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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Trump is a good debater.
Incompetent, Vivacious, amoral and without principles - but a good debater.

He has 10X as much wit as he has intelligence.

No that's incorrect my friend. Donald Trump is not a good debater. What you are seeing is the American media's incompetence in holding our elected officials accountable. Just because Trump lashes out insults and incoherant sentences doesn't make him a good debater. It makes the people who are put there to hold him accountable complicit.

He's is not well educated and he doesn't read. he doesn't know how to speak in public. He doesn't have manners or cadence when talking. He has a low level of intelligence. If debates were held on PBS with just the candidates, moderators, and no audience then you'd see just how horrible of a debater he is.

Why on God’s geeen earth should a candidate have to come to my church to convince me to vote for them

How much does that impact the next 20 years of my life. How much does that impact my day to day?

An old white Dude sitting awkwardly in the first pew trying to sing Amazing Grace off key???

What about their damn POLICIES?

The shit that actually matters.

Joe Biden might accelerate the destruction of the earth and our way of life as we know it with his anemic repose to the climate crisis.

“But he knew Obama - so fuck it if Alaska is burning and my grandkids have to where masks to go outside.”

Joe Biden is going to do nothing to stem the massive income inequality in this country. Which will lead to a cycle of angry people that will elect another Trump in 8 years.

I can’t stand this obsession with surface shit that doesn’t matter when we have actual problems to solve
You don't understand politics. before you get upset understand that I'm not talking down on you I just need you to understand something. There is a way that black folks have to play this in order to win long term. There's a difference in winning the short game and the long game. We are trying to win the long game and you simply can't see it yet but that' okay. It will all make sense in November. Then it will make more sense in January 2021. Then it will make even more sense in August 2021. Relax brotha and remember this. President Obama was the most intelligent president we've ever had. You really think that the first black president and a man as smart as him didn't set this shit up for long term success?

I need you to think right now man. You keep asking questions why this is happening. Trust me when I tell you The Obama's and The Clinton's saw all of this way before it happened. What's happening now is necessary. Don't be so reactionary. Try and understand what's really happening here.
Bruh.. I probably got jeans older than you dont patronize me im very perceptive cut it out try that shit on someone else
The problem with the logic of this entire post is that analyzing the general months out is a fools errand and "Sleepy Joe" has a hundred red flags Trump could easily exploit.

We heard that "more electable" shit last time with Hillary too. How that go? Trump whipped her insider ass with the same anti-establishment sentiment that only Sanders could have mustered. Now we're being told this other borderline senile lookin insider got it this time. More electable. Ok...................................

So if Biden fucks this up AGAIN, and the Dems lose AGAIN, you know what gonna happen? They will learn nothing and blame Russia and Bernie again and blame his supporters. Anyone but they dumbass selves. Oh, and surprise! white liberals will blame black people too because WHY DIDNT YOU NIGGERS VOTE LIKE IT WAS OBAMA 08 WAHHHHHH!!! Completely ignoring all the fuckass establishment failure bullshit that gave Trump the car keys again.

And the Sanders people, already angry, already 80% swallowing their pride and voting for Biden like they did Hillary........but still getting blamed for the loss.......again........

What you think they gonna do?

Sanders shoulda did more but......miss me with that "Biden is low risk" shit.
I ain’t say shit about low risk in my entire post. The fact is, if you can’t even get Democrats out to vote for you, how are you going to win a general election? You’ve got to get more than your Progressive Bernie Bros to the polls come November. Bernie proved Saturday and last night he can’t. He can’t get Democrats he for damn sure not getting independents and moderate Republicans.

