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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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lol My nigga you sound like Trump. The Dreamers aren't illegals and aren't drains on the system. Most of them have lived their whole lives as Americans and productive. Solving their problem or that of other illegals who've made a place here is easy. That's something that can be done within the first couple days. Help Black people isn't that easy. If he came out the gate talking about he was going to pass something to fix things for Black America, you could probably bet that it wouldn't be worth shit.
I don't care who they are

He's prioritizing them. That's the issue

Y'all going right along with it
OK, everyone: today is finally the day. We've asked for this day for FOUR YEARS. (unless you've already voted early) Go make your voice heard. Do your ancestors proud, and let NOTHING stop you from doing your most basic civil liberty.

Tell all those college kids that are eligible to vote to not take this for granted and to not let others decide their government, especially kids at HBCUs. Tell all those living in the hoods that they DO have a say-so in this nation, regardless of talking heads on other networks saying they don't.

Just remember this, if nothing else: Your vote IS your voice. If you ignore to use that vote, you give up your right to complain about ANYTHING till 2024, win, lose, or draw.

Good luck, and don't let anyone tell you your vote doesn't matter. If they tell you think, it's cause they're scared, and because they KNOW your vote matters more than they realize.
There are legal mechanisms thru which Trump could lose but still retain the presidency, I'm told, so the next few days finna be mad

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