The Game Is The Game
Black folks really feel like we are treated last, that's not a mentality, that's the majority of our ppl's reality... You can say this that and the 3rd but if people do not feel that what ya you say is true then that is the existence... in order for change one must acknowledge the feelings of those that are feeling slighted, especially when there is such a long list of broken promises from history. It's like being in a relationship if your girl says she doesn't feel loved or cared for by you and you tell her she's don't instead of trying to reassure her... well that relationship is going to be doomed to fail . It would be one thing if the issues were simply insecurity but that's not the case here because it's been occurring over a stretch period of time, not some here or there type situation.
To say a people is doing great and they're saying we're not comes off like how Donald Trump Jr was saying we can't want it more than you or Mitch McConnell saying the blacks have it pretty good ya got a black president or Ran Paul saying the lynching bill is over the top. Blackhawks to say when I could overhear and I say don't be maisie or it's in your head or enough has been done for you all.
I never said that we are doing great
I said that we have to stop putting ourselves in last place in society when we are in fact not in last place in this society
You keep saying a lot of Black people feel like we are in last place
Okay. That doesn't make them right just because they feel that way. We aren't in last place.
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