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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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You're not understanding, for black ppl, in black ppl's minds... that is a tangible, I'm not going against you here, but trying to get you to understand the mindset that is very popular in the community and as a result, you have to come around to their thinking in order to make things work, to see the way most are thinking

I understand completely

What I'm saying is Black people need to get out of that mindset. It's dangerous and it will not lead to change. That's my point.

That mindset that you're talking about is justified by it's simply not the correct approach to take in this society as currently constructed

Black people need to stop fantasizing and complaining about how we think things should be and actually focus on what they can be

Community College should be free but it's not. So focus on how it can be free instead of constantly wringing your hands about why it should be free.

Black people already know our why's. We know why shit is fucked up. So stop spending so much energy reaffirming why shit is the way it is and focus on the paths available to actually change them.
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Because they feel it is not specific, its more of a look toward everyone in that sense... ppl like to feel noticed or made a priority. It doesn't say hey black ppl, it says hey everyone including black ppl in the LGBT community not a race specified look if you follow my meaning.

This is what I'm talking about. Black people who are emotional because they feel like something isn't specific. If it's not specific for Black people then it's not specific for Black people. So the fuck what. What are you going to do about it? Bitch and complain until it says it's specific or actually look and see what can be done to change the status quo?

What's more important to you?

How you got to the dance or actually getting to the dance?

Niggas spend too much time and energy focusing on the why and not the how. Just get to the fucking dance. getting to the dance with a group of other people doesn't fucking matter. What matters and what has always mattered is getting to the dance.

Right now a lot of Black people are in the car that's going to the dance with other people who aren't Black and instead of focusing on getting to the fucking dance niggas are looking around worried about what other people are doing.

Nigga y'all all in the same car!!!!

When the AC comes on everybody is not gonna feel it. So what. You're still going to the fucking dance.

When the music comes on it might be louder in the front than in the back. So what. You're still going to the fucking dance.

When the car makes a left turn guess what? Everybody in the fucking car is making a left fucking turn.

I understand why Black people believe that we should be riding in a car by ourselves. I get it, but the reality of the situation is that's not what is happening.

So if niggas really want to be monolithic and wait on our own car then that's fine but they're going to realize that the way our society is constructed today, we cannot get to the dance riding by ourselves. If we could do that then guess what? Niggas would be at the dance already.
Bolded underline is exactly what is missing, many feel we are treated far worse than ppl coming in and we've been here as citizens and feel almost like 2nd or 3rd class. They feel that their citizenship means nothing and more often feel skipped over. I'd add to that many feel disenfranchised when the same problems keep happening to the same community over and over and it comes off disrespectful to many when sub categories of a group (for lack of better words) which doesn't necessarily encompass the entirety of the group are looked after before the whole if you will.

You see the trees in the forest and many Black folks want ppl to see the forest first and then the trees

So the response to this is for niggas to reject everything that isn't Black people specific? At what point are Black people going to stop trying to play both sides?

Do niggas really want to be apart of American society or do they want to reap the benefits of living in America but be totally segregated from American society?

Do Black people want to have our own America in America? How the fuck is that gonna work?


Is all we're really asking for is to just be treated fairly in American society?

If that's the case then achieving that does not require that many Black specific tangibles or agendas.
This is what I'm talking about. Black people who are emotional because they feel like something isn't specific. If it's not specific for Black people then it's not specific for Black people. So the fuck what. What are you going to do about it? Bitch and complain until it says it's specific or actually look and see what can be done to change the status quo?

What's more important to you?

How you got to the dance or actually getting to the dance?

Niggas spend too much time and energy focusing on the why and not the how. Just get to the fucking dance. getting to the dance with a group of other people doesn't fucking matter. What matters and what has always mattered is getting to the dance.

Right now a lot of Black people are in the car that's going to the dance with other people who aren't Black and instead of focusing on getting to the fucking dance niggas are looking around worried about what other people are doing.

Nigga y'all all in the same car!!!!

When the AC comes on everybody is not gonna feel it. So what. You're still going to the fucking dance.

When the music comes on it might be louder in the front than in the back. So what. You're still going to the fucking dance.

When the car makes a left turn guess what? Everybody in the fucking car is making a left fucking turn.

I understand why Black people believe that we should be riding in a car by ourselves. I get it, but the reality of the situation is that's not what is happening.

So if niggas really want to be monolithic and wait on our own car then that's fine but they're going to realize that the way our society is constructed today, we cannot get to the dance riding by ourselves. If we could do that then guess what? Niggas would be at the dance already.
I feel everything you’re saying and actually agree with your thinking cause I’m just a super practical person.

However, I do understand people that aren’t like that.

I think what everybody else is getting at is the fact that we feel slighted because we built this country, endured hundreds of years of slavery and abuse, fought for civil rights, and the shit seems to just get handed to everybody else.

And in your analogy, we bought the car, we keep the car serviced, we keep it clean, etc., but when it’s time to go to the dance we got to ride on the hump in middle of the back seat. And the people on each side of us pushing 275 lbs each cause they been eating good and we been starving.

So I think the democrats need to understand this in their messaging and make sure that we feel exalted the same way they exalt all of these other demographics. Put us at the front even if our issues are harder to solve. Do all that other shit too, but talk about that, after you talk about us.
I feel everything you’re saying and actually agree with your thinking cause I’m just a super practical person.

However, I do understand people that aren’t like that.

I think what everybody else is getting at is the fact that we feel slighted because we built this country, endured hundreds of years of slavery and abuse, fought for civil rights, and the shit seems to just get handed to everybody else.

And in your analogy, we bought the car, we keep the car serviced, we keep it clean, etc., but when it’s time to go to the dance we got to ride on the hump in middle of the back seat. And the people on each side of us pushing 275 lbs each cause they been eating good and we been starving.

So I think the democrats need to understand this in their messaging and make sure that we feel exalted the same way they exalt all of these other demographics. Put us at the front even if our issues are harder to solve. Do all that other shit too, but talk about that, after you talk about us.

I agree with you but none of what you should should take our minds off of getting to the dance. What I see is a lot of Black people taking their eyes off the ultimate prize which is for us to finally thrive in this society without restraints.

Every time the car hits a bump in the road or we get another passenger that's not Black we stop focusing on getting to where we need to go.

We are worrying more about how we look than how we're doing.

You can change how we look and it still won't change where we're going.
This guy is always battling somebody in the courthouse, whilst losing.

I’m sure that mofo been inside a courthouse more than inside of Melania.

The Slovenian is tired.
This will not help Republicans in the re-election bids in Georgia runoffs

I think Republicans recognize that 70 million ppl voted for trump and trumpism. It aint going anywhere. It is the Republican party now. Republicans voters like what they see. Thats why lindsay Graham, ted cruz and others are openly hinting that there is voter/election fraud....cuz that's what their voters believe.
you were told that electing mfers that plan to govern the same as the ones before them, wasnt important


I said what I said

I was told that my vote doesn't matter and that voting is not important

The excuses for why it's not important were all over the place
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