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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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So then stop looking at this like a two party system. Let me ask you a question. How often do you think white people who don't have to go through life with the same trials and tribulations as we do think about their party affiliation?

often. white ppl always vote with their interest in mind “who can i vote for that will continue to railroad people of color” “who will maintain these systems that have been killing and abusing poc for centuries”

Black ppl vote like “hmm who will loosen the noose around my neck, not totally remove it but loosen it because i can only expect and demand so much”

and therein lies the problem

we are only used for votes. they pander and talk a good game to get us to vote then forget about us come morning.
Black people have only been voting for 55 years in this democracy. We haven't even been voting as a whole long enough t say what we've done with an opportunity.

You think our ancestors and elders won? Saying that they won would imply that we should be done fighting which as you can see is not the case. We never won. Not in the past and not now. We just talk about shit and complain.
MLK in tandem with Lydon Johnson and the democratic party is an example of what we done with opportunity

Affirmatative Action with Jessie and Clinton is an example of what we done with the opportunity

They not just gone give me obama with nothing of substance coming from it and thinking we just gone let it ride from there.

Your job dont just pay you once or twice and expect you to just show up off the strength..that ain't what we doing playboi
MLK in tandem with Lydon Johnson and the democratic party is an example of what we done with opportunity

Affirmatative Action with Jessie and Clinton is an example of what we done with the opportunity

They not just gone give me obama with nothing of substance coming from it and thinking we just gone let it ride from there.

Your job dont just pay you once or twice and expect you to just show up off the strength..that ain't what we doing playboi

You wanna know something? The only people i ever see saying black people should be satisfied with having Obama is.....black people. Why do so many niggas have this mindset? Who said we had to just be okay with Obama? I only see black people saying that. Any white person that says we should just be happy we had Obama didn't give a fuck about us anyway. Why do so many niggas say it?
You wanna know something? The only people i ever see saying black people should be satisfied with having Obama is.....black people. Why do so many niggas have this mindset? Who said we had to just be okay with Obama? I only see black people saying that. Any white person that says we should just be happy we had Obama didn't give a fuck about us anyway. Why do so many niggas say it?
Bruh, that's Bidens entire pitch..lol, fuck is u talking bout
often. white ppl always vote with their interest in mind “who can i vote for that will continue to railroad people of color” “who will maintain these systems that have been killing and abusing poc for centuries”

Black ppl vote like “hmm who will loosen the noose around my neck, not totally remove it but loosen it because i can only expect and demand so much”

and therein lies the problem

we are only used for votes. they pander and talk a good game to get us to vote then forget about us come morning.

Congrats. You realized that black people have always been at a disadvantage. Your prize is......arguing with me about it all day so get comfortable muthafucka.

It's no secret that what you said is happening. Okay now what? And that's my problem. Once we understand what's happening and it's time to move forward we just start repeating what's happening. Complaining. Repeating the same talking points and narratives. Pointing out how this shit was setup for us to fail. Yea, yea, we know that already. So what's next? How are we supposed to move forward? According to you we're just supposed to sulk because shits fucked up.
Bruh, that's Bidens entire pitch..lol, fuck is u talking bout

Biden's entire pitch is to win the White House. Period. If you keep looking beyond that you're gonna hurt yourself. Focus on the task at hand. Stop acting like politicians are supposed to or can spell out our lives for us years in advance. They can't. Win first.
I don't mean this in a personal or disrespectful way but people in here saying this is Republican vs Republican or trying to tear down Biden because it's clear he's gonna win the nomination are some really short sighted muthafuckas.

Listen man. Niggas need to learn how to win. Everybody in here who doesn't understand why as a black person you should be voting for Joe Biden right now does not know how to win. Niggas want to get everything at every moment. That's not how it works. Nobody is ignoring y'all's takes. I fucking here you. You niggas are spending too much fucking time talking in circles. Always questioning how shit looks. Stop trying to make the win look good when you haven't even secured it. Win the fucking game first man.

