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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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its been shown that whenever a dem is in office, progressive ideas/goals become harder to obtain. also none of these nig nogs plan to hold biden or kamala accountable .... so we can just kill that noise
FDR and LBJ blows that bullshit out of the water they put more progressive ideas and goals that are still being used today ,that came out in 1930's and 1960"s
Social Security
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 29 U.S.C. § 203[1] (FLSA) is a United States labor law that creates the right to a minimum wage, and "time-and-a-half" overtime pay when people work over forty hours a week.
Been shown how? Can you show us?
Obama passed a Republican lite ACA that favored Health insurance companies with a dem supermajority and signed a blue lives matter bill when Ferguson was giving hell to race soldiers. Nigga didn’t even prosecute the bankers responsible for the recession either. Biden already said he’s gonna veto Medicare for All and told his donors nothing will fundamentally change either.
Even if Biden

Even if I’m wrong and Biden (barely) squeaks it out the economic analysis you were peddling to be false last night is solid. This shit should’ve been over by 11 last night.

And do you know why it wasn't?

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all wanted to count their mail in ballots early just like other states like Florida did. had they been able to do that they would've counted all of their votes last night and Biden would've been declared the winner.

So why didn't those three states just count their mail in ballots early?

Because Republican State Legislatures in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all blocked those states from doing so. republican judges and law makers blocked those states from counting their mail in ballots early because that would allow Trump to declare a false victory while he was ahead on just election day votes and let him sow division.

You can't see that this is what happened?

Think man. Kansas and California both will be counting votes for the next 3 days. Why didn't Trump complain about those two states counting their votes days later? because he knew he was gonna win Kansas and he knows that Biden is going to win California and there's nothing that was going to change that.

Their only complaining about counting votes in battleground states that have Republican controlled state houses.
Why are you painting Biden as a savior?

lol I'm not sure how you read what I wrote and got that I believe Biden is a savior. That is literally the opposite of what I said.

its been shown that whenever a dem is in office, progressive ideas/goals become harder to obtain. also none of these nig nogs plan to hold biden or kamala accountable .... so we can just kill that noise

Yeah, Biden already made it clear he isn't about anything progressive. At best, we can hope that he'll get rid of some of the regressive shit Trump has done.

I'll say this, I didn't agree with the whole "Blacks shouldn't vote" thing, but it's possible that some blacks not voting could work out for us. If Biden wins, it will be by the skin of his teeth. If there is a lower than usual black turnout, which I don't know is the case or not, we might have actually threaded that needle of making them see that the black vote isn't anything to take for granted without actually keeping the monster in office. We'll see.
Obama passed a Republican lite ACA that favored Health insurance companies with a dem supermajority and signed a blue lives matter bill when Ferguson was giving hell to race soldiers. Nigga didn’t even prosecute the bankers responsible for the recession either. Biden already said he’s gonna veto Medicare for All and told his donors nothing will fundamentally change either.

She said it’s harder under Dems than GOP, you said nothing that supports that
We're advanced in what?

What do we own, what is ours? Sure a few of us pop up in high places that makes it look like we're advancing like a senator here, a rapper there, a mayor over there, an entrepreneur, even a president -see! there's no racism- but when in reality we're really just running in place.

Just for the sake of the argument, we've been here for over 400 years and yet our population continues to plateau year after year and tends to hover around 13%. That's not advancing.

Our people are densely populated in the hood but you'd be hard pressed to find much that we actually own there.

This argument is far too complicated to get into the who, what and why but I don't think we're the most advanced with everything that's against us.

If you're at the bottom can you really argue being ahead of someone else?

You think Latinos, Asians, and native Americans are more advanced in America than Black people?

Or do you just think Black people aren't advanced enough?

I think it's the second statement.
I'm not taking from others. The niggas who can't layout their Black Agenda without accusing other groups of living lavish are doing that.

Go look at all of these so called Black Agendas. All of them are rooted in supremacist views that states nothing matters except for what we want. That's not the way to do things and it will fall flat on it's face. That's why I said a lot of these Black Agendas are closeted racism that replaces white supremacy with Black supremacy. If this was not true then you wouldn't see black people arguing with other black people about who is actually black (ADOS)
This broken ass nigga just said

Black people getting what is OWED to us

Will replace white supremacy with "black supremacy"

Terry Crews, is that you boy?
fuck what @DOS_patos and @Cain is talking about. the Black plight has little to do with communal problems and everything to do with an anti-Black governement both in thought and policy

communal problems will begin to wane when Black ppl are finally uplifted thru socioeconomic policies and programs not this “I am my brothers keeper bullshit”

“so depend on the governement to help us”

yes and no. we can have study groups in our hoods and create strategies to help the most vulnerable thru mutual aid and direct action but overall having a government that works for the common good of everyone should be the ultimate goal.

this would be easier to obtain if niggas stopped pledging their votes to dead or near dead white ppl and stop using racist and sexual abusers for their political imagination.
first off shutcho goofy ass up

waiting on the government to help us is dreamland talk over here in reality no one and I mean no one is going to save our black asses. It's time we get on the same page and teach our children this and build a stronger household. Become financially free and buy up our community and build generational wealth.

Waiting on a some super candidate to promise us the world isn't going to happen
lol I'm not sure how you read what I wrote and got that I believe Biden is a savior. That is literally the opposite of what I said.

I mean holding him solely responsible. Joe Biden is not the only person who has to be held accountable. The Senate, House, Justice system, local level, state level. All of them do. He's just at the top of the food chain.

I agree that he has to be held accountable but we shouldn't be acting like it's all do or die on his words and his actions.
@313 Wayz

That shit was hella disrespectful. He was down in Detroit shoppin and shit.

What's worse is the we got snyder bitch ass and his administration out, only to have the new AG (dem) drop the investigation against him and his cronies. Like I said in the other thread notice who these crooks never prosecute each other.

Yeah that made me realize how fake politics is.....Don Lemon had Snyder hoe ass on CNN and they were laughing and joking on there, the rest of the interview was how he, as a republican, is endorsing Biden bc Trump is unfit for office......Lemon didn't press him once about the Flint Water Crisis during the interview
If Biden wins Michigan and Wisconsin he wins the election. If he gets Nevada he gets the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.

I feel confident enough to brag early.

And do you know why it wasn't?

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all wanted to count their mail in ballots early just like other states like Florida did. had they been able to do that they would've counted all of their votes last night and Biden would've been declared the winner.

So why didn't those three states just count their mail in ballots early?

Because Republican State Legislatures in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all blocked those states from doing so. republican judges and law makers blocked those states from counting their mail in ballots early because that would allow Trump to declare a false victory while he was ahead on just election day votes and let him sow division.

You can't see that this is what happened?

Think man. Kansas and California both will be counting votes for the next 3 days. Why didn't Trump complain about those two states counting their votes days later? because he knew he was gonna win Kansas and he knows that Biden is going to win California and there's nothing that was going to change that.

Their only complaining about counting votes in battleground states that have Republican controlled state houses.
Love how your ass completely deflected at my point at economic analysis and went juelizing over Republican suppression tactics. Did you even find a past incumbent President that won with low approvals and trash economy yet? Pathetic.
I mean holding him solely responsible. Joe Biden is not the only person who has to be held accountable. The Senate, House, Justice system, local level, state level. All of them do. He's just at the top of the food chain.

I agree that he has to be held accountable but we shouldn't be acting like it's all do or die on his words and his actions.

You're right, but right now, Biden would be the head of the snake and the single person with the most power to influence all those other entities you named.
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