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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Black folks been hurt a long time bruh, them feelings been rubbed raw and broken promises have littered the yard. Most still feel disappointed since the days after the Civil War, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, Separate but Equal, Redlining, Voter Suppression, Police Brutality, Mob Brutality, Jewish folks being apologized to and money sent their way for crimes committed, etc etc and for many it seems like new folks coming in get the better treatment after the elder negros laid down the nicer pavement.

Again not knocking what you're saying I see the legitimacy if it, however just pointing out why black folks feel a way at least from my talks with older and younger, poor and well off... and no matter how you slice it, that anger and disappointment can't just be pushed aside.

I never said that their anger has to be pushed aside. I said it needs to be channeled properly. Having sections of Black people segregating ourselves from ourselves doesn't help. Creating enemies out of groups that are working towards the same shit that we are doesn't help either.
at this point los is an opp

If I was an opp I would create distinct groups amongst Black people that attacks...........................other Black people

If I was an opp I would do everything in my power to prevent Black people from participating in the voting process in this country

If I was an opp I would ignore the most dangerous people to Black people in our society and instead waste my energy creating enemies out of the people standing next to me

If I was an opp I would stand back and watch niggas destroy any semblance, hope, or opportunity of black progress in the name of "Tangibles"
If I was an opp I would create distinct groups amongst Black people that attacks...........................other Black people

If I was an opp I would do everything in my power to prevent Black people from participating in the voting process in this country

If I was an opp I would ignore the most dangerous people to Black people in our society and instead waste my energy creating enemies out of the people standing next to me

If I was an opp I would stand back and watch niggas destroy any semblance, hope, or opportunity of black progress in the name of "Tangibles"

this is you ❤️

I never said that their anger has to be pushed aside. I said it needs to be channeled properly. Having sections of Black people segregating ourselves from ourselves doesn't help. Creating enemies out of groups that are working towards the same shit that we are doesn't help either.
I hear you, I understand that due to the incredible diversity of ppl here, we tap into many groupings but how much channeling can continue to be done since the end of the Civil War, how much more channeling do you suspect our people have left in them?

Again please do not take from this that I don't see the wisdom in what you're saying but at the end of the day people are people, emotions will surpass pragmatism.
also didnt you say you wanted to run for office? thats why you wish to stamp out any radical talk because you hope to one day weild the reins of oppression the same as obama

and the more that Black radicalism grows, the more out of reach that office seat is for you

I understand completely

What I'm saying is Black people need to get out of that mindset. It's dangerous and it will not lead to change. That's my point.

That mindset that you're talking about is justified by it's simply not the correct approach to take in this society as currently constructed

Black people need to stop fantasizing and complaining about how we think things should be and actually focus on what they can be

Community College should be free but it's not. So focus on how it can be free instead of constantly wringing your hands about why it should be free.

Black people already know our why's. We know why shit is fucked up. So stop spending so much energy reaffirming why shit is the way it is and focus on the paths available to actually change them.
Here is the thing though, with all that has been put on our people over the last 8 or 9 generations, maybe 10, that mindset ain't changing quick just like you're saying with the government Democrat or Republican... And considering our people have generally bent over backwards above a fire-pit matrix style, would it not be conceivable that the Dems and perhaps the Republicans (seeing how they don't put full time and energy into us in the first place and blacks are naturally conservative) come to us and try to make a move for just blacks overall, doesn't have to be fanfare with it, just some actual time spent understanding the issue.

Like you said none of this is getting solved this week hell or even next year but a damn good legitimate conversation and openness to accept history and have an understanding of why a people feel the way they do is needed
This is what I'm talking about. Black people who are emotional because they feel like something isn't specific. If it's not specific for Black people then it's not specific for Black people. So the fuck what. What are you going to do about it? Bitch and complain until it says it's specific or actually look and see what can be done to change the status quo?

What's more important to you?

How you got to the dance or actually getting to the dance?

Niggas spend too much time and energy focusing on the why and not the how. Just get to the fucking dance. getting to the dance with a group of other people doesn't fucking matter. What matters and what has always mattered is getting to the dance.

Right now a lot of Black people are in the car that's going to the dance with other people who aren't Black and instead of focusing on getting to the fucking dance niggas are looking around worried about what other people are doing.

Nigga y'all all in the same car!!!!

When the AC comes on everybody is not gonna feel it. So what. You're still going to the fucking dance.

When the music comes on it might be louder in the front than in the back. So what. You're still going to the fucking dance.

When the car makes a left turn guess what? Everybody in the fucking car is making a left fucking turn.

I understand why Black people believe that we should be riding in a car by ourselves. I get it, but the reality of the situation is that's not what is happening.

So if niggas really want to be monolithic and wait on our own car then that's fine but they're going to realize that the way our society is constructed today, we cannot get to the dance riding by ourselves. If we could do that then guess what? Niggas would be at the dance already.
You know what that's a beautiful post but here's the thing where black folks are at with their thinking is that that car that everybody's riding in that black folks built up and somehow ended up in the backseat with somebody else driving here's two scenarios on black folk's mind..

1 The car makes a stop near a dealership and everybody in the car is told they pretty much can get a new car and black folks are told well you have a car already that works pretty good so why do you need a new one?

Scenario 2 when everyonr gets to the dance it becomes will black folks be let in the door... getting to the dance is important but getting inside the dance is just as important...

Trump is building a fortress lol

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