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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Absolutely, because the people are sick of the same shit. I encourage everyone to reach out to their state reps, their city council people etc. They are supposed to be working for us.

I was so proud to see how many of us showed up demanding answers and accountability in the community forum a couple months ago. Just off of that alone, policing polices have been changed and there's a citizen oversight board in the works.

The system can change, IF we reject the status quo and force it to. We just have to do more than cast a ballot and hope and pray.

I think it gon change faster if more folks pay attention to the local shit.

To be real. Most folks don’t even know the mayor of their city name.
I think it gon change faster if more folks pay attention to the local shit.

To be real. Most folks don’t even know the mayor of their city name.

I agree

Because unfortunately, the way the current twp party structure is, you either get down or lay down. That makes it hard for decent ppl to advance in politics. Look at what happened in Fulton county. They just replaced the DA who brought charges on the cops that killed Rayshard Brooks, with one that's been bought and paid for by the police union. Add to that, the attorney for one of the cops also contributed to her campaign. You can't make this shit up bro

It boggles my mind. Just a few short months ago they same two people how were berating each other over their policies our now trying to convince us their shit policies combined will be better for us.
Niggas are pulling up the whole Democrats were the party of slavery shit like it's not 20 fucking 20.
It's literally the same talking points, you go to any forum or website with a sizable black population and they always scream the same talking points to black people ,don't vote in this election ,never mention the fuck shit Republicans are doing to pack the courts with conservative judges that are going to be in power until you are dead .

Saying Black people are slaves to the Democratic plantation, rarely do they touch on Republicans continuing the erosion of Black peoples right to vote in this country. I sit back and look and it's a copy paste job they doing across the internet it could be Youtube,Twitter, Instagram etc
If you don't understand how important the origin of a political party is in determining it's progress or lack thereof, I don't know what to tell your wanna be smart ass. So you're saying these new dems are sooo different huh?

You know, you sit up here and cheerlead for democrats all damn day, yet you can't point to anything of substance they have done to help our community. I'm not talking about symolism (oh we got black women in our party) or rising tide shit.

The dems repeatedly run on the campaign of "those evil republican want to oppress yall" yet they never have any plan to combat it. Again, I'm talking for us and ONLY for us. Since you are doing their dirty work by shaming your own community for not blindly following them, do you at least agree our community should get something exclusively to address our issue that the dems always acknowledge but never take action on?
the origin of the CRIPS arent what you see represented by the CRIPS today right?
It's literally the same talking points, you go to any forum or website with a sizable black population and they always scream the same talking points to black people ,don't vote in this election ,never mention the fuck shit Republicans are doing to pack the courts with conservative judges that are going to be in power until you are dead .

Saying Black people are slaves to the Democratic plantation, rarely do they touch on Republicans continuing the erosion of Black peoples right to vote in this country. I sit back and look and it's a copy paste job they doing across the internet it could be Youtube,Twitter, Instagram etc

Why do you think this is? I notice it too.. None of the ideas are original.. Some of it actually looks to be copy and pasted.. Why is such a concerted effort to go so hard at one side.. If "both parties are one in the same", Why is none of that energy directed towards republicans? Its just very fishy to me. Almost like its coming out of a handbook
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It's literally the same talking points, you go to any forum or website with a sizable black population and they always scream the same talking points to black people ,don't vote in this election ,never mention the fuck shit Republicans are doing to pack the courts with conservative judges that are going to be in power until you are dead .

Saying Black people are slaves to the Democratic plantation, rarely do they touch on Republicans continuing the erosion of Black peoples right to vote in this country. I sit back and look and it's a copy paste job they doing across the internet it could be Youtube,Twitter, Instagram etc

I think many already know what the Republican party is all about, they don't hide it. Now we need black people in particular to realize that the Democrats are equally racist and seek to take advantage of black issues for their white gain, or Latino or Asian gain. These groups know how to use black people to better their whole family, but black people get ridiculed and called racist when they address issues with the intent to benefit black families.

Democrats in general seek out policies that seem to start with black people in chains, but eventually lead to all shades of people under that same boot. There was a time in history that Republicans were at least united by being White, but now it's all about power despite race; black people just never seem to notice that they are the #1 tool for gaining power, influence, and money in America. We refuse to believe we are tools despite the hammer always coming down on us, especially when it's our good Democrat friend holding it.
Why do you think this is? I notice it too.. None of the ideas are original.. Some of it actually looks to be copy and pasted.. Why is such a concerted effort to go so hard at one side.. If "both parties are one in the same", Why is none of that energy directed towards republicans? Its just very fishy to me. Almost likes its coming out of a handbook

You gotta stop the bullshit with the bold. Out of Dems and Repulicans which party actively seeks the black vote and panders to black people to make them feel like they have black people best interest in mind?

That's the answer to yall question which yall damn well already knew the answer to.

@StringerBell take those Bannon tweets and make a thread b

try to keep the convo strictly about the upcoming election fam
You gotta stop the bullshit with the bold. Out of Dems and Repulicans which party actively seeks the black vote and panders to black people to make them feel like they have black people best interest in mind?

That's the answer to yall question which yall damn well already knew the answer to.
If you say so fam.. If you truly believe that both parties are the same then is really nothing to discuss..
You're kidding right?

You gotta be
i had a point when i made the tweet but it was a few pages ago

i'll admit i kinda understood the point you were trying to make...i think but i wanted to fuck with you and be literal about the same point

if you have at least a surface understanding of how the CRIPS came to be, i think you would agree that that iteration of them is not the one you seeing being represented today. If we dont at least agree on that, then we probably not gonna find no common ground on this particular subject.

I also aint about to trade insults with you either lol. So if that's the type of time you gonna be on then you dont even have to respond.
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