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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Without a full fledged revolt or coup, re-writing the constitution isn’t happening. And as powerful as those uprisings were this summer, if the right people aren’t in power, that movement goes nowhere. You already saw Trump proposing sending in military to squash the protests. All of our people will be dead just like those protestors in dictatorial countries. There’s better ways to go about it without mass bloodshed. America is flawed, but it’s not die in mass immediately flawed.

This is where socializing and pushing change I described in my last post comes in. You’ve got to convince others that what you want is good for everybody. Like it or not, we’re all Americans, and we are the minority even to Hispanics now.

And I’m glad no one ideology has the power to change the entire country. If you feel like somehow we have the power to force our ideology you have to accept that they can also wield that power. And that’s a scary proposition to me.

it can be done

the imagination has been smothered out of a lot of niggas. thats why niggas saying things you don’t like are much easier targets (me) than interrogating yourself and getting back to a place that lets you dream past survival.
just because youre commited to law and order and privileged to the point you can stand by and watch one white supremacist be traded for another white supremacist in hopes of short term “incremental change”, doesnt mean everyone has to suffer and buy into this “wait and see” game

this whole line of thinking is cowardly to me and rather boring.

admit, you dont care about anyone outside your immediate family and social sphere. so i can cut this back and forth short
Yeah I don't see how this is relevant to my post.

You're showing a lack of reading comprehension or maybe you're that much an ardent Biden supporter.

I clearly stated some uncertainty/disbelief and loch has provided some context.

So tell me where the initial belief resided?

Neither. It was a general comment about people believing everything they read on the internet. Dont take it so personal
Neither. It was a general comment about people believing everything they read on the internet. Dont take it so personal

Ok. That's fine.

However, next time don't directly reply to a person's post and not expect them to take it as a direct response.
the imagination has been smothered out of a lot of niggas. thats why niggas saying things you don’t like are much easier targets (me) than interrogating yourself and getting back to a place that lets you dream past survival.
Dreams without a plan are just dreams. There’s practicality and execution to actual change. And there are variables you fail to see in the battle field which is why you lose.
The sad thing about this statement is........... it has a ton of validity.

It's crazy that Trump received as many votes as he did with the way he botched the pandemic which assisted in killing his main positive talking point in the economy. A ton of folks still voted for him as he trivialized the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American citizens and destroyed thousands of small businesses......

These trash ass people in this country truly showed how crazy and bigoted they are with these election numbers. SMH
This here is constantly understated everywhere... some of the ppl in this country... man...
just because youre commited to law and order and privileged to the point you can stand by and watch one white supremacist be traded for another white supremacist in hopes of short term “incremental change”, doesnt mean everyone has to suffer and buy into this “wait and see” game

this whole line of thinking is cowardly to me and rather boring.

admit, you dont care about anyone outside your immediate family and social sphere. so i can cut this back and forth short
And here I thought we were actually having civil discourse. But as you usually do, you resort to assumptions and insults.

I care about those outside of my family and social sphere, but I have nothing to prove to someone who is so short sighted they can’t see beyond their Twitter based education.

Don’t engage me again ma’am. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I actually even agree with your goals, but your approach and plan of execution is fatally flawed. The same way you say I play “wait and see”, you are doing the same but relying on those with no power to execute.

Bottom line, you need to grow up and be an adult in life and see the world is much larger than your block and your limited “lived” experiences.
They came from a dictatorship based constitution? False equivalency.

it doesnt matter what type of system they are under.
the article is showing us what can happen when the
masses begin to organize and mobilize towards a common goal.

its clear, and has been for a while now, that our political system is not viable. trumps presidency should have made it painstakingly clear to all of us, that we're going to be stuck with permanent minority rule and no path to material change within these existing systems

either we agitate for a new constitution like in Chile or dissolve.

either way this mfer is coming down


(the x gif was just for a little razzle dazzle)
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