All I see in here is a lot of more of the same talk. I'll tell you what's more of the same. The only more of the same I see is niggas saying the same tired as tropes during an election. Complaining and bitching. Repeating the same talking points but that's all it is. Talk. Stop fucking talking and vote.

"But Los I don't wanna vote for so and so" That's not what it's about nigga. This ain't a fucking sprint. Every election cycle niggas worry about shit that sprinters worry about. This is a fucking marathon. The race of a fucking lifetime. Being black is not a sprint. Fixing black issues is not a sprint. You are not going to win every step of the fucking race. There are parts of this race where losing if fucking inevitable man. Niggas need to understand that. It's like as soon as it became inevitable that Biden was gonna win the Nom here comes a lot of niggas talking that talk like we don't know what it is.

I have an honest question. Does anybody in here who's been making these points truly believe that you're saying something that we haven't heard before? Of course fucking not. That's our fucking problem. Black people always feel the need to explain our struggle. Nigga you don't need to tell me that Joe Biden helped pass the crime bill. You don't need to tell me here worked with segregationalist. You need to fucking vote so we can move forward.

Niggas don't know how to move forward. We spend too much time explaining why shit is fucked up like we all don't see it. Nigga we all see it. We know. Shit fucking sucks for us right now. Newsflash. It always has. So instead of explaining our struggle for the umpteenth time just fucking vote. Vote for the person who can win. Right now Joe Biden is that person. You can fight it but you know you see it. It's gonna be Joe Biden.

So first things first. Vote for the muthafucka who can win. get a fucking win first before you start complaining bout what we're gonna do. Win. Win. Win. After we get a win then focus on the next win. I swear sometimes it feels like niggas think that black people prospering in this country is just gonna naturally happen. No nigga lolololololol. Black people prospering in this country is the fight of our fucking lifetimes. And in this fight niggas need to learn how to win rounds. Niggas are too worried about how ugly the fight looks. or what we're wearing. or who's in the crowd. Or how much we getting paid to fight. Nigga. Win the fucking fight. You don't have to knock the other nigga out to win. Win the round first. Win those little exchanges in the round. Land your punches. Counter your opponent. Stop trying to analyze this shit so the you can win this fight with one punch.

This is the fight of your fucking life. Please stop acting like niggas are ignoring who Joe Biden is. We know who he is niggas. Now stop bitching a fucking fight so that we can win. Learn how to win.

White people know how to win. They know how to win exchanges. they know how to win rounds. They know how to win fights. You think they're gonna do anything to make it easy for niggas to win this fight? hell no. So learn how to fight. Learn the game man. You're not going to win it all in one moment.
My nigga, did you just write an essay saying black people "don't know how to win", and "White people know how to win"??? Last time I checked.....White Democrats were picking Hillary in 08. She was the annoited one. Then Obama swooped in, and delivered 8 years for them. Hillary comes back in 2016 with 1 billion backing her up and lose to Donald fucking Trump. In 2018, the black vote carried Dems to the House majoirty, and yet here we are with all the non-white candidates getting hardly any support (Yang, Tulsi, Booker, Harris, Patrick, Castro), while Mayor Pete and Amy Knobhead get endless love. Warren lies on her heritage, and she's propped. Bernie, Biden, Bloomberg are all over 77 years old, and the last ones standing.

When people say it's Republican vs Republican, they pointing out the polices of the people on the ballot. Biden's record for 30+ years has been a BIG negative towards us. Lasting damage from opposing school bussing, to being THE GUY pushing prosecution towards drug USERS, to helping architect the crime bill, to cosigning the Iraq War, all led to problems we talk about daily here and elsewhere. Biden was picked as VP soley to appeal to nervous blue collar white people, that's it. He never argreed with Obama on actual policy. Biden was still defending the crime bill in 2016, think about that. What good has Biden done in his 30 years?

