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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Biden still aint hit 800k votes yet

Bernie’s million still going up

“but but He’s not winning the Cali Primary, he didn’t win in a landslide even though cali has the most people in the country and he won 3 top counties by an insane margin”

“Bernie lost”

So who is a part of the establishment? How can black people be apart of the establishment and at the same time candidates who do horrible with black voters like Mayor Pete, Klobachur, and Warren also be in the establishment? It can't be both. One of those can't be there. Is it the black voter base or the candidates? One gotta go fam.
Its clear whos apart of it by how the fall inline and do what they're told. Of course it can be both. In fact why cant it be both?

White people act like they're arnt a lot of black people in America, and we're are all from the same tribe. Just because theres some black elected official they put on tv that they call a "black leader", that they speak for all of us.

Every major election its the same thing. They pander to corporations, white america & every other ethnic group. Then towards the end when they need a few more votes they're like "oh yea, i forgot about the niggas", and go shake hands with the same "black leaders". Or get pictures taken of them at a black church or restaurant. Then they get elected or dont get elected & we fall back into obscurity.
I think you’re underestimating the hate young people have for Trump. They’re coming out regardless of the candidate.

The only people that feel disenfranchised are Bernie supporters, and they’re not as populous as they once were.
No I'm not. They hate him enough to like twitter and IG posts trashing him. But are they motivated enough to get in line to vote for the other guy whos campaign slogan is pretty much just, "I'm not Trump".
its turned back into a southpark episode for another election.

Its going to be between a giant douche or a turd sandwich
Its clear whos apart of it by how the fall inline and do what they're told. Of course it can be both. In fact why cant it be both?

White people act like they're arnt a lot of black people in America, and we're are all from the same tribe. Just because theres some black elected official they put on tv that they call a "black leader", that they speak for all of us.

Every major election its the same thing. They pander to corporations, white america & every other ethnic group. Then towards the end when they need a few more votes they're like "oh yea, i forgot about the niggas", and go shake hands with the same "black leaders". Or get pictures taken of them at a black church or restaurant. Then they get elected or dont get elected & we fall back into obscurity.

No it can't be both. You can't say black voters are apart of the establishment and candidates who do not get support from black voters are also part of the establishment. One of them has to go.

Or I have a better idea. Maybe we should stop referring to the establishment all together since it's a Bernie Sanders talking point that us constantly uses to sow discord in the Democratic Party. There is no establishment in the Democratic Party. The party goes where black voters take them.
Bernie was gonna legalize weed in all 50 states and expunge records!!!!!


No he wasn't. President's can't change States laws. All they can do is set priorities on enforcement. They can't cease enforcement on it. Also as soon as he tries to do that some state is gonna contest it as unconstitutional and it will go to the courts where it will die. Long story short. It's very unlikely that any President will legalize weed. States are always gonna have the right to do their own thing no matter who the President is.
Bern wanted to end war on drugs

Ur guy Biden still has reefer madness

Im disgusted in yall

Its all bcuz the bible belt didnt wanna vote for the jew
Bern wanted to end war on drugs

Ur guy Biden still has reefer madness

Im disgusted in yall

Its all bcuz the bible belt didnt wanna vote for the jew


You can't end the war on drugs. It's not a thing that can come to an end. Listen to Bernie's ideas. None of them are revolutionary. None of them are things only he can do yet he and his supporters act like he is the only one who can get shit done but when you look at the totality of his career in politics he hasn't done anything significant. Joe Biden having reefer madness is a moot point. Neither one of them or any President after them can legalize weed. It doesn't matter which President is for or against it. It's a state issue. Yet another one of Bernie's plans and ideas that doesn't actully get done from The White House but rather by working with people in various states which he is horrible at because he does not have a good reputation throughout politics.

He literally can't even campaign in some states on the trail. He just cancelled his rally in Mississippi in favor of going to Michigan. Well if he's President he can't ignore states if he doesn't think they don't like him. He is not a universally respected politician. Joe Biden is and that is undisputable.

Get out of that Bernie Bubble man. get off the internet. People in this country do not fuck with Bernie Sanders like that. And no I'm not saying they don't fuck with his idea. His ideas are not new. Other politicians have the same ideas. They don't fuck with him. Bernie Sanders the person. You need to understand that.
No he wasn't. President's can't change States laws. All they can do is set priorities on enforcement. They can't cease enforcement on it. Also as soon as he tries to do that some state is gonna contest it as unconstitutional and it will go to the courts where it will die. Long story short. It's very unlikely that any President will legalize weed. States are always gonna have the right to do their own thing no matter who the President is.

Ehhh I dunno about this take... the majority of states have some sort of medical marijuana laws already on the books.

11 states have already legalized it for recreational use with the possibility of ANOTHER 9 states attempting to legalize it recreationally this year alone.

That being said.. it would be huge if it was legalized on a federal level. That would help with a lot of the current banking issues folks in the industry are currently having.
No he wasn't. President's can't change States laws. All they can do is set priorities on enforcement. They can't cease enforcement on it. Also as soon as he tries to do that some state is gonna contest it as unconstitutional and it will go to the courts where it will die. Long story short. It's very unlikely that any President will legalize weed. States are always gonna have the right to do their own thing no matter who the President is.
State already doing this. Feds are literally the only ones holding thigns up.

Biden was the biggest hold up during Obama's term. He literally went to Mexico when they were close to legalziing and talked them out of it.
No it can't be both. You can't say black voters are apart of the establishment and candidates who do not get support from black voters are also part of the establishment. One of them has to go.

Or I have a better idea. Maybe we should stop referring to the establishment all together since it's a Bernie Sanders talking point that us constantly uses to sow discord in the Democratic Party. There is no establishment in the Democratic Party. The party goes where black voters take them.
The black polticians who allow their endorsements to be bought and paid for are part of the establishment. How you think Bloomberg got so many people backing him? Money makes the world go round. GTFO with "There is no establishment in the Democratic Party", you're really caping hard right now my nigga. They tried to kneecap Obama until he won Iowa 08, and those same young voters you dissed a couple pages ago, led him through. The establishment are the gatekeepers

The party doesn't go where we take it because we don't demand anything. Just a lot of lily white ass kissing as usual, hoping they'll throw us a bone. Harris, Booker, Patrick, Castro, Yang, Gabbard....none of them got love. Amy and Mayor Pete did though, wonder why. Warren, Bernie, Biden, Bloomberg all 70+ and white. Meanwhile the DNC was carried to a 2018 vicotory by young and non-white voters.

For everyone dragging Bernie today. I'm gonna remind them of who they're stanning. And dude is STILL against legalizing.
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