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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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How many of you anti niggas have lives outside of the United States for longer than say 6 months?
What does that have to do with recognizing that the Democratic party is as sleazy as the Right they have been vilifying for decades? There's no doubt that other countries have tighter holds over their populace compared to the US, but that lack of hold is what many here are trying to protect. When I look at Biden/Harris, I see two people with team behind them that wants to get rid of the second amendment, increase the number of people dependent on a big government, and make it easier to lock people up. I expect the Right to try and screw me somehow, they are open sellouts to the highest bidder most of the time. Yet the Left is exactly like you're typical black church pastor who is leading sheep into his Cadillac.
Hahaha legit. I only hear people tell black people to vote Democrat. It's never to vote because it's your right, it's vote the "right" way or you're wasting your rights. Black people, take a seriously look at our "progress" under Democratic leaders and prove it has worked out well.

I'm not saying vote Republican, but vote for people with your best interests; not some old white lady who panders to our culture by going on a radio show and swearing she doesn't go anywhere without hot sauce in her purse. Democrats are sickening.
I don’t think anyone in here that’s voting democrat would condemn someone for voting Republican. We might argue the finer points of each side, but that’s it.

Although I also don’t agree with not voting, to each his own on that too.

I just don’t see the need to convince others to not vote and ride so hard for that stance. And I don’t see how people don’t see that by not voting you help Trump. It’s pretty simple statistics.

Now if you understand that and still stand on your principle, then cool. But don’t act like it’s not going to help Trump. And don’t complain when things in the country don’t go your way.
name them ...


Marcia Fudge. She's from my city. She cares about black people. She used to babysit my cousins. She's not a black politician that doesn't care about black people like you suggested. She's a hard worker from the fucking streets. Worked her way up and she's one of only two black State Representative in the state of Ohio.

But go off on your rant and tell everybody how all of these niggas are coons or sheep that don't have our interest. Some of these people you are talking about are us. You sound stupid and you are very obviously young or have just picked up political information recently in your life because you have an incredible amount of disrespect to the people who paved a way for you black ass to even have a way.
What does that have to do with recognizing that the Democratic party is as sleazy as the Right they have been vilifying for decades? There's no doubt that other countries have tighter holds over their populace compared to the US, but that lack of hold is what many here are trying to protect. When I look at Biden/Harris, I see two people with team behind them that wants to get rid of the second amendment, increase the number of people dependent on a big government, and make it easier to lock people up. I expect the Right to try and screw me somehow, they are open sellouts to the highest bidder most of the time. Yet the Left is exactly like you're typical black church pastor who is leading sheep into his Cadillac.

You didn't answer my question. I want to know if you've ever lived outside of the United States for longer than 6 months. You and other in here talk a lot of big shit like the United States is some country that we can all get together and just takeover and I find it laughable. I want to know if you've ever lived anywhere other than here and if you have why are you choosing America as the country to carry out your political revolution? Why America and not some other country that you might actually have a chance with on your political revolution?
No they don't. What you're doing right now is painting every democrat with a broad brush. We don't even have to go into detail. Simply look at the representation of the Republican party. It's nothing but white men. A few token niggas like Tim Scott. No black women. Submissive white women. That is the Republican party.

The Democratic party is the complete opposite. The Democratic party actually looks like America.

The Republican party is a cult. The Democratic party is not. Hell find any Republican in congress and compare them to a black woman who is in the Democratic party. You want us to sit here and believe that they are the same people from the same ilk?

Enough this rhetoric about all of these politicians having some secret society ill intentions or supreme power dynamics. Stop it. You act like some of these people aren't regular niggas just like us. They are. Where the fuck do you think all of these black people who get elected came from? I personally know niggas who are public officials. Mayors, Representatives, I have relationships with Senators who are from the same upbringing as most of us. But you want to sit up here and disregard anybody in the Democratic party because you're to jaded and simple to express your distain for the Republican party. So instead of focusing your energy on your real enemy which is the Republican party you get lazy as fuck and say "You know what while I'm here fuck Democrats too"

Stop doing that stupid ass shit.

It's lazy my nigga.

It serves no one except for Republicans. Thus why it is a Republican talking point.

I had this same mindset about the parties when I voted for Obama during his first run, but it's a lie. The Democrats are slick. They know that racism is a losing game on the frontend, but they know how to push the same racist policies by being willing to sacrifice "their own" to make them appear balanced. They play the race game on a policy level, but ultimately black people have been lab rats for the eventual treatment of all citizens under a super government.
Any way to answer your inquiries

im not sure how and what an exodus would look like...

could we negotiate a deal for land? Go into a partnership with a black African nation?

obviously we cant just all pick up and leave wothout a plan.

my statement was to convey that the ONLY way for us a black people, black americans, ADOS, Foundational Black or whatever we wanna call ourselves to have everything our way is to have our own nation.

