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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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And so it begins.... I called it....

Let's see how brilliant this move is or how stupid Americans can be if they fall for this....

You sound disappointed, I take it you voted for Sanders ?

Anyways.... they went out and made their own decision to vote and chose Biden likely because he's the only person that was from an era where they actually did right for the country under Obama's leadership. Black people just want Trump out of office period.

Sanders isnt losing because black people didn't vote for him, he's losing because he's going against the same people he needs for a nomination - the delegates and the "establishment". It's almost as tho he has resentment for how they treated him in 2016. Again if you're mad, say what you have to say to get their backing first and when you get into office THEN you can show your true colors.

Biden is the better candidate to take on Trump, if it's anyone else, Trump will hide behind the strength of the economy and bring them to his level and they wont know what to do. At least Biden can take 100% credit for the economy under the previous administration and laugh off Trump's nonsense.

In no logical, meaningful way is Biden a better candidate than anyone running

he operated on baseline non discript democrat ideal the avoid the 3rd rail dont upset the apple cart politics.. he is the same things as Klobuchar and buttigieg he just has name Id and associations

People have bought in to the "can beat trump" media narrative and black people are not infallible they call it pragmatism .. its insanity.. especially because the dynamic has been much more different since progressive poltics have taken root

There are white moderate/Conservative there isnt much light between those two

and their black shadow counterparts

Hell of a way to pervert..... a Dream

FiveThirtyEight has Biden having a 3 in 10 odds of winning the nomination after last night. Sanders dropped to 1 in 12 odds
Surprised at Biden dominance.

One thing is for certain, people still fear change. Regardless of race.

Bernie is seen as too much of a socialist, communist sympathizer to the older folks.

I still think Trump won't get reelected even if it comes down to Biden.

Once Biden gets the nom that Obama endorsement is gonna be huge.

I think he'll come out on top and at least Trump is outta there.
It's not the black community's fault that Sanders was a disappointment last night man. Sanders had the biggest lead over everyone and was out-spending Biden 7-1, not to mention campaigning way more than he did considering Biden started a lot later. Yet Sanders had a lower voter turn out than in 2016. Biden won on delegates which tells me that since this is Biden's third go it shouldn't come as a surprise. He knows how to win and what to appeal to where delegates are concerned.

There's a disconnect somewhere and Sanders has to figure it out. I mean he also didn't win a lot of states he was heavily campaigning in. He needs delegates, and you cant tell them you're going to reform them and then ask for their support at the same time.

I have no dog in this fight but I don't know man I disagree, but I guess we will have to wait until November.

What has he done or said this whole campaign that shows any vision for the future... he has political muscle /media behind him ... every debate they graded him with a curve his sellng point is his "connetivity"and association thats it... its not real... it doesnt have to be..
Bernie didn't even go to Selma during this campaign run ,that's similar to Hillary not going and not campaigning in Michigan and Minnesota in the general election and expecting to win,it doesn't work that way.
Biden didn't visit half the states he won last night. He got propped up by a surge of other candidates dropping out and late endorsements. Really bad sign going forward, cause we all saw how bad Biden has been throughout the primaries. That speech last night didn't give me much hope.
Got damn there’s a lot of black hate in here!!

Y’all need to chill the fuck out. Just because your precious Bernie didn’t get enough votes to beat Biden

What the fuck was his platform for blacks specifically?!

Exactly! That’s why niggas not fucking with him.

Y’all got 2 choices in November, Biden or Trump. If it was Bernie y’all wouldn’t even have that.

Trump would beat the shit out of Bernie cause he can’t get the black vote and even his precious youth don’t give a fuck enough to vote for him.

I actually voted for Bernie in the primary, but it’s clear now he would not beat Trump with the level of support he has in key demographics.

I wish it were different but this is the reality of the situation now. So y’all going to sit at home now and let Trump win then complain for the next 4 years when he puts another Trump loyalist on the Supreme Court and they send us back into the 50’s judicially? Or when he forces a 3rd term or rigs the system for Trump Jr. to win?


Isn’t there more young voters than older voters this cycle? If that is true, this current failure ultimately falls on young people not voting.

Also blame bernie. He has 4 years to learn from 2016 and convince older black voters about his platform. He didn’t.

Bernie is terrible at politicking.

It may seem “stupid etc” but he has to go to the black churches or go to the bombing anniversary in Alabama instead of going to LA.
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