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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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What I mean is if you can say for the latino community I want to make 11 million dreamers citizens that's wonderful and of course there is going to be black folks and it is going be of myriad of folks in there benefited and then he says for LGBT community I wanna see that you gain benefits also wonderful, black folks are benefited as well but when it comes to the actual name-drop

I'm just looking for him to say black people, African Americans, niggas, I want to do this to help your communities out a direct reference I guess if that makes any sense, I don't disagree with your thinking but it just would be nice like how he said without the African American community I wouldn't be here to hear him and other politicians say we need to make sure we take care of <name-drop> (black communities).

Am I making sense?

You're making sense.......

But you are missing the point. You're focusing too much on the zig and not the zag.

What you're doing right now is called identity politics

Black people in America are already engrained into American society. American culture. American politics. Our problem is not that we aren't included. We already are.

We aren't fighting for citizenship. We already have it. That's why it's so weird to me when I see Black people saying "What about us" whenever theirs a conversation about other groups citizenship. Well for starters we already have that situation figured out. We're already citizens and viewed as American citizens. Majority of Latino's, Asians, Refugees, and even Native Americans are not.

And yes I know that there are millions of Black people who are fighting for citizenship. I am not discounting those Black people at all. It's just that in the grand scheme of things, citizenship is not at the top of the to do list for Black people. It is at the very top of the to do list very every other non white group though. Like it's issue number one for them. It is not issue number 1,2,3,4 or 5 for us. It just isn't.

The fight to be viewed as an American citizen is not a primary fight for Black America so why do some Black people always open their mouths and complain when other groups who are literally fighting for their citizenship see progress towards making that happen for them? Other groups fighting for citizenship doesn't make any of our issues less important. they're just different issues.

Now as far as the specifics that you are looking for as far as Black people are concerned, well take a look at them. None of them are specific to us so why would anybody package them as being specific to us? This would be like getting upset about groups pushing for women's healthcare rights and you're a man. If you're not a woman why are you upset about what they are asking for? It's not your place to be dissatisfied about a specific issue that only effects a specific subset of people like women, kids, people of another race, etc.

The thing that you're missing with Black tangibles, issues, agendas, or whatever you want to call them is outside of reparations, none of those issues are at their core, specific to Black people. So why would we try and make them specific to Black people? We have to acknowledge that the majority of what Black people are asking for we already have and it already benefits other groups. What we're really asking for is to just be treated better and more fairly. We're not asking to play by a different set of rules. Nobody other than white people play by different rules. that's the point.
Why wouldn't you be black? Its one of the many sub categories (for lack of a better word) that make up black folks

Well the how come every single time any one of those groups get mentioned people get on their soap box and say that it's not specific to Black people?
You're right its not specific to black people but it is it to black ppl... a tangible

That's not a tangible to Black people. That is a tangible to society. If you try and view better policing as a tangible to Black people then you're never going to get it. You can't adjust a system built around the entire society to only be better for one specific group without first asking why it's not better for that one specific group.

The answer to why policing is not better for Black people is not because it's no a tangible. The answer is racism.
That's not a tangible to Black people. That is a tangible to society. If you try and view better policing as a tangible to Black people then you're never going to get it. You can't adjust a system built around the entire society to only be better for one specific group without first asking why it's not better for that one specific group.

The answer to why policing is not better for Black people is not because it's no a tangible. The answer is racism.
You're not understanding, for black ppl, in black ppl's minds... that is a tangible, I'm not going against you here, but trying to get you to understand the mindset that is very popular in the community and as a result, you have to come around to their thinking in order to make things work, to see the way most are thinking
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Trump doesn't want to run in 2024. He just wants to continue rallying. Artists don't make most of their money on record sales. They make it from concerts. Rallies are Trump's concerts. He's going to try to use constant rallying for four years to get those debt monkeys off his back.

His rallies are his safe haven. But i do think he will run in 2024. Of course he never expected to win in 2016. But once you gain that type of power, you lust to regain it.
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Well the how come every single time any one of those groups get mentioned people get on their soap box and say that it's not specific to Black people?
Because they feel it is not specific, its more of a look toward everyone in that sense... ppl like to feel noticed or made a priority. It doesn't say hey black ppl, it says hey everyone including black ppl in the LGBT community not a race specified look if you follow my meaning.
You're making sense.......

But you are missing the point. You're focusing too much on the zig and not the zag.

What you're doing right now is called identity politics

Black people in America are already engrained into American society. American culture. American politics. Our problem is not that we aren't included. We already are.

We aren't fighting for citizenship. We already have it. That's why it's so weird to me when I see Black people saying "What about us" whenever theirs a conversation about other groups citizenship. Well for starters we already have that situation figured out. We're already citizens and viewed as American citizens. Majority of Latino's, Asians, Refugees, and even Native Americans are not.

And yes I know that there are millions of Black people who are fighting for citizenship. I am not discounting those Black people at all. It's just that in the grand scheme of things, citizenship is not at the top of the to do list for Black people. It is at the very top of the to do list very every other non white group though. Like it's issue number one for them. It is not issue number 1,2,3,4 or 5 for us. It just isn't.

The fight to be viewed as an American citizen is not a primary fight for Black America so why do some Black people always open their mouths and complain when other groups who are literally fighting for their citizenship see progress towards making that happen for them? Other groups fighting for citizenship doesn't make any of our issues less important. they're just different issues.

Now as far as the specifics that you are looking for as far as Black people are concerned, well take a look at them. None of them are specific to us so why would anybody package them as being specific to us? This would be like getting upset about groups pushing for women's healthcare rights and you're a man. If you're not a woman why are you upset about what they are asking for? It's not your place to be dissatisfied about a specific issue that only effects a specific subset of people like women, kids, people of another race, etc.

The thing that you're missing with Black tangibles, issues, agendas, or whatever you want to call them is outside of reparations, none of those issues are at their core, specific to Black people. So why would we try and make them specific to Black people? We have to acknowledge that the majority of what Black people are asking for we already have and it already benefits other groups. What we're really asking for is to just be treated better and more fairly. We're not asking to play by a different set of rules. Nobody other than white people play by different rules. that's the point.

Bolded underline is exactly what is missing, many feel we are treated far worse than ppl coming in and we've been here as citizens and feel almost like 2nd or 3rd class. They feel that their citizenship means nothing and more often feel skipped over. I'd add to that many feel disenfranchised when the same problems keep happening to the same community over and over and it comes off disrespectful to many when sub categories of a group (for lack of better words) which doesn't necessarily encompass the entirety of the group are looked after before the whole if you will.

You see the trees in the forest and many Black folks want ppl to see the forest first and then the trees
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