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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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The black polticians who allow their endorsements to be bought and paid for are part of the establishment. How you think Bloomberg got so many people backing him? Money makes the world go round. GTFO with "There is no establishment in the Democratic Party", you're really caping hard right now my nigga. They tried to kneecap Obama until he won Iowa 08, and those same young voters you dissed a couple pages ago, led him through. The establishment are the gatekeepers

The party doesn't go where we take it because we don't demand anything. Just a lot of lily white ass kissing as usual, hoping they'll throw us a bone. Harris, Booker, Patrick, Castro, Yang, Gabbard....none of them got love. Amy and Mayor Pete did though, wonder why. Warren, Bernie, Biden, Bloomberg all 70+ and white. Meanwhile the DNC was carried to a 2018 vicotory by young and non-white voters.

For everyone dragging Bernie today. I'm gonna remind them of who they're stanning. And dude is STILL against legalizing.

It's really interesting to watch that video where Biden goes on a tirade against drug USERS specifically... he said they have to hold every drug USER accountable... That same energy from back then isn't being applied to those white drug users dealing with the so called opioid crisis...

now they wanna talk about the pharmaceutical industry/dealers... they don't wanna lock up users anymore they want to be sympathetic and get them the help they so desperately need.

That conversation needs to be had.. I'd like to hear his answer on the matter
Bruh we gotta stop looking for things to blame and begin to holding Bernie Sanders accountable for not campaigning as well as he should be. Like I said, you can't talk down to the very same people you need support from and be mad they wont rally behind you.

If Joe barely campaigned and has barely spent any money why is he in the lead against a man doing so much more ? Why are the delegates supporting Biden if Sanders has "better" policies and a better chance at beating Trump?? Something aint right with the Sanders narrative.

This.. Everybody keeps making excuses for Bernie..At what point do we hold him accountable.. Everybody is calling the blacks in the south dumb for voting for Biden.. Which is hella offensive by the way.. Here where I live In Jackson, MS, Bernie had an event scheduled for Friday and he cancelled.. Alotta niggas in my circle (34 and under) fuck with him and was taking off and everything to support.. But he cancelled and sending surrogates instead. Meanwhile, Biden going to a service at 9:30 am Sunday at a baptist church and got another event scheduled for 2:30 at a HBCU here.. Is he pandering? maybe.. But he at least is acting like he gives a fuck.. The optics are gonna look a certain way.. With a demographic that bernie is obviously weak in, he cant even bother.. Blame the "establishment" all you want but what are you really doing besides shaking your finger angrily.. If only his real life support was like it is on the internet.
These are two 70+ year olds going back and forth on twitter...

lawd.. lol

Eh. Difference is trump is actually tweeting this stuff, is the potus and actually gives af about trolling. While Bloomberg is payin someone to do it and is only doin it cuz he thinks thats how you go at trump.
Bruh we gotta stop looking for things to blame and begin to holding Bernie Sanders accountable for not campaigning as well as he should be. Like I said, you can't talk down to the very same people you need support from and be mad they wont rally behind you.

If Joe barely campaigned and has barely spent any money why is he in the lead against a man doing so much more ? Why are the delegates supporting Biden if Sanders has "better" policies and a better chance at beating Trump?? Something aint right with the Sanders narrative.

You just answered your own question.

“If he is better for the voters, why isn’t he winning”

Because the Establishment is doing everything in their power to stop him from winning and millions of voters are brainwashed by corporate Ads and the Establishment media that manufactures consent.

That’s what we have been talking about for several pages now.
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It's really interesting to watch that video where Biden goes on a tirade against drug USERS specifically... he said they have to hold every drug USER accountable... That same energy from back then isn't being applied to those white drug users dealing with the so called opioid crisis...

now they wanna talk about the pharmaceutical industry/dealers... they don't wanna lock up users anymore they want to be sympathetic and get them the help they so desperately need.

That conversation needs to be had.. I'd like to hear his answer on the matter
That's the thing people don't realize, all these tougher drug laws against USERS were spearheaded by Biden. He's the godfather of the Drug War. And no one's really called him out for it.

Look at Drug-related prisoners at the start of 1980, and how it skyrocketted. Doesn't start to go back down until Obama is in office. Based on how much support this guy got, we should DEMANDING a lot from Biden in return. he has a lot to make up for.

That being said... I know no candidate is perfect... if it's between Biden and Trump come November... Biden will get my vote even if im not happy with him 100% as a candidate.

Abstaining from voting this year is not an option in my opinion
Truth. People gotta stop going at Bernie supporters and bring them on board. Then reach out to Independents
Bernie could use her upper class white supporters and her skill and charisma as a VP candidate
She has a quality about her that can touch many bases.. Without effort optically optically she appears one way but she shows more she is a connector in a real sense not the straight out of political casting
Warren knew she was a loser just couldn’t get the fuck out the way on some hater shit

Im all about it. And someone should do that.

I bet you Sanders wins a lot more than four states with that math.

And I bet you his Delegate situation looks a lot different.

And I bet you the narrative around Biden being a Juggernaut would be quite a bit differ right about now.

In the spirit of keeping the same energy - that would have been two Progressives against four moderates (plus the Beto Endorsement), the healthcare industrial complex, Half a $Billion of Bloomberg money, the entire Democratic Establishment, and the corporate media...

And it’s the other side would have been out numbered.
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