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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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i mean imma just say good luck with the whole “vote blue no matter who” shit. we have now trapped ourselves like suckers because we believe so little in our community's ability to save itself or create our own party (if given at least half of the resources yall waste behind elections)
i mean imma just say good luck with the whole “vote blue no matter who” shit. we have now trapped ourselves like suckers because we believe so little in our community's ability to save itself or create our own party (if given at least half of the resources yall waste behind elections)

I hear ya.. and agree for the most part on the sorry ass state things are in right now.

Do you really think we could make a POTENT move if all of us attempted to establish our own party?

The independent party can hardly get on the ballot or establish some kind of foothold..

I'm all for other options but what are we working with here? Being realistic
I hear ya.. and agree for the most part on the sorry ass state things are in right now.

Do you really think we could make a POTENT move if all of us attempted to establish our own party?

The independent party can hardly get on the ballot or establish some kind of foothold..

I'm all for other options but what are we working with here? Being realistic

it doesnt hurt to organize and try at this point. what does it hurt? imagine Black ppl that actually cared about the ppl, with real objectives being on the ballot. :imsayin: that would be dope asf to me!!

sadly (not to be apathetic because i truly believe apathy isnt a political position) this country doesnt seem to care about change on a large scale imo

ppl are happy (not all) with the way things are. an innocent man was executed last night and even tho it could have been stopped it wasn't because the right folks dont care.

i think about central park 5 a lot. how ppl banded together to railroad 5 innocent Black boys and folks went on to be professors and write books and serve on political boards and none of them cared, not the prosecutor, not the d.a, not the police.

there is a morality factor that is missing in this country. we lack empathy, we lack the ability to see ppl as full human beings regardless of race, class, gender, sexuality, criminal status “etc” and i truly dont think this will change unless theres a radical transformation on the word “human” altogether.

thing is, the world i want doesn't exist, it probably never will. so therefore i just focus on what i can control and uplift and support those that look like me.

ill leave the electoral shit to whoever still believes in it. i guess maybe they have more hope for this country than i do.
So, between Berns “pipe dreams” of free college for all, Uncle Joe’s “delusional” mentality, and Donnie Dumbshit’s disgusting....well, EVERYTHING, that third party option is starting to look real good again.

We are really back to the same ol’ in politics, where the next elected guy will be an old, burned out cac male. Democrats, you REALLY suck for this. I blame ALL the Baby Boomers, Black, White, and in between.

I REALLY miss YangGang.
So, between Berns “pipe dreams” of free college for all, Uncle Joe’s “delusional” mentality, and Donnie Dumbshit’s disgusting....well, EVERYTHING, that third party option is starting to look real good again.

We are really back to the same ol’ in politics, where the next elected guy will be an old, burned out cac male. Democrats, you REALLY suck for this. I blame ALL the Baby Boomers, Black, White, and in between.

I REALLY miss YangGang.

this is hilarious as shit lmao
I don't mean this in a personal or disrespectful way but people in here saying this is Republican vs Republican or trying to tear down Biden because it's clear he's gonna win the nomination are some really short sighted muthafuckas.

Listen man. Niggas need to learn how to win. Everybody in here who doesn't understand why as a black person you should be voting for Joe Biden right now does not know how to win. Niggas want to get everything at every moment. That's not how it works. Nobody is ignoring y'all's takes. I fucking here you. You niggas are spending too much fucking time talking in circles. Always questioning how shit looks. Stop trying to make the win look good when you haven't even secured it. Win the fucking game first man.

All I see in here is a lot of more of the same talk. I'll tell you what's more of the same. The only more of the same I see is niggas saying the same tired as tropes during an election. Complaining and bitching. Repeating the same talking points but that's all it is. Talk. Stop fucking talking and vote.

"But Los I don't wanna vote for so and so" That's not what it's about nigga. This ain't a fucking sprint. Every election cycle niggas worry about shit that sprinters worry about. This is a fucking marathon. The race of a fucking lifetime. Being black is not a sprint. Fixing black issues is not a sprint. You are not going to win every step of the fucking race. There are parts of this race where losing if fucking inevitable man. Niggas need to understand that. It's like as soon as it became inevitable that Biden was gonna win the Nom here comes a lot of niggas talking that talk like we don't know what it is.

I have an honest question. Does anybody in here who's been making these points truly believe that you're saying something that we haven't heard before? Of course fucking not. That's our fucking problem. Black people always feel the need to explain our struggle. Nigga you don't need to tell me that Joe Biden helped pass the crime bill. You don't need to tell me here worked with segregationalist. You need to fucking vote so we can move forward.

Niggas don't know how to move forward. We spend too much time explaining why shit is fucked up like we all don't see it. Nigga we all see it. We know. Shit fucking sucks for us right now. Newsflash. It always has. So instead of explaining our struggle for the umpteenth time just fucking vote. Vote for the person who can win. Right now Joe Biden is that person. You can fight it but you know you see it. It's gonna be Joe Biden.

So first things first. Vote for the muthafucka who can win. get a fucking win first before you start complaining bout what we're gonna do. Win. Win. Win. After we get a win then focus on the next win. I swear sometimes it feels like niggas think that black people prospering in this country is just gonna naturally happen. No nigga lolololololol. Black people prospering in this country is the fight of our fucking lifetimes. And in this fight niggas need to learn how to win rounds. Niggas are too worried about how ugly the fight looks. or what we're wearing. or who's in the crowd. Or how much we getting paid to fight. Nigga. Win the fucking fight. You don't have to knock the other nigga out to win. Win the round first. Win those little exchanges in the round. Land your punches. Counter your opponent. Stop trying to analyze this shit so the you can win this fight with one punch.

This is the fight of your fucking life. Please stop acting like niggas are ignoring who Joe Biden is. We know who he is niggas. Now stop bitching a fucking fight so that we can win. Learn how to win.

White people know how to win. They know how to win exchanges. they know how to win rounds. They know how to win fights. You think they're gonna do anything to make it easy for niggas to win this fight? hell no. So learn how to fight. Learn the game man. You're not going to win it all in one moment.

Nigga relax black peoples have always voted all the time but we are only 13% of the population. And republicans are way more spread out. Blue States were the Northeast and VA and Cali and a few others and big urban spots vote Dem. But Republicans have shit on lock from Western Penn to Alabama to Montana. It ain’t our fault Trump won. Obama won nigha and what we got now the same complaining that you’re complaining about? How is Joe Biden moving is forward? Because he not Trump? That’s victory to you? That a step forward? Shit the fuck up
Should of stopped reading after this fuckery. But race was right about pretty much 98% of the people agreeing are white.
Here are some interesting replies that he completely ignored

yea it was weird. in an effort to paint southern Black voters as a critical thinking bloc, fully informed on the current political climate and social needs, he ended up just making them sound stubborn, aloof and unyielding if we are being honest.
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