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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Remember a week ago when online nigga warriors wouldn’t stop reminding us that the black vote saved Biden....a man who s continually lied about his actions during the civil rights movement....

now this dude ain’t acknowledge negro issues all night


He lied 31 times about his civil rights record, architected the Crime Bill; and was friends with pro-slavery segregationists.

But Biden is the one who cares about black issues
You went in America during the Recession.

Do you know how many millions of people lost their livelihood because of the crooks on Wallstreet?

Where was their bailout?

Why did banks get Billions zero interest loans that rewarded their criminal activity that destroyed the global economy?

Why couldn’t Wallstreet and the 1% incur a tax that could have bailed out those banks? Why the American people?

These questions and others are why YOU are wrong on some of the nuances of how we deploy economic policy.

It was either let the banks all crash & every American lose their livelihood, or 10% of the country & then rebuild. People like Warren Buffett were warning about subprime mortgages years prior & how they were "weapons of mass destruction" & people said they were dinosaurs and out of touch for not investing. Wall Street did not have trillions of dollars in liquid cash to inject into a $19 trillion economy. If you got a call in 2008 asking you to repay your mortgage & all you & your wife's debt in 14 days could you afford to ? That's what the bailout prevented.

Most regional banks went under but the big 6 & a small handful of others were bailed out AND paid back the money. The government then offered the public TARP warrants as goodwill which were worth tens of thousands selling for pennies on the dollars (free money) & I was the only person on the IC telling people about them and NO ONE save for maybe 2 other posters bought them.

Some of those execs & mortgage brokers definitely should have gone to jail no doubt but there was no easy decision. No other country let all their banks all go to zero & if Sanders had his way the country would still be in depression & crumbled under its own weight. Sanders is brilliant on social issues & education but terrible for advice on economic direction.
How can he change if he never admitted he was wrong?
He just lied about SS three times in a row. He has no remorse, fam.

Also, America is tired of politicians flip flopping for what is convenient.

Do you have principles or not?
Are you working for your donors or not?

Otherwise Republicans and your donors will convince you to do ANYTHING on some bi-partisan/ “this helps the people by extension” shit.

That is what has happened for the last 50 years.

That is why we are in the mess we are in
You really believe the bolded underlined???
Question: how do y’all feel about the idea of Senator Kamala Harris being Uncle Joe’s VP running mate?

Read about on Harris and her past, shes not a coon, and not a negative side opportunist. Thing the when it comes to Harris and the law, is that its black and white to her. Meaning she doesnt care about the why, outside of groups that she self identifies with. And I know you are thinking she identifies with being black. She does, she identifies with her why of her race, not the how of her race. So if the issue was issue where say, police brutality lead to a death. She would be impartial, unless there was overwhelming evidence, and even then she would error more on the side of the law. It would be a moderate judge, not a progressive judge. These democrats are that you see being held up, are not progressive. All progressives are Democrats, not all Democrats are progressive. There is nothing gained from her appointment other than historical purpose. I dont see where the judges on the SC are far right in action.
Question: how do y’all feel about the idea of Senator Kamala Harris being Uncle Joe’s VP running mate?

Trash as i said before her attack. on Bidens associations and support of white supremacist was purely politica'

there are certain things that happen in politics were you fight it out and then move on.. but this shouldnt be on of them... but people love optics and live vicariously through peoples own ambitions...

If her criticque was principle and purposeful she wouldnt accept endorse. or angle for a vp slot
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