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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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My polling place opened up at 6 am on Long Island ,NY .I got there at 6:12 am and waited 2 hours and 24 minutes to vote . All the years I've voted here the wait time has never been longer than 20 minutes.

The line to vote has never been this long ,the turnout is way more now than it was in 2016.
I don't care who they are

He's prioritizing them. That's the issue

Y'all going right along with it

Bruh, I don't know what kinda work you do and whether you've ever managed anything big or not, but take off your "all about me" shirt for a second and think. If you have a big task you have to complete and a few easy tasks, it makes perfect sense to get the little stuff out of the way before or while you completing the big task. Biden already put out his plan for black people. I don't really think it was all that good or specific to black people, but he has one. It will take most of his first term to roll out all that stuff. The Dreamer issue could literally be solved with an EO the day after he's elected. Biden saying that he's going to solve the Dreamer problem immediately isn't a matter of prioritizing them over us, it's just basic logistics.
If any of you have young children, just be mindful... protect their eyes and ears from the chaos, the slander, the anxiety... the reflection of our realities affect them greatly... don’t spend the whole day talking politics or watching the news about it... just act like it’s a normal day, but @ the same time explain to them what today is and that no matter what happens THEY will be alright...

I think, as adults, we def forget how much of what we put out there, in action or words, how it affects their days... if we are overly anxious or angry or hateful, it spills over onto them...

just be mindful.. stay safe broskis..
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