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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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You asked about the Crime bill and why people were upset about it earlier. I gave you the answer and also pointed you towards the 1986 crime bill that Biden also helped write. You skipped over that post. So don't say I'm being simplistic about this shit. I've given you clear points.

But to this post, yeh I'm aware people had to fight just to vote. What's your point? How can you say with a straight face that Biden will "move us forward and closer" to solving our questions and problems, when he's directly responsible for making the Drug War about OUR communities in 1986, and then turned cops into mini-armies in 94? You think the man who set the fire will put it out? Really? At least balance things out on the ticket, but they went and pick Harris.

That's the paradox here, I don't get why some keep sidestepping it. Fuck Trump and Fuck Biden. Biden's own VP pick called his ass out for being against desegregation, I haven't even talked about that, but my parents lived it. So when you ask if I'm aware, of course I am. You're in here yelling at p[eople for not voting for Racist #2 over Racist #1, like that's an actual choice. FOH

And this shit isn't a race, it's a scam. Every election cycle we're told to vote and shut up. The usual endorsements come, and we're supposed to nod and cheer no matter who's chosen for us. Again, not saying people shouldn't vote Biden/Harris, but at the same time you are giving people a reason to right now.

What do you expect to happen if Joe Biden wins the election? Honest question. Do you think he's gonna send the feds to niggas front door? I mean Trump and Barr literally have private police on our streets in our communities. They have have white supremacist acting bolder and more out in the open then they have been since slavery. these are all facts that we know we are up against so I am asking you to explain to me what Joe Biden has you so afraid of by voting for him? Do you honestly expect worse under Joe Biden?
Y'all can't be serious with this vote for the dems or stfu. Gtfoh. I'm black and I've been on the bottom even before I was born. So voting ain't gone change nothing for me until their is a candidate who fights for me. Somebody in this thread said something to the affect of we need is to seize power of the voting process. And the only way to do that is for us to put people favorable to us in power and to do that is to vote.

Nigga is you stupid or slow? How the fuck are blacks who make up only 13%Of the population going to do that? How sway?

And fuck kamala non foundational bee. She don't like your black ass but vote for that ticket because they'll be better master's to ya. Somebody on here said it best. The dems are like foxes and will be already eating on you before you know it. And the pubs are wolves. You know whay they're about and you can prepare accordingly. I swear I hate blacks more and more

How the fuck is their gonna be a candidate who fights for you without voting?
Why are black people arguing with racist white people about what this means and if shes black enough.

The only conversation black people should be having with racist is the conversation you have with someone when you have your foot on their neck..

Fuck all that other shit...
So just bypass all the reasons not to vote for somebody...it's gotta be fear.

No I'm asking if you had a fear of voting for HRC because if you did not have a fear of voting for her were you more open to what Trump presented than what HRC presented? If fear was not a factor than did you make a conscious effort to ensure that Trump would be President?
Why are black people arguing with racist white people about what this means and if shes black enough.

The only conversation black people should be having with racist is the conversation you have with someone when you have your foot on their neck..

Fuck all that other shit...
I said this when trump jr was questioning her blackness last yr cuz hotep twitter kept making it part of the conversation.
No I'm asking if you had a fear of voting for HRC because if you did not have a fear of voting for her were you more open to what Trump presented than what HRC presented? If fear was not a factor than did you make a conscious effort to ensure that Trump would be President?
I live in California - a very blue state. It didnt matter who I voted for it was going to Hillary.

There was no fear. I didn't like either candidate so I didn't vote for either candidate. Simple as that.
I live in California - a very blue state. It didnt matter who I voted for it was going to Hillary.

There was no fear. I didn't like her so I didn't vote for her. Simple as that.

If every person in California voted like that then that wouldn't be the case now would it? How many people in various states didn't vote because they just assumed Trump wouldn't win?

I'm asking you what made you oppose voting for HRC which led to a Trump victory?
If every person in California voted like that then that wouldn't be the case now would it? How many people in various states didn't vote because they just assumed Trump wouldn't win?

I'm asking you what made you oppose voting for HRC which led to a Trump victory?
You can play this goofy what if shit all you want. Did hillary win california in 2016 or did she not
What do you expect to happen if Joe Biden wins the election? Honest question. Do you think he's gonna send the feds to niggas front door? I mean Trump and Barr literally have private police on our streets in our communities. They have have white supremacist acting bolder and more out in the open then they have been since slavery. these are all facts that we know we are up against so I am asking you to explain to me what Joe Biden has you so afraid of by voting for him? Do you honestly expect worse under Joe Biden?
What do you mean "expect to happen"? My problem with Biden is I despise his polices the last 40 years, and don't trust a word out his mouth. It's not about fear. No different than if Bloomberg had been chosen.

