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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Latinos got Reagan, Bush, McCain, and Trump, all to push immigration bills. When's the last time any bill aimed at our communites came up?

LGBTs have plenty of support with Republicans, from gay marriage, to bathrooms, to transgender issues. Obivously though, evangelicals out number them on that end.

Who's adressing any of our issues? No one

Trump....the republican president is currently separating families and trying to build a wall to keep latinos out. What are you talking about?

Also... I really don't think this sit out the vote and let the Dems feel the absence of the black vote is gonna go like some of yall think it is.

Latino population is around 16.7% and rising
African American population is around 12.3%

If a lot of black folks straight up refuse to vote... which group do you think ANY party is going to engage and address?
Black people really trying to rationalize voting for the lesser oppressive person out 2 people and 2 oppressive political parties and really act like they're making a sound and smart decision.

The oppression olympics is alive and well

so whats the realistic alternative? Not vote as the country goes more and more Alt Right until slavery comes back?
What issues would you like addressed? What is our agenda?

Not just you, but @IC_Refugee and @Race Jones as we’ll.
You already know the answer...

Reparations for black American descendants of slaves

Not these "all minorities matter" trickle down policies that may benefit others

And I don't wanna hear about how impossible reparations is because all other wronged groups have received reparations, plus the government has an infinite amount of money for military surplus.
Correct the disenfranchisement. Show your loyal base they matter. Cut the check
Exactly. And the Latino agenda is very clear. Let our children stay in the country and don’t lock us up in cages and separate our families when we come here seeking asylum.

The LGBTQ agenda was clear when Obama was in office. Let us not be discriminated against and let us get married. I don’t hear any side addressing them now and I don’t hear them complaining much.

What is our agenda? Or the Jew agenda for that matter.
The Latino agenda is a bit complex, I'm probably not giving it its due. There's a long standing beef among legal and undocumented immigrants on a host of issues. But the main focus has always been about taking care kids who came over, and treating people humanely. Both parties cater to them, because they're THE growing voting bloc, and they actually demand that both parties push polcies that help them.

The LGBT agenda is not clear in my opinion. It was first about marriage, which was cool. But has spiralled into something else. Transgender athetles shouldn't be a thing, for example. I kinda feel like this group shames people into supporting their polcies. But still, it works for them

I won't touch on the Jew agenda, cause that's a thread in of itself. But our agenda should be about repairing the infrastruture of our communities. That's been the issue for like 50 years. I'm talking schools, roads, housing, public works. Second we need to reverse the effects of the mass incarceration of our people. How many families have been broken up due to this. Police brutlaity aside, we need actual support for kids in their first 5 years, since that's when we develop. Far more going on than just corrupt cops. That means low-income daycare, and free pre-school(or grants). We also need a MASS investment in stem education in our communites. I run a tech company, and been teaching kids around the Crenshaw District about useful tech skills for some years now. But its sad how little anyone else is. Xbox is cool, I still play it from time to time....but these kids need to learn how to actually program, and do math at high levels. I was the only black kid in nearly every math/computer class back in college. Things are slightly better now, but not close to enough.

And these are just starting points. For anyone over 18, the ability to get LIVING wage job, versus MIN wage is critical. You can't support a fmaily on min wage. This is about the only area that I do give Trump credit for. I know lots of balck & brown owend small businesses that benefitted from deregulaiton and those tax cuts. i do worry when people say they want to simply roll that shit back, because it's gonna hurt minoirty business the worse. The demise of black owned banks is soemhting touched on the old IC back during the finnacial crisis. Getting that intial investment is still rough, and we need to own more and more, to expand our wealth.

My question, is what will Biden do about this. What will his admin do? We don't need everything, but some things....in a menaingful way should be expected for all the support we giving this guy.
so whats the realistic alternative? Not vote as the country goes more and more Alt Right until slavery comes back?

The alternative is to stop acting like the democratic party is black people's only viable option. Stop acting like the president isn't really only a figure head.

Yall loved to use the excuse that Obama really couldn't do shit because republicans controlled the house and the senate so they blocked damn near everything he wanted to do but act like doing the same in return to trump isn't a better option than voting for trash ass Biden. Plenty more that can be said about what to do but you don't really care you just want folks to keep voting which in turn keeps giving black people nothing in return for those votes.

If the country going completely alt right allows you to be a slave again that is a you problem not a black people not voting problem
Which Republicans are supporting the LGBTQ agenda, lol?! They were for gay marriage and bathroom choice? I must have missed that wave.
It's happened the last 10 years. People focus on some battle in one state or city, but look across the country and you'll see many Republicans falling in line with LGBT issues. Half the GOP are Susan Collins types. Same way half the DNC are Biden types. They go along, to get along.
Scare tactics won't work on black people. Sorry

They work very well on black people. They just don't work on ALL black people.

