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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Here’s an idea:
Everyone who’s bitching about how much you’re getting from the stimulus checks, if you have a beef with WHO got it, do the noble thing:

Find a charity and donate YOUR stimulus money to that charity, or go feed your neighbors with it.

You know.....PUT IN WORK.

Let’s see who REALLY bout that shit and who’s just talk.

Where’s that one of goofy muhfucka who kept talking that Anhk shit?
Here’s an idea:
Everyone who’s bitching about how much you’re getting from the stimulus checks, if you have a beef with WHO got it, do the noble thing:

Find a charity and donate YOUR stimulus money to that charity, or go feed your neighbors with it.

You know.....PUT IN WORK.

Let’s see who REALLY bout that shit and who’s just talk.

Where’s that one of goofy muhfucka who kept talking that Anhk shit?

lol race aint giving away no money cuz it might go to white ppl
Too be fair, the Dems did want to do the 1200 again. 600 was the compromise because McConnel didn't want to give the people anything. I'm not saying that to defend the Dems. They should be trashed. Let's just remember that the Reps are extreme garbage.
Lol imagine an alternative to this shit
And just for the record....

If you are trying to rationalize with said troll then you've already lost.

They have gotten to you.

"Mad" may not be the proper emotion to use to describe how you are feeling... But they are under your skin.

That much is painfully evident.
And just for the record....

If you are trying to rationalize with said troll then you've already lost.

They have gotten to you.

"Mad" may not be the proper emotion to use to describe how you are feeling... But they are under your skin.

That much is painfully evident.

Uh. Its message board. Ppl are gonna exchange ideas regardless
Race jus likes to come across like she droppin knowledge or schoolin niggas bout the racist history of america. lmao.

America been evil n crooked af

The gm been rigged.
Here’s an idea:
Everyone who’s bitching about how much you’re getting from the stimulus checks, if you have a beef with WHO got it, do the noble thing:

Find a charity and donate YOUR stimulus money to that charity, or go feed your neighbors with it.

You know.....PUT IN WORK.

Let’s see who REALLY bout that shit and who’s just talk.

Where’s that one of goofy muhfucka who kept talking that Anhk shit?

ah yes here we have the mindless Black liberal mad at folks for demanding better from their governemental body.

instead of spending his time critiquing this system
that he is also currently suffering in, he rather punch down at those for speaking up and demanding more because hes too cowardly to do so.

how sad is it that a Black man rather side with those that could give a less fuck about him during a national pandemic. how scary is it to watch a Black man do free PR for the god damn governement that still considers him to be 3/5 of a citizen

a colonial neurosis this man is under.
may you see the light soon my brotha

until then, ase’

Race jus likes to come across like she droppin knowledge or schoolin niggas bout the racist history of america. lmao.

America been evil n crooked af

The gm been rigged.

if you know these things why are you still pledging your votes to racist politicans and making excuses for the crumbs being thrown to you off their tables?

ah yes here we have the mindless Black liberal mad at folks for demanding better from their governemental body.

instead of spending his time critiquing this system
that he is also currently suffering in, he rather punch down at those for speaking up and demanding more because hes too cowardly to do so.

how sad is it that a Black man rather side with those that could give a less fuck about him during a national pandemic. how scary is it to watch a Black man do free PR for the god damn governement that still considers him to be 3/5 of a citizen

a colonial neurosis this man is under.
may you see the light soon my brotha

until then, ase’

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Uhhh. She got u there big bro.

Plus aint no one giving away no money during a fucking pandemic.

foh. Me a average nigga give away my money. When the govt could easily solve the problem by cutting the military budget.
1. Idk where you stand with anything. Glad to see you aint a joe guy though.

2. Joe been talking bout how he doesnt agree with the young progressives in his party in almost every speech. In 2020, when looking at party lines, Joe is closer to republicans than dems. Joe and the old dems like Pelosi keep pushing this bipartisanship bullshit to cover up the fact that they dont agree with what the new dem party

and to be fair, the new dem party is just as spineless

AOC included
Uhhh. She got u there big bro.

Plus aint no one giving away no money during fucking pandemic.

foh. Me a average nigga give away my money. When the govt could easily solve the problem by cutting the military budget.



LOL @ you thinking helping the community out means giving the money away. Also SMH @ both of y'all thinking you need the government to "help out" ordinary citizens.

Like I said 10,000 times: muhfuckas on here are NOTHING but TALK. TROLL TALK at that. If you wanna rage against the government so much, then why not use that money to do what they don't want to do: help out the people who TRULY need it.

That's because at the true heart of it, we all know the truth: y'all not built like that. You'll rage at everyone's "white masters" but still won't lift a fuckin finger for YOUR own kind because you think it fits that "sellout" narrative, which is the most ass-backwards concept I've ever heard.

Y'all negroes need college.
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The nerve to say that someone wanting to help out OTHER BLACK PEOPLE in their neighborhood is suffering from - and I quote - "a colonial neurosis."

Too much energy has been spent today on silly shit.
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