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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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so whats wrong with a black agenda?

He can't lay one out without sounding racist. that's what's wrong. Ask them to explain the Black Agenda and you'll se it's filled with more shit that opposes other groups than actually supports Black people.
Any Black Agenda that relies on disparaging other groups is racist. How the fuck are you going to have a Black Agenda that shits on Latino's, Asian's, Native Americans and White people? That's exactly what white supremacy is.

White Supremacy shits on everything that isn't white. That's racist. If your Black Agenda does the same thing and shits on everything that's not Black, that's racist.
does a black agenda NEED to shit on others?
why cant it just be to help black people or just for black people? not minorities but black people?

how does that translate to shitting on anyone?
does a black agenda NEED to shit on others?
why cant it just be to help black people or just for black people? not minorities but black people?

how does that translate to shitting on anyone?

Why don't you ask the niggas in here who can't spell one out without shitting on other groups.

You're preaching to the choir nigga.
This is the fucking Twilight zone. I know niggas personally that think voting for Trump makes them superior to other black people. Like legit shitting on other blacks for it but got the nerve to call us king and queen.

By my own admission these are probably the two worst candidates running together in history but what has Trump done for us in 4 years besides put an even larger target on our backs that should warrant our support? What can legitimately be reasoned and argued that he has our best interest?

Fuck that platinum plan, he had 4 years to make a plan for us. It shouldn't be, "oh I got y'all if I get elected" which based on his own history isn't even close to being true.

I very well understand black/democratic allegiance argument but the alternative is Trump and for the average black household that isn't going to cut it.

Our cities have been decimated by covid-19 and the current administration speaks about it like it's a myth because they know it disproportionately impacts us more than any other community.

How can you be upset with our people for voting Democrat when the current administration is failing us? That's complacency, not going out and saying "I'm going to vote for this other guy and see what happens".

Most of us know the two party system is complete bullshit and needs to be destroyed honestly but when there are only two viable candidates running, what's the alternative?
What Agendas are you talking about?
For the millionth time

A reparations agenda for the DEBT OWED to ADOS/FBA exclusively just like other groups have gotten

We built this place and have been on it longer than the other groups you're caping for. Im not calling you a coon like @silverfoxx did but you need to DEAD that "people of color" "minority" mentality when it comes to politics. Black first. Our circumstances are unique
Latino's do not have their own agenda. Asians do not have their own agenda. Native Americas do not have their own agenda.

Niggas need to stop saying that. None of them have their own agenda. If they did then white supremacy would've been defeated long ago when their were more native Americans than white people and currently there are more Latino's in America then white people and their are more Asians in the world than white people.

Please show me the Latino Agenda. Show me the Native American Agenda. Show me the Asian Agenda.
Nigga what?? Latino's swim through river sand oceans to come over here do the jobs that nobody wants to do so they can bring their family members over here. They live 20 people in one house and pool their money together so they can have shit. Teach hardwork to their kids kid's and have a whole area of the city that caters to their exact needs. Thats nothing but an agenda

Same for Asians
Naw bruh. Folks ain’t voting like they should on local or national
dwayne...im not sure of the point you are trying to make

are you talking about specifically in louisiana?
This is the problem with yall "logic"

You downplay bidens actions and the impact of them, as being ancient history.

As for policies, during a time where black ppl are being killed with impunity by race soldiers at even higher rates, bidens response is the same ol most cops are good crap we hear from the right but the kicker for me is with all of that, he said he thinks they need MORE "help" and committed to more funding

Talk about dogwhistles.....

Okay so if we can't judge him on what he is currently doing or has done in the last 12 years.... Exactly what the hell is he or anyone else suppose to do about something that happened 30-40 years ago???

What has been his voting record and the policy he has supported in the last decade?
He can't lay one out without sounding racist. that's what's wrong. Ask them to explain the Black Agenda and you'll se it's filled with more shit that opposes other groups than actually supports Black people.

This is a bunch of bullshit. You know it, but you're all lives mattering right now.

I've stated ad nauseum the issues facing the black community (as if I should even have to do so to other "black" ppl) without ever one single time wishing the downfall of any other group (ok well maybe white supremacists but fuck em)

I've also state and restated and stated yet again things that I am doing and we all can do to better our own community. Again without seeking negative impacts on other groups.

You just want to try and twist into something it isn't to fit your argument. Yet in the other thread you were defending an agenda that is specific for immigrants, but over here you claim there aren't any specific agendas for other groups.

At this point, we do not see no where near eye to eye. Let's just stop engaging altogether because I'm not into circular discussion
im lost........what do you mean?

What is Trump's whole platform rooted in?

Racism and White Supremacy. White people will go against their own self interest if it means black and brown people can't prosper. That's the whole republican platform. The poorest areas in America are more populated with white people. the sickest people in this country are white people. The least educated people in this country are white people. So why do they blindly follow Republicans and Trump? Racism, that's why.

So when niggas get on their soap box and start complaining about black people not getting their fair share they see what white supremacy looks like and they want to flip that shit and but black people in the same position. They even go as far as creating a whole ADOS movement that shits on black people. They divide black people who are LGBTQ. They divide black people who are bi-racial.

Nobody is complaining about Black people in America seeking a better way of life,. That's what we all want in here

But listen to the niggas that have these Black agendas and you'll see that they are rooted in the same shit that White Supremacy is. Just replace white people who are white supremacist with black people and you got your Black Agenda Starter Pack.
He can't lay one out without sounding racist. that's what's wrong. Ask them to explain the Black Agenda and you'll se it's filled with more shit that opposes other groups than actually supports Black people.
have those groups taken from or taken more from a pot for minorities?

we need a separate thread for this.......i need help understanding whats being said and what is saying f them dude over there.
We honestly don't have enough leaders but on the same token that's not entirely our fault either.

Our leaders end up killed, bought out etc. There are so many factors that negatively impact us it's hard to keep up

Anytime we've tried to create something for ourselves it's destroyed. People really think we enjoy being at the bottom and that couldn't be any further from the truth.

This reality is like a existential crisis, I'm not defeated by any means but gotdamn if it ain't hard out here for us.
Are you niggas bad at math? None of the votes from the major cities in those states that were mail in votes have been counted.

What part of that do you niggas not understand? There's hundreds of thousands of votes that are in Democratic counties that haven't been counted yet. Are y'all even fucking watching? This shit isn't rocket surgery.

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