republicans aint fuckin wit them like that lol
Jews maybe have both parties.

LGBT and Latinos... Republicans aint fuckin wit them like that lol
Exactly. And the Latino agenda is very clear. Let our children stay in the country and don’t lock us up in cages and separate our families when we come here seeking asylum.

The LGBTQ agenda was clear when Obama was in office. Let us not be discriminated against and let us get married. I don’t hear any side addressing them now and I don’t hear them complaining much.

What is our agenda? Or the Jew agenda for that matter.
Jews maybe have both parties.

LGBT and Latinos... Republicans aint fuckin wit them like that lol
Latinos got Reagan, Bush, McCain, and Trump, all to push immigration bills. When's the last time any bill aimed at our communites came up?

LGBTs have plenty of support with Republicans, from gay marriage, to bathrooms, to transgender issues. Obivously though, evangelicals out number them on that end.

Who's adressing any of our issues? No one
Latinos got Reagan, Bush, McCain, and Trump, all to push immigration bills. When's the last time any bill aimed at our communites came up?

LGBTs have plenty of support with Republicans, from gay marriage, to bathrooms, to transgender issues. Obivously though, evangelicals out number them on that end.

Who's adressing any of our issues? No one
Latinos got Reagan, Bush, McCain, and Trump, all to push immigration bills. When's the last time any bill aimed at our communites came up?

LGBTs have plenty of support with Republicans, from gay marriage, to bathrooms, to transgender issues. Obivously though, evangelicals out number them on that end.

Who's adressing any of our issues? No one
Which Republicans are supporting the LGBTQ agenda, lol?! They were for gay marriage and bathroom choice? I must have missed that wave.
Latinos got Reagan, Bush, McCain, and Trump, all to push immigration bills. When's the last time any bill aimed at our communites came up?

LGBTs have plenty of support with Republicans, from gay marriage, to bathrooms, to transgender issues. Obivously though, evangelicals out number them on that end.

Who's adressing any of our issues? No one
What issues would you like addressed? What is our agenda?

Not just you, but @IC_Refugee and @Race Jones as we’ll.
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