Is it fucked up Biden is our best option, hell yeah! But Bernie ain’t it and you niggas need to get over it.
Medicare. Specifically Affordable healthcare and expanding on the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) by adding a single payer option
Expanding the Child Tax Credit by doubling it!!!!!
Free Community College
Job creation
Free Childcare for kids up to age 5
Green Energy and re-entering the Paris Climate Agreement

Just because he's not wagging his finger and yelling about Wall Street doesn't mean that he's not aware of things that are progressive.
U are aware that Biden has voted to cut Medicare in the past
Call it “good” call it “effective” but if Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz were debating Hilary Clinton - she would have won.

If you are going to sit here and pretend Trump doesn’t have wit , you are lying to yourself.

He is basically a stand up comedian for stupid racist white people.

Not only did Hillary Clinton easily win every debate against Trump she also got more votes in the election. What I'm saying is there's no way you can spin Trump being a good debater. It's simply not a true statement. Hillary lost the election due to not having enough Electoral votes. She was the more popular candidate and she won every debate. Don't try to rewrite history based on what a few dumb racist white people might think about Trump's debating skills.

Saying Trump is a good debater is like saying Dane Cook is funny because a few awkward bro's think he's cool.
Call it “good” call it “effective” but if Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz were debating Hilary Clinton - she would have won.

If you are going to sit here and pretend Trump doesn’t have wit , you are lying to yourself.

He is basically a stand up comedian for stupid racist white people.
Trump didn’t debate his way into the White House. He pandered to white people who felt like they were getting left behind in this country and the racists.

Winning the White House and being a good debater are not correlated.
No that's incorrect my friend. Donald Trump is not a good debater. What you are seeing is the American media's incompetence in holding our elected officials accountable. Just because Trump lashes out insults and incoherant sentences doesn't make him a good debater. It makes the people who are put there to hold him accountable complicit.

He's is not well educated and he doesn't read. he doesn't know how to speak in public. He doesn't have manners or cadence when talking. He has a low level of intelligence. If debates were held on PBS with just the candidates, moderators, and no audience then you'd see just how horrible of a debater he is.

I agree with all of this.

But you see the problem is that you are seeing things through the traditional lens of politics.

Trump broke that shit.

NONE of that shit you mentioned matters. This is all Entertainment.
This is a smear campaign with you can get the most one liners and look the best doing it. And Trumps base thinks he is a God.

He can make Biden look very very bad and he has a ton of material to do so.

Trump is Teflon. Nothing Trump has done will ever matter unless you can contextualize it in a way that speaks to his base and Independents who are fed up with the status quo.

Elite, Establishment talk from a senile person is not going to do that.
Y'all also keep trying to rewrite history. HRC got more votes than Trump last election. Trump is more unpopular now than he was in 2016. The Dems won The House in 2018 in record voter turnout for a mid term election. Biden has already garnered more voter turnout through Super Tuesday in 2020 than bot 2016 and 2012. Donald Trump's support has taken a hit since 2016 yet niggas are talking like he's inevitable. This nigga is not Thanos.

Also please don't forget that Joe Biden is literally the reason why Donald Trump got impeached. Let me repeat that for the niggas in the back. Joe Biden is literally the reason that our current president and most popular President ever got impeached. Y'all not gonna sit here and act like Joe Biden is a dead duck.

Why on God’s geeen earth should a candidate have to come to my church to convince me to vote for them

How much does that impact the next 20 years of my life. How much does that impact my day to day?

An old white Dude sitting awkwardly in the first pew trying to sing Amazing Grace off key???

What about their damn POLICIES?

The shit that actually matters.

Joe Biden might accelerate the destruction of the earth and our way of life as we know it with his anemic repose to the climate crisis.

“But he knew Obama - so fuck it if Alaska is burning and my grandkids have to where masks to go outside.”

Joe Biden is going to do nothing to stem the massive income inequality in this country. Which will lead to a cycle of angry people that will elect another Trump in 8 years.

I can’t stand this obsession with surface shit that doesn’t matter when we have actual problems to solve
You’re an idealist and I appreciate that. But this is pragmatism. What good is it to have all those great ideas if you can’t be pragmatic enough to win the election?
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