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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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the crazy thing about a lot of this is i think we all, in theory, want the same thing

@Los216 brought up a great point about politicians or whatever being born after what 1990? I hope i understood his point, but basically, i think the issue is politics are being run by the wrong people who are still around from the 40s, 50s 60s & 70s. Their ideals not dying anytime soon. The change is going to come from these kids who are getting into politics now. The kids who grew up without Texas instrument calculators and want to go to google for everything lol.

Nothing substantial gonna happen, regardless of which party is in control until most of these fossils either die off or infuse their parties with some up and coming fresh blood politicians who are actually forward thinking in the way they address politics.
If you say so fam.. If you truly believe that both parties are the same then is really nothing to discuss..

Besides some small differences both parties are basically the same.

No matter which party is in office black people suffer the most under the systems both democrats and republicans want to keep in place.

So why should I as a black person really act like there is this vast difference between those parties when results for black is always the same no matter which party has the majority?
The Bannon case is tied to Trump. I don't see how those tweets are irrelevant.

a lot of things are tied to trump that are their own threads

the convo is getting lost

but if ya'll can follow it, its whatever
i had a point when i made the tweet but it was a few pages ago

i'll admit i kinda understood the point you were trying to make...i think but i wanted to fuck with you and be literal about the same point

if you have at least a surface understanding of how the CRIPS came to be, i think you would agree that that iteration of them is not the one you seeing being represented today. If we dont at least agree on that, then we probably not gonna find no common ground on this particular subject.

I also aint about to trade insults with you either lol. So if that's the type of time you gonna be on then you dont even have to respond.

I don't jump to hurling insults as I enjoy a civil conversation. I only do that when I have insults thrown at me first.

But to answer your question, I never stated a party or group or person COULDN'T change, my statement is simply that the two political parties DIDN'T change. On the surface, yes the parties changed their rhetoric, but the underlying structure is still the same.
a lot of things are tied to trump that are their own threads

the convo is getting lost

but if ya'll can follow it, its whatever

Where'd the convo get lost? And what convo exactly?

It's a news story that could affect Trump's reelection campaign. Out of all the unsourced propaganda and BS tweets posted in here, those are the ones you've chosen to police?
I don't jump to hurling insults as I enjoy a civil conversation. I only do that when I have insults thrown at me first.

But to answer your question, I never stated a party or group or person COULDN'T change, my statement is simply that the two political parties DIDN'T change. On the surface, yes the parties changed their rhetoric, but the underlying structure is still the same.

Punching down

Taking the easy way out

Not holding dems accountable for the dissent in the black community
Or just simple statistics. A non-vote helps Trump. Just like a non-vote from a right leaning person helps Biden. And propaganda to either side persuading them to not vote helps the other side.

It’s pretty simple when you look at it practically and not through conjecture.
It's funny as hell that some of these vote or die ppl consistently show all they do is vote and nothing else.
Was just thinking this

A lot of the people "well what's YOUR plan" 'ning us to death did nothing but vote and nothing else after the other guy won. They're just gonna wait another four years n do it all over again.

And by their own admission feel they get exclusivity rights to complain about what happens for the following four years.

Another thing I hate about political discourse is it always devolves into "they're 100% wrong and we're 100% right on any and everything"

There is rarely meaningful discussion across the aisle.

Los talking like the only black republicans are sell outs and all the white ones are racist. Y'all paint each other with a broad stroke and the divisiveness deepens. There are republicans who sat out in 2016 and probably more who will sit out this year.
Or just simple statistics. A non-vote helps Trump. Just like a non-vote from a right leaning person helps Biden. And propaganda to either side persuading them to not vote helps the other side.

It’s pretty simple when you look at it practically and not through conjecture.
Regardless of your points which I'm not invalidating, My point is placing blame on fed up black people is trash and cowardly
Back during bush jr's tenure, we all pretty much felt bush and his cronies should have been thrown in jail for war crimes, at the very least thoroughly investigated right?

Well obama, a democrat gets elected and basically clears bush whole administration and tells us we need to look forward. And now we're supposed to forget how terrible a president bush was

Now we have trump, who we all can at least agree that his orange ass needs to be put in jail, and biden has already said he won't do it.

So again, if the dems are so much different and for justice, why do they not prosecute these dirty republicans?
white flag b

If you want another thread started, in order to keep the discussion of the thread on topic, how about starting a separate thread to answer the question about the difference between parties.
I think it’s time to start ignoring @Race Jones , lol. The hypocrisy and willful ignorance in her arguments is blinding. Won’t vote but will complain about who gets elected. Paints all politicians to be the same but doesn’t know anything about 90% of the elected politicians. Won’t directly address her contradictions and only uses Tweets to support her arguments.

She just needs a few more years to mature politically. It’s easy to get swept up in these anti narratives because they are cool when you’re young and easy to influence.

im 31.

pls stop speaking as if im some 16 year old child
If you want another thread started, in order to keep the discussion of the thread on topic, how about starting a separate thread to answer the question about the difference between parties.
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