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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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And THAT is what passing as being "woke""conscious" pro-black"


I remember when I was in high school everybody didn't have a cell phone. I graduated before the first iPhone came out. Niggas wasn't googling shit everyday. I mean back then it took a long ass time to google some answers. Niggas was still printing off directions on map quest and shit.

Back then you had to do at least some reading on a topic before you start talking crazy cause you couldn't just reach in your pocket and have the answers right there on demand.

It feels like now that despite everything being on demand in the palm of your hands, people still find a way to expose that they have no fucking idea what they're talking about. Niggas have the audacity to post articles and shit about stuff that's completely wrong that niggas who were actually there had to learn and read about the hard way. Like you have ample time to read up on whatever you want before you just go off and post some shit but niggas still do it.
Did you read the article you posted? I pulled this from the same fucking article.

But while Obama’s response was on target during the financial crisis, his policies failed to quickly resolve the foreclosure crisis and jump-start a housing revival. Some 7 million homeowners have lost homes in foreclosures or short sales, and there are still 3 million homeowners facing repossession.

The administration’s main effort to help these homeowners, the Housing Affordable Modification Program, has fallen well short of its goals. HAMP offers monetary carrots to banks and mortgage investors who work with homeowners, modifying loan terms before a property is foreclosed.

The article YOU posted from BIAS Washington Post says exactly what I said. 10 million homes gone. He put up 75 million for the program and fucked off 4. 1 out of 3 people who refinanced under the plan defaulted again, meaning the shit was still TOO EXPENSIVE!

From the same article YOU linked

Critics charge that the government’s intervention was costly and ineffective, that the administration should have let the housing market sort things out on its own. This would have been a reasonable position if house prices had been too high when Obama’s policies kicked in; but they weren’t. By the time Obama took office, prices had fallen substantially; with low mortgage rates factored in, homes were as affordable as ever. Investors knew this, and as soon as they saw prices nearing the bottom, they began snapping up distressed properties. These investors weren’t house flippers, like those who fueled the housing bubble, but long-term players seeing bargains. Obama’s efforts to shore up housing were well timed

Obama policies didn’t help house flippers. You know people like me and you, that buy a home to rent out or to flip to make LONG TERM WEALTH. In the article YOU posted it says the the investors were long-term players. Think Steve Munichin. Think big bank.

You have to be a idiot to bring this type of argument.

Obama failed to solve the housing crisis that was already going on for 2 years while only being 2 months into his first term as POTUS. What a loser.

Look at his parents


Did you miss the part about me earning my privilege? You know that is possible, right?

I’ve lived in trailer parks and projects sweetie. I was given nothing in this world except a grandmother (on my black side) that took me in as a teenager because my mother and father couldn’t be bothered to raise me. And only after I bounced around from aunts and uncles houses for a couple of years. Even then it was just me and her living off of her nurse’s salary and her working 2nd shift everyday.

Then I worked my ass off in college racking up student loans, got my MBA via more student loans, then my CPA. Now I’m a 6 figure income earner whose wife and 3 kids want for nothing in this world. Above all, we love each other and eat every night together at the dinner table, share stories and jokes, etc. and make lifetime memories everyday.

That’s my success story. That’s why I’m privileged.

What’s your success story?
Salute homie.....
Shit sounds beautiful.
GOAT lifestyle
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