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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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You know what that's a beautiful post but here's the thing where black folks are at with their thinking is that that car that everybody's riding in that black folks built up and somehow ended up in the backseat with somebody else driving here's two scenarios on black folk's mind..

1 The car makes a stop near a dealership and everybody in the car is told they pretty much can get a new car and black folks are told well you have a car already that works pretty good so why do you need a new one?

Scenario 2 when everyonr gets to the dance it becomes will black folks be let in the door... getting to the dance is important but getting inside the dance is just as important...

There is no other group in America who are in front of Black people besides White people

The problem that you are failing to see is that Black people are not last in America

We are not in fact at the bottom of the food chain in American society

We are a distinct second behind White America

There's no argument that you can make that any other group besides White people are in front of Black people

Not Latino's

Not Asians

Not Native Americans

It goes like this

White People

Black People

Everybody else

A lot of Black people to this day adopt a slavery mentality that we are dead least in America

That's just simply not true
In 2018 he won by such a thin margin voter suppression was clearly the reason

And a lot of niggas sat out and didn't vote

A lot of niggas were protest voting in 2018

A lot of niggas were holding Democrats accountable by not voting for them in 2018

Look where it got us....................

Such a great point all of those Anti-Voters and Anti-Democrats proved in 2018

They proved that at their core it's nothing but hate and anguish and a lack of foresight and strategy

You can't base your whole political movement around emotion

If you do, you'll become an emotionally driven political movement that looks...........................emotional

But I guess since it’s not free for just black people we’re against this? Lol.

Or do we read further into this and reject it because he mentions people of color and free so we draw the conclusion he assumes all of us to be poor? Lol.

Or because he says of color it’s not specific enough?

I don't see anything in there for FBA or ADOS

Must be a another Democratic scam to get us to fall in line

The nerve of Joe Biden to prioritize Black lives

But I guess since it’s not free for just black people we’re against this? Lol.

Or do we read further into this and reject it because he mentions people of color and free so we draw the conclusion he assumes all of us to be poor? Lol.

Or because he says of color it’s not specific enough?

I don't see anything in there for FBA or ADOS

Must be a another Democratic scam to get us to fall in line

The nerve of Joe Biden to prioritize Black lives
Silly rabbits guinea pigs, of course they'll prioritize us for an experimental vaccine

Yall have it lol. Im good
And a lot of niggas sat out and didn't vote

A lot of niggas were protest voting in 2018

A lot of niggas were holding Democrats accountable by not voting for them in 2018

Look where it got us....................

Such a great point all of those Anti-Voters and Anti-Democrats proved in 2018

They proved that at their core it's nothing but hate and anguish and a lack of foresight and strategy

You can't base your whole political movement around emotion

If you do, you'll become an emotionally driven political movement that looks...........................emotional
Of course 100% of the people didn't show up but you can't blame the ppl for that when Kemp straight up cheated. Long ass lines and multiple malfunctioning computers and some computers that turned dem votes into rep votes.
Silly rabbits guinea pigs, of course they'll prioritize us for an experimental vaccine

Yall have it lol. Im good

I worked the Ebola crisis in Africa in 2014

This would not be an experimental vaccine trial at that point

Everybody isn't out to murder Black people with needles and drugs

But I guess since it’s not free for just black people we’re against this? Lol.

Or do we read further into this and reject it because he mentions people of color and free so we draw the conclusion he assumes all of us to be poor? Lol.

Or because he says of color it’s not specific enough?

I aint taking that shit
There is no other group in America who are in front of Black people besides White people

The problem that you are failing to see is that Black people are not last in America

We are not in fact at the bottom of the food chain in American society

We are a distinct second behind White America

There's no argument that you can make that any other group besides White people are in front of Black people

Not Latino's

Not Asians

Not Native Americans

It goes like this

White People

Black People

Everybody else

A lot of Black people to this day adopt a slavery mentality that we are dead least in America

That's just simply not true
Black folks really feel like we are treated last, that's not a mentality, that's the majority of our ppl's reality... You can say this that and the 3rd but if people do not feel that what ya you say is true then that is the existence... in order for change one must acknowledge the feelings of those that are feeling slighted, especially when there is such a long list of broken promises from history. It's like being in a relationship if your girl says she doesn't feel loved or cared for by you and you tell her she's don't instead of trying to reassure her... well that relationship is going to be doomed to fail . It would be one thing if the issues were simply insecurity but that's not the case here because it's been occurring over a stretch period of time, not some here or there type situation.

To say a people is doing great and they're saying we're not comes off like how Donald Trump Jr was saying we can't want it more than you or Mitch McConnell saying the blacks have it pretty good ya got a black president or Ran Paul saying the lynching bill is over the top. Blackhawks to say when I could overhear and I say don't be maisie or it's in your head or enough has been done for you all.
Of course 100% of the people didn't show up but you can't blame the ppl for that when Kemp straight up cheated. Long ass lines and multiple malfunctioning computers and some computers that turned dem votes into rep votes.

I'm not solely blaming the people

I'm saying that voting was important before the 2018 Georgia Governor race

Voter suppression was happening before the 2018 Governor race

In fact, Stacey Abrams brought up the very voter suppression tactics that Kemp used in 2018 during their race

Black people in Georgia were absolutely aware of the voter suppression while it was happening in Georgia in 2018

What a lot of them thought was that in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn't end up being that bad

They were wrong

More people are paying attention now and that's great but we can't ignore that these same things were a big deal in the past and niggas had a whole list of excuses to not give a fuck
And a lot of niggas sat out and didn't vote

A lot of niggas were protest voting in 2018

A lot of niggas were holding Democrats accountable by not voting for them in 2018

Look where it got us....................

Such a great point all of those Anti-Voters and Anti-Democrats proved in 2018

They proved that at their core it's nothing but hate and anguish and a lack of foresight and strategy

You can't base your whole political movement around emotion

If you do, you'll become an emotionally driven political movement that looks...........................emotional
Are we not an emotional ppl in the first place... quick to anger, joy, and sadness... etc
You first. Lemme know......

Vaccines, like many other things go through trials

Like a car getting built on the assembly line

They're not going to mass distribute the car and put people in it without going through trials first

At the point of mass distribution of a vaccine you are already beyond the trial phase

Meaning if they have 1 Billion doses of a vaccine they aren't going to dangerously distribute it to people without caution

This isn't a movie lol
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