No one is saying don't vote in November. But our choices are straight garbage. And yes....it's Republican vs Republican. We hold all the power to sway presdiential elections, and yet still allow both parties to choose this for us. Every other group demands things, from immigration reform(latinos), or some LGBT issue(gays/Drake fans), or abortion rights(women), but we don't. Biden shouldn't be geting defacto support simply to prop up a poltical party. We should be demanding promises beforehand. Tell them, do this.....or fuck off.
Congrats. You realized that black people have always been at a disadvantage. Your prize is......arguing with me about it all day so get comfortable muthafucka.

It's no secret that what you said is happening. Okay now what? And that's my problem. Once we understand what's happening and it's time to move forward we just start repeating what's happening. Complaining. Repeating the same talking points and narratives. Pointing out how this shit was setup for us to fail. Yea, yea, we know that already. So what's next? How are we supposed to move forward? According to you we're just supposed to sulk because shits fucked up.

ive already explained and suggested ways to move forward. we are going in circles at this point love
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“The ballot or the bullet" speech is so important and right on time for this upcoming election.

at some point we have to start putting the principles of those before us into practice. the blueprint is already there...Ya dig ?
My nigga, did you just write an essay saying black people "don't know how to win", and "White people know how to win"??? Last time I checked.....White Democrats were picking Hillary in 08. She was the annoited one. Then Obama swooped in, and delivered 8 years for them. Hillary comes back in 2016 with 1 billion backing her up and lose to Donald fucking Trump. In 2018, the black vote carried Dems to the House majoirty, and yet here we are with all the non-white candidates getting hardly any support (Yang, Tulsi, Booker, Harris, Patrick, Castro), while Mayor Pete and Amy Knobhead get endless love. Warren lies on her heritage, and she's propped. Bernie, Biden, Bloomberg are all over 77 years old, and the last ones standing.

When people say it's Republican vs Republican, they pointing out the polices of the people on the ballot. Biden's record for 30+ years has been a BIG negative towards us. Lasting damage from opposing school bussing, to being THE GUY pushing prosecution towards drug USERS, to helping architect the crime bill, to cosigning the Iraq War, all led to problems we talk about daily here and elsewhere. Biden was picked as VP soley to appeal to nervous blue collar white people, that's it. He never argreed with Obama on actual policy. Biden was still defending the crime bill in 2016, think about that. What good has Biden done in his 30 years?

No one is saying don't vote in November. But our choices are straight garbage. And yes....it's Republican vs Republican. We hold all the power to sway presdiential elections, and yet still allow both parties to choose this for us. Every other group demands things, from immigration reform(latinos), or some LGBT issue(gays/Drake fans), or abortion rights(women), but we don't. Biden shouldn't be geting defacto support simply to prop up a poltical party. We should be demanding promises beforehand. Tell them, do this.....or fuck off.

Slow down there pal,

When I said white people know how to win that doesn't mean that they haven't taken any L's. I specifically said this is a marathon. A fight with many rounds. You're not gonna win every round or every leg of the race. You just need to win in the end. That's what they know how to do better than us. Win in the end.

Now as for this whole Republican vs Republican shit. Nigga, try to understand this. You're not voting for Joe Biden, or democrat, or a Republican, or an establishment, or an agenda. As a black person you are voting for a path. A path that can potentially allow us to prosper. Now you can give me a smart as response to this next question or you can answer it truthfully.

Which candidate gives black people a better path to prosper? Joe Biden or Donald Trump? I'll hang up and listen.
read the ballot or the bullet @Los216

here, listen

I lived right around the corner from the church where he gave this speech. All I'll say is this. This is not 1964. If niggas think a violent response is how we're going to get through this life then they are sadly mistaken. I've fought in multiple real life battles when I was in the Marine Corps. I know first hand how hard it is to get well trained, well conditioned, well disciplined Marines ready for battle. Doing that for an entire race in America is not a realistic option. Although it can sound very tempting or inevitable. That's not what we want. It won't work. It would be over before it starts.

