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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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If black folks divest and don't show up to the polls... these politicians will just find someone else to pander to that will actually help get them elected and say "fuck yall black folks.. yall don't vote anyway so why bother reaching out to see what you want/need"

Sure the system is inherently violent... so is the world... so is life... lol don't mean we just divest from the shit.. nah... we fight like hell to make it better.

I disagree. who is the next largest voting party outside of Black ppl? who is left to pander to? and Im not saying just Black ppl should divest but everyone of a marginalized identity or those who are tired of this two party illusion.
(i knot this is highly unlikely) but its a suggestion.

this entire thing is shit.
I disagree. who is the next largest voting party outside of Black ppl? who is left to pander to? and Im not saying just Black ppl should divest but everyone of a marginalized identity or those who are tired of this two party illusion.
(i knot this is highly unlikely) but its a suggestion.

this entire thing is shit.

Latinx folks I'm assuming would be the next largest voting block to be pandered to... Their population is growing at a pretty fast rate.

But let's be real here... what you're talking about... all marginalized folks divesting and saying fuck voting until we get what we want... how likely do you think that is to happen in our lifetime?

Doesn't seem too realistic.. cuz in the meantime these white folks just gon keep voting... keep getting their judges.. keep passing laws to fuck us over etc..

Us NOT voting doesn't stop them from doing that. Us Voting in greater numbers than they do.... does
Im like 10 pages back and see yall keep saying how come no one endorsed bernie.

I mean yea its his politics but also hes an unlikeable ass dude. I mean bernie supporters LOVE bernie, and I love his policies, but people that know him and worked with him all say hes brilliant and genuine but hes a hard mfer to get along with and has a habit of yelling at people.

In so many words, its hard to get mfers to endorse you when you burn bridges, mfers hate you, and your whole campaign is based on shitting on their beliefs.
Im like 10 pages back and see yall keep saying how come no one endorsed bernie.

I mean yea its his politics but also hes an unlikeable ass dude. I mean bernie supporters LOVE bernie, and I love his policies, but people that know him and worked with him all say hes brilliant and genuine but hes a hard mfer to get along with and has a habit of yelling at people.

In so many words, its hard to get mfers to endorse you when you burn bridges, mfers hate you, and your whole campaign is based on shitting on their beliefs.
So do Greg Popavach and Bill Belichick..

What we doing here?
Latinx folks I'm assuming would be the next largest voting block to be pandered to... Their population is growing at a pretty fast rate.

But let's be real here... what you're talking about... all marginalized folks divesting and saying fuck voting until we get what we want... how likely do you think that is to happen in our lifetime?

Doesn't seem too realistic.. cuz in the meantime these white folks just gon keep voting... keep getting their judges.. keep passing laws to fuck us over etc..

Us NOT voting doesn't stop them from doing that. Us Voting in greater numbers than they do.... does

yes, i said it was highly unlikely because ppl refuse to divest from the voting sys and considering how frustratingly patronizing folks are towards non voters/3rd party voters, i understand why.:foh5:

my point is no matter who is in the office dem/rep the sys does not change. prisons are still violent, school sys still funded by property taxes, ppl still face high amounts of poverty and food insecurities. i have not seen one mass effort by any of these politicians to change these things, and i dont mean reform them but a complete overhaul.

let me ask you this because my friend asked me and i thought it was a very good question

imagine if you had to create a better world through political action, but could not vote. What would you do?
Also as a part of society always blaming black people, bernie not getting the black vote is being overblown.

More young black voters voted for bernie than for biden. More older black voters voted for biden.

Just like more young white voters voted for bernie and more old white guys guys voted for biden.

Buuuut lets blame blacks. Easier that way.
You ain't gotta like somebody to work with them.

These are OLD ass mfers acting like kids because someone is "hard to get along with".

It's not even just about Bernie but that whole argument is silly as hell to me. I can't even fathom the level of petty you have to have in order to be a politician and play the game to get anything done.
yes, i said it was highly unlikely because ppl refuse to divest from the voting sys and considering how frustratingly patronizing folks are towards non voters/3rd party voters, i understand why.:foh5:

my point is no matter who is in the office dem/rep the sys does not change. prisons are still violent, school sys still funded by property taxes, ppl still face high amounts of poverty and food insecurities. i have not seen one mass effort by any of these politicians to change these things, and i dont mean reform them but a complete overhaul.

It doesn't change because the people who the system affects the most in a negative way don't vote!

With that statement I'm referring to folks that CHOOSE not to vote.. not those who have had that right taken from them obviously.

let me ask you this because my friend asked me and i thought it was a very good question

imagine if you had to create a better world through political action, but could not vote. What would you do?

Me personally.. I'm always going to want to have my say in how things are going. Things are fluid.. so even if we created a better world by TODAYS standards and give up our say... what happens some years or even days down the line when our reality is different. I'm not permanently giving up my say for a temporary reprieve.

Back to the topic tho... this isn't an IF/OR statement though... We can multitask here.. we can vote.. and we can do other things in the community to make substantial changes. It's not as if we vote all that other shit goes away. It costs you nothing but some time..
So do Greg Popavach and Bill Belichick..

