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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Bernie to me accepted defeat in this debate. Like his purpose on the stage wasnt to win the nomination but more to forcefully help shape Bidens policies.

He kept telling Biden your heart is in the right place but you got to do more. He said that shit like 5 times in different places.

That's probably why he's on Anderson Cooper right now. I feel like Sanders has no sense if strategy and likes to hear himself talk. We get it man you're intelligent and strong willed but you gotta be more strategic bruh.

After Tuesday he's probably gonna drop out and back Biden. Seeing this tells me he and Biden had a conversation earlier and choosing to talk on Anderson Cooper and bigging up Biden at some points with him probably means he's going to drop out for sure.
That's probably why he's on Anderson Cooper right now. I feel like Sanders has no sense if strategy and likes to hear himself talk. We get it man you're intelligent and strong willed but you gotta be more strategic bruh.

After Tuesday he's probably gonna drop out and back Biden. Seeing this tells me he and Biden had a conversation earlier and choosing to talk on Anderson Cooper and bigging up Biden at some points with him probably means he's going to drop out for sure.

Yep. I get that feeling too. Like bernie holding out hope but bernie also doesnt want to repeat what happened in 2016.

You dont tell your debate opponent that you agree and his heart is in the right place if you think he can win.
Yeah but there's other ways to do it and not come off like you're lower than them. You could do it on a podcast, magazine interview or something.

What you say makes sense but Bernie swinging for homeruns now. He already pretty much lost this and trying to get as much facetime as he can. Nothing to lose.
Trump the oldest president ever and Bernie and Biden both 5yrs older than him

If they win and plan on workin 8yrs into the future our president gonna be pushin 90
Naming a black woman to the supreme court tho? I aint mad at that...

There’s a black man there right now
Trump the oldest president ever and Bernie and Biden both 5yrs older than him

If they win and plan on workin 8yrs into the future our president gonna be pushin 90

Being president especially now is gonna take its toll on them physically. I don't see Biden wanting to go a full 8 years.

But I'll say, Biden definitely has the best circumstances to win right now.

Btw the economy is probably going to contract and fall into a recession. At least it will in China and Italy.
*Looks for black issues*
Hm, nope didn't see that
The bad thing is even if enough black people are mindful enough to move in a way where we choose not to vote for Biden because we dont believe he will legislate in a way friendly to us. If he loses because of the deficiency of black votes. The narrative from the Democratic back media will be the blacks didnt show up, it's their fault. Without examining why the black vote didnt show up.

That's where we as a community need honest and respected leader to explain that the black community will not longer be the foster child that shows up to hold the Democratic party down. Just so it can then turn around and treat other demographics like their real family.

We need to take control of our narrative, not all of us, but just the minority that are awaken enough to see the games they are playing with us. What good is a crime bill, if those that act upon it refused to see the difference in a drug dealing murderer victimizing his community and a kid dressed like how he's dress, casually walking down the street smoking a bone.

It's like their thinking is kill them all and let god sort them out. Then what's left is those of us with influence to work on criminal reform and it looks like we are aiding the worse of us. It's a nasty nasty situation but it can be resolved If we move cohesively. If folks move altruistic and stop trying to get the Al Sharpton bag.
Sanders doesn't even dress like a president

Biden looks good.

LOLOLOLOL @ Sanders voting against the bailout, this is why his economic policies are trash. The government gave the banks the money to stabilize themselves. They had to pay it back. If the banks had gone bust everyone would have been fucked.

You went in America during the Recession.

Do you know how many millions of people lost their livelihood because of the crooks on Wallstreet?

Where was their bailout?

Why did banks get Billions zero interest loans that rewarded their criminal activity that destroyed the global economy?

Why couldn’t Wallstreet and the 1% incur a tax that could have bailed out those banks? Why the American people?

These questions and others are why YOU are wrong on some of the nuances of how we deploy economic policy.
Im not a Biden supporter at all. But I wouldnt mind Biden saying some of those votea were from 30,20, and 10 years ago. People change, and the country has fundamentally changed, and so have my views.

Now I would accept this as a reasonable answer because its very human and something we all relate too. People change. All of our views have changed in the past 10-20 years too.

But is the average american so judgemental that they wouldnt be able to accept that answer? Shit stay being black and white.

How can he change if he never admitted he was wrong?
He just lied about SS three times in a row. He has no remorse, fam.

Also, America is tired of politicians flip flopping for what is convenient.

Do you have principles or not?
Are you working for your donors or not?

Otherwise Republicans and your donors will convince you to do ANYTHING on some bi-partisan/ “this helps the people by extension” shit.

That is what has happened for the last 50 years.

That is why we are in the mess we are in
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