Also the funny thing about Cory Church is that's the biggest Church in that neighborhood. It's also the largest voting spot in the city where the majority of the voters are black. That's wild ironic that you posted that. Good shit.
Slow down there pal,

When I said white people know how to win that doesn't mean that they haven't taken any L's. I specifically said this is a marathon. A fight with many rounds. You're not gonna win every round or every leg of the race. You just need to win in the end. That's what they know how to do better than us. Win in the end.

Now as for this whole Republican vs Republican shit. Nigga, try to understand this. You're not voting for Joe Biden, or democrat, or a Republican, or an establishment, or an agenda. As a black person you are voting for a path. A path that can potentially allow us to prosper. Now you can give me a smart as response to this next question or you can answer it truthfully.
What "path' are we voting for? Please explain.

We hold the power to make anyone president. The point is that we're not fighting any of these "rounds". If people like Biden want our support, especially after the decades of bullshit he's done to us.....we should be demanding something in return. If a man comes into your home, causes damage to your family, your friends, your property, your reputation, do you simply support him years later without restitution? How many have their lives turned upside down due to the things Biden help spearhead? A simple "Oh I disavow that shit I did in the past, cause I need your votes today", doesn't quite cut it. We need actual promises, specific ones.

Which candidate gives black people a better path to prosper? Joe Biden or Donald Trump? I'll hang up and listen.
You mean Republican vs Republican, right? This pretty much goes back to our picks being garbage. I don't see us prospering with either, but would pick Biden over Trump. Still though, I would go back to how we did things during the Civil Rights era and makes demands to both, and see who comes through. I want a REAL infracstruturee bill to revitalize our communities. I want comprehensive justice reform, especially with drug laws, and those incarcirated. I want real education reform in our communties, cause our schools get the short end of the stick. We can go for days on a real agenda that both parties would be given. Cause agian, every other group does it, except us.
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We hold the power to make anyone president.

Not if we don't vote and that's the problem. Everything you said means nothing because niggas don't vote. If your response is that we don't have good enough people to vote for well then you have to work to get the ones we like on the ballot. You think niggas are gonna wake up next election to a candidate pool full of black people? No we're not but did you notice the candidate pool this year? Kamala, Booker, Yang, and Castro all made it on the debate stage. That's 4 non white people. That's progress. How did they make it onto the stage? Votes. Support. Niggas spend more time complaining about who's up there than doing everything in their power to put people like us up there.

Until we learn how to vote like a community shits not gonna change. That's why doing things like voting for Joe Biden in the General Election is a necessity because niggas don't know how to take care of business internally yet. We don't know how to win so we end up having to always fight at a disadvantage.
Not if we don't vote and that's the problem. Everything you said means nothing because niggas don't vote. If your response is that we don't have good enough people to vote for well then you have to work to get the ones we like on the ballot. You think niggas are gonna wake up next election to a candidate pool full of black people? No we're not but did you notice the candidate pool this year? Kamala, Booker, Yang, and Castro all made it on the debate stage. That's 4 non white people. That's progress. How did they make it onto the stage? Votes. Support. Niggas spend more time complaining about who's up there than doing everything in their power to put people like us up there.

Until we learn how to vote like a community shits not gonna change. That's why doing things like voting for Joe Biden in the General Election is a necessity because niggas don't know how to take care of business internally yet. We don't know how to win so we end up having to always fight at a disadvantage.
We coming off the Obama for 8 years, how is Kamala, Booker, Yang, and Castro making it on stage....progress? Note, they didn't even allow a few of them into a late debate, and then changed the rules for Bloomberg, and now changed them agian so Tulsi can't get on. How were Buttigieg or Knobhead better than the non-white candidates? Only difference was where the money was flowing. Obama changed the game by breaking ground on online donations, but remember.....some social media platforms banned political ads. That's by design. It leaves all ads to traditonal media which is controlled by the powers that be (white/jewish money).

And stop with the "we need to learn" shit. We know better than anyone how the game is played. You still haven't given any real reason to vote FOR Joe Biden. You're talking about "paths" and how we need to "learn how to win like white people", and on and on. But haven't answered what voting for Biden this fall without specific promises really bring us?
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