I refuse to vote for one oppressive person just based on the fact that they're supposedly less oppressive than the person in office now.

There have been active racists in the office of every president including some of yall beloved Obama. Talking that its racists in the white house and top positions in the gov't didn't just start with Trump and it ain't going to end when Trump leaves.
The alternative is to stop acting like the democratic party is black people's only viable option. Stop acting like the president isn't really only a figure head.

Yall loved to use the excuse that Obama really couldn't do shit because republicans controlled the house and the senate so they blocked damn near everything he wanted to do but act like doing the same in return to trump isn't a better option than voting for trash ass Biden. Plenty more that can be said about what to do but you don't really care you just want folks to keep voting which in turn keeps giving black people nothing in return for those votes.

If the country going completely alt right allows you to be a slave again that is a you problem not a black people not voting problem

Im asking what do you propose to do beside's voting? You're saying that the democratic party isnt the only option so Im wondering what are the other realistic options from stopping the country from going in the wrong direction?
Trump....the republican president is currently separating families and trying to build a wall to keep latinos out. What are you talking about?

Also... I really don't think this sit out the vote and let the Dems feel the absence of the black vote is gonna go like some of yall think it is.

Latino population is around 16.7% and rising
African American population is around 12.3%

If a lot of black folks straight up refuse to vote... which group do you think ANY party is going to engage and address?
What do you mean, what am I talking about? I'm from LA, the dynamics within the Latino community isn't cut & dry. Legal immigrants aren't co-signing a lot that undomented immigrnats do. Both parties push immigraiton reform, but have differing visions of it. But....both parties are touching on it, they don't touch on any of the issues facing our communites. Not directly anyway.

And who's refusing to vote? The point is we DID vote, in historic numbers. So we should demand promises in return. Latinos were supporting Benrie, and yet Biden will stil cater to them polciy-wise, while ignoring us. Think about that.
Im asking what do you propose to do beside's voting? You're saying that the democratic party isnt the only option so Im wondering what are the other realistic options from stopping the country from going in the wrong direction?

This country ain't going in the wrong direction. It's going in the direction it always has been. Black people just bought into the idea that this place ain't fucked up and is supposed to not be acting and doing the shit its doing. Yet the fact remains that what this country is doing is what its always been doing.

Once you realize that and truly believe it you'll understand and won't even ask the type of questions you asking me.

I'm not here trying to convince anybody of anything I'm stating what I believe in. You do what you feel is right for you and yours.
Yes these conditioned negroes are voting even tho they KNOW they're getting nothing

Biden was asked a direct question about reparations for black people and he started praising immigrants. Dead ass

Imagine black ppl voting this man cuz he's "bEtTeR ThAn TrUmP"

Yo get on code we ain't doing this shit again. U a IC refugee?! Then u know how boss was waving that both sides are the same flag. And that shit was proven dead ass wrong.

Get on code, trump is the goddamn devil and ain't no fence riding this time. And to those who dont pay attention to anything but come drop their 2 cents in at election time with half baked conspiracy theories, dont.

Yall want dems to have a black agenda, show up to the polls en masse and be the reason trump gets thrown on his ear, flex our collective strength then in a united voice tell them to deliver on their side. I mean we in the midst of a global pandemic RIGHT NOW and dont have the testing kits needed because trump slashed funding by 80% for such services and yet yall cant see why he is a significantly bigger threat?
Yo get on code we ain't doing this shit again. U a IC refugee?! Then u know how boss was waving that both sides are the same flag. And that shit was proven dead ass wrong.

Get on code, trump is the goddamn devil and ain't no fence riding this time. And to those who dont pay attention to anything but come drop their 2 cents in at election time with half baked conspiracy theories, dont.

Yall want dems to have a black agenda, show up to the polls en masse and be the reason trump gets thrown on his ear, flex our collective strength then in a united voice tell them to deliver on their side. I mean we in the midst of a global pandemic RIGHT NOW and dont have the testing kits needed because trump slashed funding by 80% for such services and yet yall cant see why he is a significantly bigger threat?

Man it ain't no point in arguing with these folks just cast your vote and keep it moving.
They work very well on black people. They just don't work on ALL black people.

I refuse to vote for one oppressive person just based on the fact that they're supposedly less oppressive than the person in office now.

There have been active racists in the office of every president including some of yall beloved Obama. Talking that its racists in the white house and top positions in the gov't didn't just start with Trump and it ain't going to end when Trump leaves.

The conditioning is real.

This obligation these niggas have to avert disaster is ridiculous... As if it wasn't equally disastrous for US under the democratic leadership

All the black folks getting their heads blown off by cops - on camera - started under Obama, that's pretty disastrous...
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