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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I'll be honest. I wish people like him could make their own country and all go there. Do you know how much better America would be if the Trumpsters were gone? We wouldn't have to worry about them, and politicians could stop with the bullshit half measures they take in pointless efforts to try and appease the people weighing everyone else down.
I'll be honest. I wish people like him could make their own country and all go there. Do you know how much better America would be if the Trumpsters were gone? We wouldn't have to worry about them, and politicians could stop with the bullshit half measures they take in pointless efforts to try and appease the people weighing everyone else down.
Yup but them kinda ppl need someone to push against. Its the only thing that brings them meaning

Its like the folks that sign in everyday to complain about ABW.
I'll be honest. I wish people like him could make their own country and all go there. Do you know how much better America would be if the Trumpsters were gone? We wouldn't have to worry about them, and politicians could stop with the bullshit half measures they take in pointless efforts to try and appease the people weighing everyone else down.

Them folks think they the only ones that love America and that America would get attacked without them.
I hope Biden doesnt keep trying tonextend the hand and says fuck them..

Long-standing ties between Biden and McConnell could shape early agenda
Joe Biden wanted to raise taxes on wealthy estates. Mitch McConnell wanted to keep them low. The two longtime Washington politicians quickly discovered one point of agreement: the vote count.
With former president George W. Bush’s tax cuts headed toward expiration in December 2010, McConnell phoned Biden and told him that Senate Republicans had enough votes to keep the lower estate tax. Biden respected McConnell’s math. They eventually struck an agreement that marked the first of several times McConnell and Biden would reach a bipartisan deal to avert a looming financial cliff during the Obama administration, forming what multiple lawmakers and aides described as a sincere, if professional, bond that may soon be the most important in national politics.

“They genuinely like each other. There was a mutual understanding there. Even though he was the vice president, Biden’s mannerisms, his behavior — the cadence; the language — it was very senatorial,” said Rohit Kumar, who served as McConnell’s top aide during these negotiations, and is now co-leader at the national tax office of PwC, a consulting firm. “If I sensed that, McConnell sensed it, too.”

All I see to support many of the arguments in here are “I seen a Tweet where” or “there was a Facebook post where”.

Can we stop looking to unreliable social media sources to paint our worldview please? Get out of your social media engineered bubble.

Everybody please watch the Social Dilemma on Netflix and see just how brainwashed and engineered your worldview really is.
All I see to support many of the arguments in here are “I seen a Tweet where” or “there was a Facebook post where”.

Can we stop looking to unreliable social media sources to paint our worldview please? Get out of your social media engineered bubble.

Everybody please watch the Social Dilemma on Netflix and see just how brainwashed and engineered your worldview really is.

Probably easier to do if we weren’t here, on a social media site, having this discussion

He gotta go tying dreams to white man clouds you end up in the fog

Nah Jamie Harrison lost because in no way was South Carolina gonn elect an unknown black man to unseat Lindsey Graham. Shit, Lindsey Graham dead ass didnt even run for office, it was all Jamie Harrison. Jim Clyburn needs to spend more time in South Carolina to come to grips with the reality of the type of white people that live here.
Yup but them kinda ppl need someone to push against. Its the only thing that brings them meaning

Its like the folks that sign in everyday to complain about ABW.

lol I'll say this. Liberals don't like putting too much money into the military. If this country split in two, we would definitely have to keep our military ready. I'd give the Red country less that a decade before it was falling apart and trying to attack the Blue country.
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