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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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A non vote is a none vote. Don't make my abstaining something it's not.
I'm not voting for Biden, period. My morals won't let me do it.

Y'all think old Joe has Alzheimer's?
Don’t make your abstaining some moral high ground that it’s not. Acting like a vote for Biden is any less moral than working for a probably racist or worse CEO or manager at your job. Or shopping at stores ran and operated by racists or worse. Get off the convenient idealism and try to get us a little better than where we are today and will be in a future under Trump.

Non votes help Trump get elected, period. If you don’t want Trump in office, then vote for somebody other than him and get him out of office.
He also is confused.
If he gets the nomination, Trump is going to eat him alive
Again with the argument that Trump is some genius debater, like he doesn’t fuck up words constantly and say the dumbest shit ever spoken by a President.

He’s even convinced some of us he’s so great and powerful I see.
Don’t make your abstaining some moral high ground that it’s not. Acting like a vote for Biden is any less moral than working for a probably racist or worse CEO or manager at your job. Or shopping at stores ran and operated by racists or worse. Get off the convenient idealism and try to get us a little better than where we are today and will be in a future under Trump.

Non votes help Trump get elected, period. If you don’t want Trump in office, then vote for somebody other than him and get him out of office.
All the things you listed are things by in large I can't control by living in the US. I can on the other hand control were my vote goes or doesn't. And I have the right to abstain of I so please.
I will not compromise my morals because I am fearful. That is wrong

Personally, I rather have Trump the face of America. It makes us honest about what the country really is and makes us push to be better. Allowing a lesser of two evils kinda guy like Joe in makes us complacent and sedentary.
Again with the argument that Trump is some genius debater, like he doesn’t fuck up words constantly and say the dumbest shit ever spoken by a President.

He’s even convinced some of us he’s so great and powerful I see.
I don't think he is a great debater but he is a great preformer. He gets on stage and hits an improve performance worthy of any theater.
Joe Biden is neither a great preformer or debater. So what he gonna do with a dude like Trump? Get embarrassed.
It's strange that the non-voters on here are trying to say that it makes no difference who is in office.

One is actively rolling back environmental shit, civil rights shit, putting conservative judges in place to name a few... all of that shit will fuck over black folks FIRST.

Biden aint my first choice.. and I don't agree with him on alot.. This is about who is going to do the LEAST amount of damage at this point.
Least amount of damage?

What a trash ass reason to vote. With that logic if you had any respect for your vote you would withhold it. Its 2020, we should be off that lesser of 2 evils bullshit
I think people are underestimating Biden. Whether u like him or not I think he has a great chance against Trump.

Some that voted for trump regret it and won't do it again, some that didn't vote at all regret it and will show up on Dems side.

Don't think people will switch up on their parties, but I think Repubs will be the lower voter turnout while Dems come out in much bigger numbers compared to 2016.

Trump's 'cult' is loud, but small compared to the rest of gen public. Don't believe the hype.
Bruh. Biden in the rest of the democrats literally gave you their asses to kiss. Have some integrity and say fuck yall too

No more benign neglect
So play into Trump’s plan to get re-elected. Tell the Democrats to kiss your ass while Trump shits on everything. Cool.

You niggas so out of touch with reality. Get off the internet where idealism and immediate gratification are touted as reality.
So play into Trump’s plan to get re-elected. Tell the Democrats to kiss your ass while Trump shits on everything. Cool.

You niggas so out of touch with reality. Get off the internet where idealism and immediate gratification are touted as reality.
I don't wanna hear it. I don't wanna hear about your trump boogey man. Yall are so critical of new black media, then turn around and parrot the lesser of 2 evils bullshit that they've been preaching against for years. Its a conditioned mindset. Pathetic.

Imagine voting for your interests for once in your black life...
To make a long story short, if you don't vote don't complain about shit! People that's pissin & moaning about Bernie not winning and they not gone vote in November that's on their dumb asses. Not voting is a sure way to keep Trump and the crooked ass Republicans in office.
To make a long story short, if you don't vote don't complain about shit! People that's pissin & moaning about Bernie not winning and they not gone vote in November that's on their dumb asses. Not voting is a sure way to keep Trump and the crooked ass Republicans in office.

Black people should refrain from voting in 2020 and sit back and watch how the Democraps get their act together before 2024. The change in their tune will be marvelous
To make a long story short, if you don't vote don't complain about shit! People that's pissin & moaning about Bernie not winning and they not gone vote in November that's on their dumb asses. Not voting is a sure way to keep Trump and the crooked ass Republicans in office.
This argument would hold more water, if previous votes had actually led to progress. The main issue with people who don't vote....is they think nothing will change.

This is why many of us keep harping on policy. You have to give people something to vote FOR, not just against. Young voters won't turnout unless motivated. Swing voters won't switch unless you give them a reason. Not sure Biden is the best candidate to do either, but we'll see.
All the things you listed are things by in large I can't control by living in the US. I can on the other hand control were my vote goes or doesn't. And I have the right to abstain of I so please.
I will not compromise my morals because I am fearful. That is wrong

Personally, I rather have Trump the face of America. It makes us honest about what the country really is and makes us push to be better. Allowing a lesser of two evils kinda guy like Joe in makes us complacent and sedentary.
Push who and when? Reagan administration didn't push us to be better.
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