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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Bernie sanders voted for the crime bill.
He did, and I'm no great fan of his either. But the post I replied to was referencing Biden's record. Then you add the Drug War, and his views on school busing. Amazing how a man can live his life one way for nearly 70 years, and then be about the opposite because he was picked as VP.
Good luck if you got Biden up there struggling to make a point.. Meanwhile Trump will just lie and bullshit his way through it and folks will eat it up.

Say what you like about all the other candidates.. Bernie, Elizabeth, Pete, Steyer woulda tore Trump up in a debate.

Biden.... ehhhhhhh I dunno
Biden debating skills has deteriorated over the last 8 years but we will see how he performs in 1 on 1 debate
Good luck if you got Biden up there struggling to make a point.. Meanwhile Trump will just lie and bullshit his way through it and folks will eat it up.

Say what you like about all the other candidates.. Bernie, Elizabeth, Pete, Steyer woulda tore Trump up in a debate.

Biden.... ehhhhhhh I dunno
Exactly. I mean Biden got bodied by Sarah Palin in a debate...think about that for a sec. And he was 12 years younger.
Good luck if you got Biden up there struggling to make a point.. Meanwhile Trump will just lie and bullshit his way through it and folks will eat it up.

Say what you like about all the other candidates.. Bernie, Elizabeth, Pete, Steyer woulda tore Trump up in a debate.

Biden.... ehhhhhhh I dunno
I think it's funny that this is Obama's fault
That 2001 Lexus is still way more reliable than that 2015 Impala
Not a financially viable better option, if you are saying a 2001 Lexus with little miles on it is better than a 2015 impala with 50k..yes

But a 100k plus Lexus is not a better option than a 2015 impala with 50k miles..financially, when you factor in the cost of upkeep
Niggas are so short sighted. It’s like y’all don’t know who Joe Biden is. Niggas running to the crime bill talking points and will probably run to Anita Hill next. Please continue to bring up the warts from every candidate. Here’s what you need to know.

The path to the White House for the Democratic nominee requires two things bruhs. One is the black vote. Only Joe Biden will get enough of the black vote if you haven’t noticed that already. The other candidates just can’t get enough black votes. We can complain about why all night but bottom line is they can’t get black votes like Biden.

The second thing needed is voter turnout with young people and well that’s where it gets tricky. See the problem here is young people don’t vote. The majority of voters are old. That’s a fact. The Bernie’s and Warren’s cannot survive without that young other turnout and the fact of the matter is those older people fucking vote man. They vote.

So why is Joe Biden the path to victory for Dems? Well the young voter turnout is an issue for all the candidates. So how do they makeup for that? Biden can tap into a voter base that no other Dem candidate can. It’s those Bush Republicans. Those Republicans that are sick of Trumps shit but they aren’t Democrats. They like Joe Biden. This is why you always here Joe talking about how he can work with his friends across the isle. It because he knows that he can get those Republican voters who wanna get rid of Trump.

Do y’all remember last year how all those stories and photo ops with Michelle Obama and George W. Bush kept popping up? Remember how outraged niggas were at The Obama’s for that shit? Now think my niggas. I mean really think. You don’t see how the Obama’s and the Dems we’re catering to that Bush Republican voter base? They were playing the long game. It was a smart move and Biden is capitalizing on it.
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