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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Is there gonna be another thread for the debates and other shit pertaining to the actual election? I come in here form time to time and get good info with whats going on.. Even the spamming of the tweets by stringer is somewhat informative lol.. But I dont understand why ppl that arent voting are in an election thread.. Some of the shit they are saying has some merit but its counterproductive in this thread.. Maybe making a "Why yall niggas shouldnt vote" thread would be better
What countries you think run the world?
We not trying to run the world

just want a fair shake at the least and at the most have our issues, wants and needs top priority.

that prob will never happen in america...as this is and always will be a country that favors the caucasian male in all things

so we either participate in the political process in america fully and accept all that comes with that to gain as much ground and influence as we can


we attempt to start our own shit where everything favors us

obvioulsy this is over simplification because the process would be a lot more detailed and nuanced
Now tell me how does any of this apply to anyone in congress born after 1990?

If you don't understand how important the origin of a political party is in determining it's progress or lack thereof, I don't know what to tell your wanna be smart ass. So you're saying these new dems are sooo different huh?

You know, you sit up here and cheerlead for democrats all damn day, yet you can't point to anything of substance they have done to help our community. I'm not talking about symolism (oh we got black women in our party) or rising tide shit.

The dems repeatedly run on the campaign of "those evil republican want to oppress yall" yet they never have any plan to combat it. Again, I'm talking for us and ONLY for us. Since you are doing their dirty work by shaming your own community for not blindly following them, do you at least agree our community should get something exclusively to address our issue that the dems always acknowledge but never take action on?
Like I know Race really means what she is saying from reading her posts over months.. But Im starting to believe some of these other niggas are bots or something. Like whats the obsession with trying so hard to convince niggas not to vote.. On a Black website.. Its weird af
anywho. its hypocritical at best to bemoan about police repression/brutality and then back a cop that is as punitive and carceral as they come.

like i said, im not that pressed to save this country in the first place. the american project has been an epic failure since its inception and your lil votes aint gon change it.

there are 0 heros at the heart of empire.

burn it.
Like I know Race really means what she is saying from reading her posts over months.. But Im starting to believe some of these other niggas are bots or something. Like whats the obsession with trying so hard to convince niggas not to vote.. On a Black website.. Its weird af

nobody is convincing you guys not to vote tho boo

everyone seems pretty firm in their stances
its just folks aint going to make us believe that voting is going to produce radical changes

like fuck no.
so thats why im in here debating.
It's funny as hell that some of these vote or die ppl consistently show all they do is vote and nothing else.

Because they always asking everyone else what THEY'RE doing. Ol look at my sticker, I made change today ass niggas

Then have the nerve to suggest ppl who oppose the current system run for office when they wouldn't vote for them anyway because they are so beholden to the democratic party.
I think it’s time to start ignoring @Race Jones , lol. The hypocrisy and willful ignorance in her arguments is blinding. Won’t vote but will complain about who gets elected. Paints all politicians to be the same but doesn’t know anything about 90% of the elected politicians. Won’t directly address her contradictions and only uses Tweets to support her arguments.

She just needs a few more years to mature politically. It’s easy to get swept up in these anti narratives because they are cool when you’re young and easy to influence.
What's the endgame for those of you saying that both parties are the same? Are you still living in the 19th century? I know a dude in my city that ran for a city council seat. he was born in 1992. Are you telling me that this nigga born in 1992 has the same exact vales that Democrats and Republicans had in the 1800's or 1900's?

You niggas act like politics never changes.
The politics haven't changed though. It's still a game of power consolidation and creating sheep. Younger politicians still have to kneel to the power established before them, which molds the power to come after. If you try to break the mold, you end up broken yourself. You're talking like this is a Disney film where the hard working good guys eventually overcome the evil odds. There's no cap to the government's appetite for power, and this is world wide. As dumb as Americans are stereotype as globally, few other countries can say that their citizens can wage a war on the government the way we can here; this is the main reason I see Democrats desperate take guns away from people, because then you have no choice but to comply, as you have no self defense. As it stands you can hardly speak in public without some extreme opposition wishing you death or imprisonment for practicing the first amendment. We can disagree, but now people want you to pay for disagreeing with your job or freedom; and that became popular Obama (kinda like N. Korea or the Nazis).
If you don't understand how important the origin of a political party is in determining it's progress or lack thereof, I don't know what to tell your wanna be smart ass. So you're saying these new dems are sooo different huh?

You know, you sit up here and cheerlead for democrats all damn day, yet you can't point to anything of substance they have done to help our community. I'm not talking about symolism (oh we got black women in our party) or rising tide shit.

The dems repeatedly run on the campaign of "those evil republican want to oppress yall" yet they never have any plan to combat it. Again, I'm talking for us and ONLY for us. Since you are doing their dirty work by shaming your own community for not blindly following them, do you at least agree our community should get something exclusively to address our issue that the dems always acknowledge but never take action on?

My nigga.......

Answer me this one question. How has anything that black people have that is substantial come to be? Did it just magically appear?
The politics haven't changed though. It's still a game of power consolidation and creating sheep. Younger politicians still have to kneel to the power established before them, which molds the power to come after. If you try to break the mold, you end up broken yourself. You're talking like this is a Disney film where the hard working good guys eventually overcome the evil odds. There's no cap to the government's appetite for power, and this is world wide. As dumb as Americans are stereotype as globally, few other countries can say that their citizens can wage a war on the government the way we can here; this is the main reason I see Democrats desperate take guns away from people, because then you have no choice but to comply, as you have no self defense. As it stands you can hardly speak in public without some extreme opposition wishing you death or imprisonment for practicing the first amendment. We can disagree, but now people want you to pay for disagreeing with your job or freedom; and that became popular Obama (kinda like N. Korea or the Nazis).

I know you did not just sit here on the internet on a black forum and tell me that politics from the 1800's to now have not changed.
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