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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Nigga what?? Latino's swim through river sand oceans to come over here do the jobs that nobody wants to do so they can bring their family members over here. They live 20 people in one house and pool their money together so they can have shit. Teach hardwork to their kids kid's and have a whole area of the city that caters to their exact needs. Thats nothing but an agenda

Same for Asians
so much more can be built off this post. but imma chill
This post is going to ruffle some feathers but it ain't like I actually give fuck.

I'm actually looking forward to hopefully an extended post storm by @Race Jones cause I just want to see folks get upset at everything she says even when there is some truth to some of the things she posts regardless of how she delivers it.
We honestly don't have enough leaders but on the same token that's not entirely our fault either.

Our leaders end up killed, bought out etc. There are so many factors that negatively impact us it's hard to keep up

Anytime we've tried to create something for ourselves it's destroyed. People really think we enjoy being at the bottom and that couldn't be any further from the truth.

This reality is like a existential crisis, I'm not defeated by any means but gotdamn if it ain't hard out here for us.
that was back then....now our leaders are taken out by us.

any black person with an idea is criticized to death and then ridiculed.

we need multiple leader for the different groups and ideas we have in our community. that way...everyone has a representative that can come to a take and the table speaks for the community.
Okay so if we can't judge him on what he is currently doing or has done in the last 12 years.... Exactly what the hell is he or anyone else suppose to do about something that happened 30-40 years ago???

What has been his voting record and the policy he has supported in the last decade?

Nah don't try and move the goal post. I said he should be judged on his past record, just as anybody else. Especially if its some funny style shit they've never tried to make right or at the very least admitted was wrong

His policies haven't wavered much from his original stances. It's just ppl either don't know that or want to ignore it. I literally just mention one of his policies regarding police that have and will continue to get black ppl killed without repercussion.

I have ppl who are voting for biden because they are worried about healthcare and social security. Yet they have no idea biden has voted to cut medicare/medicaid and social security every chance he got.

So if biden wins (which I think he will) he may or may not do those things, but since noone can predict the future, the best indicator we have to go on is a persons past actions and compare them to the current ones to see if there's enough change in direction.
This post is going to ruffle some feathers but it ain't like I actually give fuck.

I'm actually looking forward to hopefully an extended post storm by @Race Jones cause I just want to see folks get upset at everything she says even when there is some truth to some of the things she posts regardless of how she delivers it.
U think she was posted outside of her voting precincts trying to stop niggas from voting last night?
This post is going to ruffle some feathers but it ain't like I actually give fuck.

I'm actually looking forward to hopefully an extended post storm by @Race Jones cause I just want to see folks get upset at everything she says even when there is some truth to some of the things she posts regardless of how she delivers it.
that's not gonna work b

well. let me speak for myself

i can disagree with her without getting all upset at her approach, but i'm sitting this one out...or at the least, i'ma try lol
This post is going to ruffle some feathers but it ain't like I actually give fuck.

I'm actually looking forward to hopefully an extended post storm by @Race Jones cause I just want to see folks get upset at everything she says even when there is some truth to some of the things she posts regardless of how she delivers it.
hitler has nice points too.
We honestly don't have enough leaders but on the same token that's not entirely our fault either.

Our leaders end up killed, bought out etc. There are so many factors that negatively impact us it's hard to keep up

Anytime we've tried to create something for ourselves it's destroyed. People really think we enjoy being at the bottom and that couldn't be any further from the truth.

This reality is like a existential crisis, I'm not defeated by any means but gotdamn if it ain't hard out here for us.

Who are the leaders in the Latino community? Who are the Asian leaders? Who are the native American leaders?

I was told all of those groups have agendas and we don't so who are their leaders?
What is Trump's whole platform rooted in?

Racism and White Supremacy. White people will go against their own self interest if it means black and brown people can't prosper. That's the whole republican platform. The poorest areas in America are more populated with white people. the sickest people in this country are white people. The least educated people in this country are white people. So why do they blindly follow Republicans and Trump? Racism, that's why.

So when niggas get on their soap box and start complaining about black people not getting their fair share they see what white supremacy looks like and they want to flip that shit and but black people in the same position. They even go as far as creating a whole ADOS movement that shits on black people. They divide black people who are LGBTQ. They divide black people who are bi-racial.

Nobody is complaining about Black people in America seeking a better way of life,. That's what we all want in here

But listen to the niggas that have these Black agendas and you'll see that they are rooted in the same shit that White Supremacy is. Just replace white people who are white supremacist with black people and you got your Black Agenda Starter Pack.
Wrong and loud

The democrats have puppet-ized you
What is Trump's whole platform rooted in?

Racism and White Supremacy. White people will go against their own self interest if it means black and brown people can't prosper. That's the whole republican platform. The poorest areas in America are more populated with white people. the sickest people in this country are white people. The least educated people in this country are white people. So why do they blindly follow Republicans and Trump? Racism, that's why.

So when niggas get on their soap box and start complaining about black people not getting their fair share they see what white supremacy looks like and they want to flip that shit and but black people in the same position. They even go as far as creating a whole ADOS movement that shits on black people. They divide black people who are LGBTQ. They divide black people who are bi-racial.

Nobody is complaining about Black people in America seeking a better way of life,. That's what we all want in here

But listen to the niggas that have these Black agendas and you'll see that they are rooted in the same shit that White Supremacy is. Just replace white people who are white supremacist with black people and you got your Black Agenda Starter Pack.
iunno bout this one.
I get what @The Mad Titan and @Los216 are saying and I see both sides. Still we(Black people) have been to docile for too long and I mean accross the board. fuck I care if I come off racist to racist? Still we need a solid plan and not just saying shit to be saying shit but that plan has always been in front of us for 400yrs.

We build our community up, educate, own, create and protect our family. Raise our black boys and girls up to be strong men and women and cut the weak out of the flock. All that soft woes as me who's gonna hold my hand in life shit need to be destroyed ASAP

^^^^^That's the plan and the agenda
The people of Flint still haven't forgiven the Dems for the stunt that Barack pulled during the 2016 election in the midst of the Lead Water Crisis......he came out there, told people to vote, took a sip of water to show how clean it was and left.....I think he meant well but that pissed off alot of my kinfolk up there didnt want to vote during these last 2 elections

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