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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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bloomberg can jump in front of a freight train. This dude paid his way into the election, paid to have the rules changed so that he can be on the debate stage, stastically has a 1 in 100 shot (not exaggerating) in getting the democratic nomination fair and square (basically a non contested convention) and then he has the audacity to complain about ppl stealing votes from him. He is the epitome of white privilege fuck him and anyone whos down with him
bloomberg can jump in front of a freight train. This dude paid his way into the election, paid to have the rules changed so that he can be on the debate stage, stastically has a 1 in 100 shot (not exaggerating) in getting the democratic nomination fair and square (basically a non contested convention) and then he has the audacity to complain about ppl stealing votes from him. He is the epitome of white privilege fuck him and anyone whos down with him

He'll be gone soon

Bloomberg thought, if Trump could do it certainly I could do it. What he didn’t account for was the stupidity of the Republican base and how easily it is to pander to them on race and guns. Democratic Party voters are a bit more discerning.
Bloomberg thought, if Trump could do it certainly I could do it. What he didn’t account for was the stupidity of the Republican base and how easily it is to pander to them on race and guns. Democratic Party voters are a bit more discerning.

thats def true, but alot of democratic voters can be just as stupid as republican voters. I think another thing thats working against bloomer is that trump did it first so now the idea of a billionaire getting into politics looks even shittier than it before 2016
So.....Bernie right...

I'd think Warren would've been more favorable vs Biden but its looking like not...

With that said...can it be Bernie isn't being endorsed as strongly by the drop outs bc he's not viewed as a "real" democrat?
So.....Bernie right...

I'd think Warren would've been more favorable vs Biden but its looking like not...

With that said...can it be Bernie isn't being endorsed as strongly by the drop outs bc he's not viewed as a "real" democrat?
It because he seeks to upset the status quo him not being a dem is part of it..
Nah nigga. Don't even try to downplay Bernie and Russia. The Kremlin actively helped this muthafucka along with Trump last election. That's more than a fucking honeymoon and on a completely different level than any dealings that Biden and Bloomberg have. The Kremlin have only interfered to get two people elected. Trump and Bernie so let's get that straight.

Secondly, Tulsi has thousands of Russian bots on Twitter. She butters up to Putin and Assad. What the fuck does her being a war vet mean? Not a god damn thing. That's another weak ass talking point people y=try to use to excuse the fact that a small scale congresswoman from fucking Hawaii is one of the most influential American politicians in Russian media and she just so happens to fully support the only other candidate other that our crooked, fat, orange ass President with Russian ties. So don't try and act like this is some HRC conspiracy shit. How the fuck do you think Tulsi is still polling?

Where do you think the disinformation that these supposed Tulsi supporters is coming from? I'll tell you nigga. The same place it came from with Jill Stein and all of those fake ass Black Live Matter accounts that all of those fake ass woke niggas were pushing last election. Russia.




Russia nigga. Russia.

That's what the Kremlin does. They will interfere in other countries politics, government to sow division and discomfort. they do this by launching disinformation campaigns and to help carry this out they need to use American politicians, celebrities, popular figures, as a tool. Tulsi is just that for the Kremlin. A fucking tool to continue to push disinformation. Tulsi's disinformation smear jobs are specifically aimed at destroying Hillary Clinton and supporting Assad. Two things that just so happen to be top priorities of the fucking Kremlin. What a fucking coincidence eh? No nigga. This shit isn't done by accident.

There's still people that call Hillary Clinton Killary or flat out the worst politician ever. Really nigga. Who she kill? What has she even done to be the worst politician ever? Nothing, but the disinformation put out there by the Kremlin has niggas thinking that she is some murdering, crooked, white lady out to get niggas. Those are Russian talking points that have successfully made their way to places like this. A predominately black message board that makes up the most critical part of the democratic voting base. Black voters.

Now ask yourself this. What does that say about The Kremlin that they got niggas on a top rated, black owned and operated message board made up predominately black people and predominately black voters using their talking points about candidates and specifically the most qualified person to ever run for President in Hillary Clinton? It means that their operation was and still is a success. Niggas will get distracted so quick when presented either with new information or the truth so they start pushing back on obvious shit like pointing out that fucking Tulsi Gabbard is a fucking Russian asset like that shit even needs to be explained.
So this like Brotha Malcolm saying the roosters coming home to roost
Y’all vote today? Super Tuesday
I’m not pressed. I’m not really in favor of or against any democratic candidate that’s running in any of the elections on my ballot. I was going to vote today but ran into car issues. If I can still get by there cool, if not then fuck it.

Best believe though I’ll be out in full force in November.

bloomsberg has like 60 billion dollars so he hasnt even spent 1% of his money for this election. If you have 10k saved up and you put down 1000 towards a car or something, you spent more of your money than bloomsberg did on the election smh.

and the only reason that homo got in was cuz he didnt wanna pay more taxes...cuz he needs the money so much
I guess this evil establishment is why biden massacred bernie in sc

Enjoy super tuesday my guy. Honestly i think bernies gonna do well today.

That Establishment has brainwashed black voters for decades, so in a way - yes they are responsible.

That’s who they voted for.

How a black voter could support Joe Biden in 2020 is beyond me. I do knowX If he gets the nom, Trump will destroy him
There’s one republican running... wth... they really want trump to win again... nope

I still don’t know who I am voting for tho... I don’t like anyone
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