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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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yall: we know biden isnt the end all be all

me: so why did you vote for him?

yall: because hes better than trump

me: you sure about that?

yall: yesss!!!

yall: we know biden isnt the end all be all

me: so why did you vote for him?

yall: because hes better than trump

me: you sure about that?


Who tf is Chris Richards? Did you even bother to go to the referenced source?

Which is exactly what I referenced when I originally quoted you. And I knew this beforehand because I actually watched the press conference.

This is what I mean by you don’t read anything but your Twitter feed. You’re in a bubble just like those Trump supporters. A different bubble, but a bubble nonetheless.
Who tf is Chris Richards? Did you even bother to go to the referenced source?

Which is exactly what I referenced when I originally quoted you.

This is what I mean by you don’t read anything but your Twitter feed. You’re in a bubble just like those Trump supporters. A different bubble, but a bubble nonetheless.

????????????? hes not overturning shit
you cant insult me ?????

nor outsmart or out wit me sooo

continue trying to rationalize your decision for voting in biden. ill be here with my foot on your neck for the next four years every step of the way

Awww. You had to point out that i cant "insult or outsmart" you. Project much. lmao, telling.

You are very smart and are above any insult.

ok. Now that we have established how smart you are n that you cant be insulted....i think we can move on now.

Again, im not american.
Here’s an idea:
Everyone who’s bitching about how much you’re getting from the stimulus checks, if you have a beef with WHO got it, do the noble thing:

Find a charity and donate YOUR stimulus money to that charity, or go feed your neighbors with it.

You know.....PUT IN WORK.

Let’s see who REALLY bout that shit and who’s just talk.

Where’s that one of goofy muhfucka who kept talking that Anhk shit?

Wtf you talking bout bruh. That $600 ain’t no where near enough for most people. That’s a quarter or half of rent. We ain’t got it to donate.
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