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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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so is Tulsi still in this thang? I keep seeing her at the bottom of all the polling things but she hasn't been at any of the debates? I mean she's hot but that's got nothing to do with my vote lmao

:scust: :scust: :scust:



Lol..flav look so confused, "wheres the white kids wit the african medallions?"
Nah, that ain't it. A lot of blacks are just slaves to the Democratic establishment. There's no other way to put it. When that shit about Biden supporting bussing and then trying to justify why he did it came out, he should have been disqualified as far as the black vote went, but niggas still letting him live off the fact that he was Obama's vice president. Shit is ridiculous.

My my my how times have changed. The bold a while ago would've led to so man negative reactions and automatic post from folks just saying you support Trump and republicans just by saying that.

It's good to see folks have back off of that
The moderate Republicans are assembling giphy.gif

Here are the facts Bernie hasnt learned from 2016

Branding matters hes not his own best messenger for his politics Elizabeth Warren is

He stubbornly hangs on to the term Democratic Socialism and scurries at the
mention of race and pivots to classism those are a few of his flaws
U think so? I dont think trump knows wtf he wants. He saw a chance to troll. So he trolled. Trolls gone troll. It aint that deep

A while back somebody released some audio of him talking to some of his people, and he pretty much said he believed Bernie could beat him. I don't remember if it was from last election or more recent.

I can't remember where, but I saw a comment referring to Petey as a "Log Cabin Republican", which is basically a lot of these moderate Democrats are: Republicans in disguise. They can't get on the same page or realize they're on the same Team with all of the infighting on display. You gotta give it to the Republicans, though: they may despise Trump, even talk trash about him behind his back, but they never did that out in the open, only in private. They know he's their Great Whyte Hope and why they're in Power right now, so they keep their opinions to themselves.

Bruh, this photo.......


What is she yelling about?

Well, he does have a point. We're all sharecroppers at the end of the Day.
Trump is attracting a new crop of big donors, including many who have never given before

Ejike Okpa, a Nigerian American commercial real estate developer in Dallas who started a PAC called Africans for MAGA, gave his first major political donations to Trump’s reelection: $35,000 in 2017 and $10,000 in 2018. He has always preferred nontraditional candidates, he said — he gave $250 to Obama in 2008 — and he likes that Trump is a fighter and disrupter in Washington.

Okpa is now a bundler for Trump Victory and boasts a collection of selfies with the president’s family, a signed copy of Donald Trump Jr.’s book and an autographed thumbs-up photo with Trump.

“What he stands for, the way he has approached doing things for America, just kind of intrigues me,” Okpa said. “I vote, but when you match that with a financial contribution, it’s an additional show of support and commitment.”

This nigga's a disgrace to Niggas worldwide. Standing next to the Anti-Christ, cheesin' like the Cream of Wheat man.


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