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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Maybe many years down the road, but you can’t show that hand right now. You push incrementally to get more people on board. I think Obamacare is a great example of this.

Republicans and their supporters hated the idea, but it got through. And once it was in place and the supporters saw the benefits, they actually pushed back when Republicans talked about taking it away.

So let’s not just jump out the window and say “we’re going to make this a socialist nation!” Instead, push individual policies incrementally. Socialize the ideas, get more people on board. Cause Americans are extremely adverse to change, especially when it’s pushed by the government.

i dont feel like electoral politics brings viable incremental change tho. we know that in america things tend to go from centre to the right then back to the centre again. its a constant ass grab

dems/america need to realize incremental change is 1. not quick enough for marginalized people, and 2. quickly gets overturned by the next republican (fascist) president

organizers on the ground r the ones who fight blood sweat and tears for incremental improvements all while trying to mobilize the masses to bring forth more sweeping legislation like (defunding the police, medicare for all, fight for 15 etc)

corporate dems, no matter how progressive, are hogtied to their donors. thats just what it is

theres a certain level of complacency that comes incremental change imo, it also ignores how the US functions both internationally and domestically. (us imperialism and militarization is destroying and destabilizing entire countries far and wide, not to mention we have a strong hand in the continual genocide of Palestinians)

dems employ change at such a slow and incremental rate, that it sometimes appears (or rather, acts) the same as conservatism.

hence why I spend my time and resources elsewhere
I think the main good thing we can take from this election result is...there's more of an opportunity to build now than there would've been had them other niggas won. Dont look to this administration to be the coach and map out a game plan for you (us), but rather good referees who will call the game fair. And that they're able to be held accountable if they dont.
Blood, crackas just pick any black culture to leech off of when they feel like it.
They just throw shit in a hat and say ima go with this one today.
OT Dude face is mad punchable
Me and brother were like this cracks wasted his acting talent if he had any in just that. For what
i dont feel like electoral politics brings viable incremental change tho. we know that in america things tend to go from centre to the right then back to the centre again. its a constant ass grab

dems/america need to realize incremental change is 1. not quick enough for marginalized people, and 2. quickly gets overturned by the next republican (fascist) president

organizers on the ground r the ones who fight blood sweat and tears for incremental improvements all while trying to mobilize the masses to bring forth more sweeping legislation like (defunding the police, medicare for all, fight for 15 etc)

corporate dems, no matter how progressive, are hogtied to their donors. thats just what it is

theres a certain level of complacency that comes incremental change imo, it also ignores how the US functions both internationally and domestically. (us imperialism and militarization is destroying and destabilizing entire countries far and wide, not to mention we have a strong hand in the continual genocide of Palestinians)

dems employ change at such a slow and incremental rate, that it sometimes appears (or rather, acts) the same as conservatism.

hence why I spend my time and resources elsewhere
I feel you, but change can only be made at the pace that the majority of the electorate will allow. Move too fast and Republicans will own this country for years, and no progressive change will happen, even if there is rioting in the streets.

And honestly that’s the beauty of America. We ultimately do decide which direction the country moves. We’re not happy with it because it’s not moving fast enough, but the other side are just as much Americans as us and they don’t want to move that fast. So we’re stuck with this slow change. If we feel like it’s ok to force the fast change against the will of the other side, we can’t be mad at the other side if they think it’s ok to force the standard quo in opposition to us. So I stay objective and respect each side while voting for those who will push it farther left.

The silver lining is that the majority of Americans are center left it seems. The electoral college and gerrymandering are the only things keeping these republicans in office for the most part.
honestly i want us to rewrite our constitution like chile. i would like the ppl to rise up and stop letting these mfers play in our faces. the power is with us. we saw what happens when ppl get tired of their conditions this summer. taking to the streets and demanding equity and more humane laws is what we should be vying for

like fred hampton said: peace to you, if youre willing to fight for it
I feel you, but change can only be made at the pace that the majority of the electorate will allow. Move too fast and Republicans will own this country for years, and no progressive change will happen, even if there is rioting in the streets.

And honestly that’s the beauty of America. We ultimately do decide which direction the country moves. We’re not happy with it because it’s not moving fast enough, but the other side are just as much Americans as us and they don’t want to move that fast. So we’re stuck with this slow change. If we feel like it’s ok to force the fast change against the will of the other side, we can’t be mad at the other side if they think it’s ok to force the standard quo in opposition to us. So I stay objective and respect each side while voting for those who will push it farther left.

The silver lining is that the majority of Americans are center left it seems. The electoral college and gerrymandering are the only things keeping these republicans in office for the most part.

all this says to me is that we have to get rid of bipartisanship. its total bullshit in this era
and thats my problem with liberalism. ppl dont tend to see things for what they are or are very ill informed on their fave candidates record
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