However since we dont have that...participating in the political process of the country we are currently in os the best way to achieve these things...there are things that blacks must resolve in themselves...politics is a dirty game...always has been and always will be....politics was dirty way before America was a twinkle in the eye of the world.

If you wanna play in politics you gotta be willing to get dirty...you gotta be willing to buy politicians, make back door deals...and fuck over other people and groups

Until we as black folk totally realize that...we womt ever gain any ground and will continue to be taken advantage of politically
wow. I couldnt have said this any better. i have been speaking about this over and over again in this thread and ppl are still acting like sheep. dazed and confused.

do you write? this was very well explained and actually enjoyable to read

Not too often as of late, but I used to enjoy doing so often.
I had this same mindset about the parties when I voted for Obama during his first run, but it's a lie. The Democrats are slick. They know that racism is a losing game on the frontend, but they know how to push the same racist policies by being willing to sacrifice "their own" to make them appear balanced. They play the race game on a policy level, but ultimately black people have been lab rats for the eventual treatment of all citizens under a super government.

My nigga......

You keep talking like every Democrat shares the same values. They do not. There are many different types of Democrats so you have got to stop talking as if they are all the same. They are not.

Now Republicans......

All republicans are the same. That's what they are. A cult. They all enable each other. Republicans "Get on code" like the fake smart niggas be saying because they are all the same.

Democrats are not all the same. AOC is Democrat. Nancy Pelosi is a Democrat. They do not have the same political beliefs. They are however in the same party.

All Republicans are the same. Period.

You can't sit here and talk about Democrats like they're all Joe Biden or they're all Obama or they're all Bernie Sanders. They are not.
Joe Manchin and Kamala Harris are both Democrats. they have completely different ideals.

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are both Republicans. Politically they are the same. All Republicans are the same. All Democrats are not.
Any way to answer your inquiries

im not sure how and what an exodus would look like...

could we negotiate a deal for land? Go into a partnership with a black African nation?

obviously we cant just all pick up and leave wothout a plan.

my statement was to convey that the ONLY way for us a black people, black americans, ADOS, Foundational Black or whatever we wanna call ourselves to have everything our way is to have our own nation.

However since we dont have that...participating in the political process of the country we are currently in os the best way to achieve these things...there are things that blacks must resolve in themselves...politics is a dirty game...always has been and always will be....politics was dirty way before America was a twinkle in the eye of the world.

If you wanna play in politics you gotta be willing to get dirty...you gotta be willing to buy politicians, make back door deals...and fuck over other people and groups

Until we as black folk totally realize that...we womt ever gain any ground and will continue to be taken advantage of politically

You can’t go into a Africa nation trying to turn it into what you want.

why would they give up land to folks that the only thing they share is the color of their skin? So much land would have to be given up. We don’t share their views at all. We are different in every way besides skin color. Biggest question is what would they have to gain?

That would never work and that’s some colonization type shit
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Yet the Left is exactly like you're typical black church pastor who is leading sheep into his Cadillac.


The way these niggas be so ready to jump off the top rope with responses lol

Niggas are in here reading to rebuttle and not to actually understand the opposing position

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the dramatics really be killing me. like read what ppl are saying. we all want the same things essentially but one way is simply not working. thats it and thats all.
Marcia Fudge. She's from my city. She cares about black people. She used to babysit my cousins. She's not a black politician that doesn't care about black people like you suggested. She's a hard worker from the fucking streets. Worked her way up and she's one of only two black State Representative in the state of Ohio.

But go off on your rant and tell everybody how all of these niggas are coons or sheep that don't have our interest. Some of these people you are talking about are us. You sound stupid and you are very obviously young or have just picked up political information recently in your life because you have an incredible amount of disrespect to the people who paved a way for you black ass to even have a way.

@Race Jones

Does this politician I gave you as an example care about black people or not?
I don’t think anyone in here that’s voting democrat would condemn someone for voting Republican. We might argue the finer points of each side, but that’s it.

Although I also don’t agree with not voting, to each his own on that too.

I just don’t see the need to convince others to not vote and ride so hard for that stance. And I don’t see how people don’t see that by not voting you help Trump. It’s pretty simple statistics.

Now if you understand that and still stand on your principle, then cool. But don’t act like it’s not going to help Trump. And don’t complain when things in the country don’t go your way.

Not voting can be a protest if it's backed up with a plan. In one of your previous replies you brought needing an organized front willing to play politics, except in the interest of black people as a cultural whole. The reason we don't have this is the same reason people say things like "go back to Africa," which we would if we knew where in Africa to go, but we are such a diverse group (even in America) that our values conflict. Black people may share melanin, but some just want the American dream, others way to reclaim what was stripped during slavery, and then there are groups who are still trying to discover an identity.

Collectively we should probably be treated for PTSD, because just learning black history is like reading horror fiction.
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