What we doing here?

And ill put hands on both those mfers for talking to me like that.

Its one thing to see a mfer on tv and in rallies and love him, its another thing to work with the mfer.

To your simple ass analogy, we see pop shit on reporters on tv and we love pop, but ask those reporters to endorse a coach and the majority of those reporters wont endorse him for shit.

Just like bernie. We see the mfer on tv and love him, but mfers hes worked with and burned bridges with and been shitting on for 4 years now would never endorse him.

"Critics of Medicare for All, which was also endorsed by Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a former Democratic presidential candidate who suspended her presidential campaign on Thursday, have also repeatedly questioned how such a plan would be paid for. They've argued that it would be far too expensive and become a major drain on the federal budget.

But a study by researchers at Yale University, the University of Florida and the University of Maryland published in mid-February found that universal health care would actually save about $450 billion per year in health care costs. Additionally, it projected that a Medicare for All system would prevent at least 60,000 unnecessary deaths every year, as tens of millions of uninsured Americans would receive full health coverage under the system."

This country is so full of shit man.
this election really is repub vs repub lmao

people dont see that

And I get that, and I proudly didnt vote in 2016.

But I cant take another 4 years of Trump. Just the way he talks pisses me off. And i really need Pence to get the fuck out of there. I cant deal with a mfer that says the bible is his guide to governance. That shit makes me wanna beat him with his own bible.

This is a simpleton ass view, but for once ima be the simpleton and just say anyone but Trump.

The next mfer gonna be just as damaging but atleast hes not gonna be on social media begging for attention.
I mean one could make the argument that he's toast in MS cuz he cant be fuckin bothered to make an effort to engage the voters of MS
But a debate on Fox exposes him to more potential voters than an event in MS

Simple logic

I don't mean this in a personal or disrespectful way but people in here saying this is Republican vs Republican or trying to tear down Biden because it's clear he's gonna win the nomination are some really short sighted muthafuckas.

Listen man. Niggas need to learn how to win. Everybody in here who doesn't understand why as a black person you should be voting for Joe Biden right now does not know how to win. Niggas want to get everything at every moment. That's not how it works. Nobody is ignoring y'all's takes. I fucking here you. You niggas are spending too much fucking time talking in circles. Always questioning how shit looks. Stop trying to make the win look good when you haven't even secured it. Win the fucking game first man.

All I see in here is a lot of more of the same talk. I'll tell you what's more of the same. The only more of the same I see is niggas saying the same tired as tropes during an election. Complaining and bitching. Repeating the same talking points but that's all it is. Talk. Stop fucking talking and vote.

"But Los I don't wanna vote for so and so" That's not what it's about nigga. This ain't a fucking sprint. Every election cycle niggas worry about shit that sprinters worry about. This is a fucking marathon. The race of a fucking lifetime. Being black is not a sprint. Fixing black issues is not a sprint. You are not going to win every step of the fucking race. There are parts of this race where losing if fucking inevitable man. Niggas need to understand that. It's like as soon as it became inevitable that Biden was gonna win the Nom here comes a lot of niggas talking that talk like we don't know what it is.

I have an honest question. Does anybody in here who's been making these points truly believe that you're saying something that we haven't heard before? Of course fucking not. That's our fucking problem. Black people always feel the need to explain our struggle. Nigga you don't need to tell me that Joe Biden helped pass the crime bill. You don't need to tell me here worked with segregationalist. You need to fucking vote so we can move forward.

Niggas don't know how to move forward. We spend too much time explaining why shit is fucked up like we all don't see it. Nigga we all see it. We know. Shit fucking sucks for us right now. Newsflash. It always has. So instead of explaining our struggle for the umpteenth time just fucking vote. Vote for the person who can win. Right now Joe Biden is that person. You can fight it but you know you see it. It's gonna be Joe Biden.

So first things first. Vote for the muthafucka who can win. get a fucking win first before you start complaining bout what we're gonna do. Win. Win. Win. After we get a win then focus on the next win. I swear sometimes it feels like niggas think that black people prospering in this country is just gonna naturally happen. No nigga lolololololol. Black people prospering in this country is the fight of our fucking lifetimes. And in this fight niggas need to learn how to win rounds. Niggas are too worried about how ugly the fight looks. or what we're wearing. or who's in the crowd. Or how much we getting paid to fight. Nigga. Win the fucking fight. You don't have to knock the other nigga out to win. Win the round first. Win those little exchanges in the round. Land your punches. Counter your opponent. Stop trying to analyze this shit so the you can win this fight with one punch.

This is the fight of your fucking life. Please stop acting like niggas are ignoring who Joe Biden is. We know who he is niggas. Now stop bitching a fucking fight so that we can win. Learn how to win.

White people know how to win. They know how to win exchanges. they know how to win rounds. They know how to win fights. You think they're gonna do anything to make it easy for niggas to win this fight? hell no. So learn how to fight. Learn the game man. You're not going to win it all in one moment.
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