And Biden is literally a white supremacist too fam. Dude argued again desegregation openly, and talked shit about us for decades. Again, you keep asking why I hesitate to vote for Racist #2 over Racist #1, like that's a good choice. At no point has Biden made amends for the shit he's done, instead he's getting rewards with he presidency, and anyone not kissing his ring is getting attacked. You bring up the private police in our communities.....and keep skipping over that Biden is the man responsible for this shit.

And again, I got no problem with anyone who votes Biden'Hairris, I may end up doing the same. But yelling and insulting people for questioning his or Harris's record is doing nothing to help. You should be promoting their ideas, not attacking your own to prop them up.
How many people positing on this board were adults when the crime bill was signed? For all the talk about Joe Biden and The Clintons and the crime bill I'd like to hear about it from black people who were adults at the time it was signed. I'm only 32. I was 6 when the crime bill was signed. It's easy for me to look back retroactively and complain about the negative impact the crime bill had on our community but I was 6 when it was signed. I want to know what the black people who were adults felt like about it.

I'd also like to add that I had a few crackheads in my family that lived with me at the time the crime bill was signed. These relatives were strung out. Would be gone for weeks at a time lost to the streets. Crack hit our communities hard. Yes I know that we didn't put it there. I know what the war on drugs was really about. I'm just acknowledging that regardless how those drugs got into our hoods and who started the crime waves it was real. So 32 year old me can't argue completely about what our communities needed. I want to know what some of the ol heads remember about our communities when the crime bill was signed.

We don't even need to go that far. Just look at bidens (and all these other politicians) response when drugs infested our communities
*Lock them up
*"war on drugs

And compare it to the opioid "epidemic" that ravaging white suburbia
*we need more resource
*people need treatment not criminalization

That's all I need to remember
He hurt his head
What do you mean "expect to happen"? My problem with Biden is I despise his polices the last 40 years, and don't trust a word out his mouth. It's not about fear. No different than if Bloomberg had been chosen.

And Biden is literally a white supremacist too fam. Dude argued again desegregation openly, and talked shit about us for decades. Again, you keep asking why I hesitate to vote for Racist #2 over Racist #1, like that's a good choice. At no point has Biden made amends for the shit he's done, instead he's getting rewards with he presidency, and anyone not kissing his ring is getting attacked. You bring up the private police in our communities.....and keep skipping over that Biden is the man responsible for this shit.

And again, I got no problem with anyone who votes Biden'Hairris, I may end up doing the same. But yelling and insulting people for questioning his or Harris's record is doing nothing to help. You should be promoting their ideas, not attacking your own to prop them up.

You seem to have a simplistic view of what The POTUS is though. You do realize that there is more to it then just being a figure head right? You talk about Joe Biden like he's going to be a dictator if he is elected. Do you know that he will appoint other people to other government positions? Or do you think he's gonna be a racist crime toting bigot the whole time he is President?
You seem to have a simplistic view of what The POTUS is though. You do realize that there is more to it then just being a figure head right? You talk about Joe Biden like he's going to be a dictator if he is elected. Do you know that he will appoint other people to other government positions? Or do you think he's gonna be a racist crime toting bigot the whole time he is President?
You're not even answering my posts, starting to wonder if you're a bot. Where have I said I'm worried about Biden or fear he's going to be a dictator?? Every one of my posts are about Biden's record and all the shit he's done and never owned up to.

Let me recap that shit for you..
-Fought desegregation
-Put the 100-1 rule in place for the 1986 crime bill which led to the mass incarceration of that generation.
-wrote the 1994 crime bill that turned police forces into mini-armies
-helped bring over votes to make the Iraq War happen
-he's still not apologetic about any of this

All of this is what I and many have to get passed. And yet again, if he had balanced the ticket, then maybe that would be easier to do. But picking Harris is leaving alot feeling cold and left out. People like you being dismissive ins't helping either. And of course we know he'll be appointing others to positions, but again, the Harris pick doesn't signal to me that Biden's choice will do shit for us.
I will go ahead and jump off the ledge and say that most white people over 50 are racists

and most of our active politicians nationally are over 50 and white

It may be overly simplistic and I am admitting that so all you big word, -ism, intellectual posting ass niggas can relax

but If we want to see more progressive and equal politics on both sides...we gotta get these old mother fuckers up outta there
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