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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Back during bush jr's tenure, we all pretty much felt bush and his cronies should have been thrown in jail for war crimes, at the very least thoroughly investigated right?

Well obama, a democrat gets elected and basically clears bush whole administration and tells us we need to look forward. And now we're supposed to forget how terrible a president bush was
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Now we have trump, who we all can at least agree that his orange ass needs to be put in jail, and biden has already said he won't do it.

So again, if the dems are so much different and for justice, why do they not prosecute these dirty republicans?

Can we finally put to rest the falsity that no community activist votes? That’s just asinine to assert.

And stop acting like any community activist that does vote is somehow less of an activist?
Was just thinking this

A lot of the people "well what's YOUR plan" 'ning us to death did nothing but vote and nothing else after the other guy won. They're just gonna wait another four years n do it all over again.

And by their own admission feel they get exclusivity rights to complain about what happens for the following four years.

That’s a large assumption sir. Many of us feel like it’s prudent to vote and work in the community. Y’all the only ones doing one of these things.
Do you believe black americans alone should get reparations?
Of course, lol. Why should anyone else get reparations? Their ancestors didn’t endure slavery like our ancestors and they don’t reap the generational hardships that come from that slavery.

What I don’t believe is that a black agenda is somehow less effective if it also helps other people of color. I don’t care if anyone else benefits, I just care that we’re taken care of.

I ask again, what’s your point?
Of course, lol. Why should anyone else get reparations? Their ancestors didn’t endure slavery like our ancestors and they don’t reap the generational hardships that come from that slavery.

What I don’t believe is that a black agenda is somehow less effective if it also helps other people of color. I don’t care if anyone else benefits, I just care that we’re taken care of.

I ask again, what’s your point?
Then why would you vote for any politician that isnt going to openly promise that during their run for office?
I think many already know what the Republican party is all about, they don't hide it. Now we need black people in particular to realize that the Democrats are equally racist and seek to take advantage of black issues for their white gain, or Latino or Asian gain. These groups know how to use black people to better their whole family, but black people get ridiculed and called racist when they address issues with the intent to benefit black families.

Democrats in general seek out policies that seem to start with black people in chains, but eventually lead to all shades of people under that same boot. There was a time in history that Republicans were at least united by being White, but now it's all about power despite race; black people just never seem to notice that they are the #1 tool for gaining power, influence, and money in America. We refuse to believe we are tools despite the hammer always coming down on us, especially when it's our good Democrat friend holding it.

Democrats and Republicans are not equally racist. Maybe stop believing shit like this that is false.
the crazy thing about a lot of this is i think we all, in theory, want the same thing

@Los216 brought up a great point about politicians or whatever being born after what 1990? I hope i understood his point, but basically, i think the issue is politics are being run by the wrong people who are still around from the 40s, 50s 60s & 70s. Their ideals not dying anytime soon. The change is going to come from these kids who are getting into politics now. The kids who grew up without Texas instrument calculators and want to go to google for everything lol.

Nothing substantial gonna happen, regardless of which party is in control until most of these fossils either die off or infuse their parties with some up and coming fresh blood politicians who are actually forward thinking in the way they address politics.

And there are niggas who think not participating in elections is somehow gonna speed up this change. If anything, not voting is what's slowing change down. Just the way Republicans would like it too.
Then why would you vote for any politician that isnt going to openly promise that during their run for office?
So be a single issue voter? Is either side offering reparations? In the absence of something I want I go with the best option. That’s like starving but not eating because you want steak and the only options are chicken and fish.

Taking this to the new thread. See me there.
And there are niggas who think not participating in elections is somehow gonna speed up this change. If anything, not voting is what's slowing change down. Just the way Republicans would like it too.
So. Black americans only need to vote for their best interests which is reparations for black americans alone. So if both politicians are refusing to give us what we're demanding why would you vote?
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