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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I'm only gonna say one thing about Super Tuesday:

The mere fact that Bloomberg is getting ANY votes tells me this country simply doesn't want to get any better.

If you voted for this rich fuckstick, man, fuck you.

He bought you. He bought you like one of those NDA agreements he has stashed away.
The way black folks are coming thru for Biden... you would expect he would reverse his take on legalizing weed and setting free those that were locked up for non-violent drug offences in relation to weed... amongst many other issues that directly affect the very same black communities that are delivering these wins for him..

I would hope that when the field goes down to two candidates... someone presses him on black issues seeing as how that's the whole reason he's still a viable candidate at this point
He's been on the worng side of ever issue for us his whole career. I'm not sure what these voters expect from Biden. The fact he and Bloomberg are doing so well in the South just tells me this party didn't grow at all post-Obama. Crazy

EDIT: SMH, and Biden starts his speech by calling his wife his sister. This dude.....
lol this the typa shit im talking about.. Biden just grabbed his wife's hand and was like id like to introduce my SISTER!!!

lmao cmon bruh

Oh god no...

I hope if he gets the nomination he doesn't have slip ups like that b/c that sounds like he's having a brain issue.
The things that Trump will try and take credit for are things Biden actually helped bring into fruition with Obama (the economy). That is all Trump would fall back on against the others. Plus Biden has the wit to go toe to toe with Trump. At the same time Trump is not to be underestimated, that's how Hillary fucked up.

I agree for the most part... but Biden is a shit debater overall tho
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